Late autumn nights always come extra early.

Not long after the evening passed, and the new moon was just in its early days, the Hakurei Shrine was already quite lively.


It's not eight o'clock yet?

Don't care! There are so many people here, of course we should hold the banquet quickly!

"Ahaha! The appetizers should be served quickly!"

"Is there enough wine this time?"

"Enough! Otherwise, why would you guys drink all of you to the ground!?"

"Hey, I can't pretend that I didn't hear the provocative words."

For a banquet in Gensokyo, no alcohol is absolutely impossible.

Excluding alcohol can make people feel refreshed, no alcohol means that it is difficult to push the atmosphere of the banquet to a climax, because on the surface people always have a minimum of reserve, and at this time alcohol can loosen this bondage and make people drunk Drinking water is undoubtedly the best prop to ignite the atmosphere.

"Huh? Everyone from Yakumo's family is here too."

At this time, the shoji gates of the shrine were opened to both sides, and it was Yakumo Zi, Shikigami and Fang Mingjing who walked in.

"It's really rare to have such a large number of people come to a banquet together."

Yakumo Zi happily walked over.

Fang Mingjing followed behind her, and when others looked at her curiously, he also looked around.

It's different from what I imagined...

Generally speaking, if we talk about a banquet, most people will think of a grand occasion, and then grandeur and luxury are indispensable, right? But here it is different. There are only a few large tables put together, and wine is placed on them. There are also appetizers, a bunch of people are so lively and noisy, this is a banquet.

Maybe such a casual banquet is the most suitable, after all, for most of the monsters gathered here, things that are too particular will cause their dissatisfaction, or this is the situation where they can drink freely That's what they wanted.

"Take it slow and serve three cups, hurry up—beep... drink up such a big bowl..."

"It seems that the banquet has just started not long ago? Speaking of which, what's the matter with your drunken appearance?"

"Ha, don't worry... hiccup, I can't get drunk, come on, (aedg) fill up quickly!"

Seeing Yakumo Zi approaching, a girl with horns on her head was hiccupping while pulling a large bowl and pouring the wine into it.

The smell of alcohol overflowing around her was already so strong that one could get drunk just by smelling it...

Yibuki Cuixiang.

Don't look at the appearance of just a short girl, but in fact this guy is one of the four kings of ghosts, and he is an ultimate alcoholic who keeps himself drunk all day long.

In addition, next to Ibuki Suika, there are Hoshiguma Yuki and Yasaka Kanako, who together with Ibuki Suika are the three major alcoholics... The strength of these three people is also commensurate with their drinking capacity, and they are quite powerful guys.

"Who is this male's child? I haven't seen it!"

"It's so strange, it's actually a male!"

"Come over with Yakumo's family, hello? Yakumo Zi, is this your child?"

"Hahahaha, how is it possible?"

"Anyway, come over and have a drink together!"

The carefree conversation centered on Fang Mingjing.

Looking at the girls who were pouring alcohol into their mouths unceremoniously in front of him, Fang Mingjing felt a little uncomfortable. He couldn't help looking at Yakumo Zi who was supervised by Ibuki Suika and punished herself for three cups.

"Don't be restrained, little group leader, just relax... since it's a banquet, let's just be happy.

Yakumo Zi who drank the wine smiled gently.

"That's right! It doesn't matter if you drink and eat meat, at least act like a man!"

Suddenly, he was pulled to the table, and a "ghost" wearing a college sports uniform with a large wine bowl patted his shoulder and said with a big grin.

"Is there no juice or something?"

"What are you drinking that for?"

After Xingxiong Yongyi, one of the three drunkards, brought Fang Mingjing over, he picked up the wine bowl in his hand that was bigger than her face, and drank it unceremoniously.

Respecting her tough performance, Fang Mingjing took a meat skewer from the table and ate it slowly.

He can drink and is not at all afraid of it.

After all, after taking the medicine of Yongtingting in the evening, his current strength has returned, and he can completely dissolve the alcohol directly.

But what do you drink that for?

Spicy and nose-punching, nothing tastes as good as a drink.

Although there are indeed no drinks at the banquet, but........

Stinky Bean Sprouts: "Who can send me some delicious food?"

So shouted in the chat group.

Immediately, Fang Mingjing received several red envelopes, including not only soft drinks, juices, but even a few baby bottles.

It's Raikou's mother and sister's breast milk...

Although I haven't communicated with them beforehand, they seem to like to put this in a bottle.

Fang Mingjing was a little embarrassed to use this in public, so he took a few bottles of juice and put them on the table.


Fang Mingjing ate the meat skewers with juice.

He is very pleasant.

Slowly, but unconsciously, people can see a bit of joyful eating, so that some people at the table pay attention to him, and then they all laugh.

"drink wine!!!"


"Don't steal my old lady's things!"

The chaotic shouts sounded in the Hakurei Shrine.

At the beginning of the banquet, monsters were fighting, and the monster girls around were also booing and applauding.

While eating by herself, Fang Mingjing looked at Yakumo Zi with some concern, only to find that after finishing three cups (bowls) of fines, she was now holding a small wine glass and pouring each other with Ibuki Suika.

There's a big difference between the two...

On one side is Loli who is drinking generously with a big bowl, and on the other is the blonde beauty who is savoring elegantly. Looking at them, Fang Mingjing really has a little trouble understanding how they get along well.

As if noticing his gaze, Yakumo Zi smiled and said: "The main reason for Xiaoqun is that if you are interested, you can play casually by yourself. After all, everyone is so carefree, so they should be easy to get along with."

The picture shows Suika Ibuki and Yuki Hoshiguma.

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