Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter Five Hundred And Fortieth One: Gin For Primary School Students

on Monday.

If there are no activities, the elementary school where Nishinomiya Glass is studying ends at about three o'clock.

Although many students like to leave the campus as soon as possible after school, most of them still like to get together and play outside because it is still early.

But Nishinomiya Glass has no such friends.

She just packed her schoolbag when it was time to leave school, and took the initiative to go to the podium to wipe the blackboard, and then walked out of the school with the notes for communication... Today is Monday, but even after the weekend, she is willing to There are still very few people who write in her notes and communicate with her.

She always looks a little cautious when walking.

Because the ears can't hear, it may be dangerous not to observe the surroundings, but today, shortly after "607" walked out of the school, a shadow suddenly enveloped her.


He was wearing a black windbreaker, with his hands in his pockets, his blue eyes, which were slightly covered by the brim of his top hat, stared down at the little Nishinomiya Glass, and his eyes looked a little scary.

But Nishimiya Glass was not timid, she just pursed her lips, and opened the own notes under Gin's gaze.

"Please don't hit people." This is what she wrote in advance before school.

Gin was unmoved.

His eyes just glanced over the page, without words or expressions.

Nishinomiya Glass showed a somewhat anxious expression.

She quickly turned the page, took a pen to write on it, and handed it to Gin after finishing writing.


"But it hurts to get hit."

"Please don't hit anyone."

The handwriting is a little immature, but it also reveals a kind of elegance.

Nishinomiya Glass looked at Gin seriously.

The little girl probably still doesn't know what the chat group is, and she doesn't know what the situation is like for everyone in the chat group, because facing Qin Jiu, a murderous killer, there is no fear on her face, just a little anxious Looking at each other requestingly.

Gin made a "tsk", but Nishinomiya Glass couldn't hear it, so he had no choice but to take her note, took out the pen he had prepared earlier from his pocket, and wrote something on it.


Nishinomiya Glass smiled when she saw it.

She showed a particularly pure and reassuring smile to Gin, which made the latter snort indifferently.

Afterwards, Little Glass hesitated a little.

Due to physical reasons, the family always asked her to go home immediately after school, but she hesitated looking at the gin.

The tall killer seemed to be aware of this too, so he made a gesture casually and asked the other party to go home directly... Although he was a little worried, Little Glass still nodded.

she left.

Gin didn't watch her go, but walked a few steps to a vending machine, and threw 500 yen into it.

Although it is Japanese yen in other worlds, it turned out to be usable here... He bought a bottle of mineral water, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed three boys walking out of the school gate together

That's the goal.

Masaya Ikeda, Kazuki Shimada, and Fatty who doesn't play much...

These three people are the main force who bully Nitro in the school.

Although there are still some girls in the school who like to isolate Nitzi from the outside, what these three boys have done is undoubtedly much more, not only deliberately destroying Nitzi's hearing aids, tripping each other with brooms during the cleaning, and deliberately pouring water on them. Nitro's body...

To be honest, he was completely indifferent to such an outrageous incident, but after all, who told him to say that in the chat group two days ago, he naturally resolved it.

Gin walked towards the three of them from behind.

"Smelly glasses are really annoying."


"Because Shoya went too far this time."

The three of them laughed and cursed.

And the stinky glasses in their mouths refer to the teachers in their class.

Qin Jiu didn't care about this, he just reached out and grabbed Ikeda Masaya by the back of the collar when the three of them walked into the alley, causing the other party to scream, and the two companions were surprised. Looking back, when I met Qin Jiu's cold gaze, my heart was suddenly full of panic.....

"You, what are you doing!? Let me go!"

The answer to Ikeda was also a cold smile on Gin's face.

As a wicked executioner, although Gin's image is quite good, but when he grinned, it would only make people feel extremely ferocious.

Several primary school students screamed in fright.

Even Shimada Yiqi and that little Fatty were so scared that they forgot to escape for a while.

But they can't escape

Under the horrified gaze of the two, Gin strangled Ikeda Masaya's neck... His action was not considered to break the decision with Nishinomiya Glass, after all, being strangled was more painful than being strangled It just makes people feel suffocated.

"If you dare to move, I will kill you."

he said.

His voice was hoarse, with a bit of murderous intent.

For Qin Jiu, murderous intent might be as natural as his breathing, but how could those primary school students who only dared to bully the weak and fear the hard have seen such a battle? The strong sense of fear made them groan, and their legs became weak and fell down. Sit on the ground.

Gin dropped Ikeda Masaya and took out a small bottle from his pocket.

——After the black organization was destroyed 0.7, he took a lot of things from the organization, most of which were poison.

In addition to the "APTX4869" that can shrink people's bodies, there are some poisons that are not fatal, but they are neurotoxic... If swallowed, they will cause irreversible damage to some parts of the human body. It could be the eyes, it could be the ears, it could be the throat...

Since they like to bully the hearing-impaired little Niater so much, let them try it too.

Holding Shimada Yiqi's chin, under the opponent's desperate struggle, Gin poured down the poison with cold eyes - he was not afraid of this scene being watched by pedestrians outside the alley anyway, after finishing this, he directly Just leave here.


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