Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 593: Let's Go Crazy!

Although it was agreed that he would become a security guard for his own house, Fang Mingjing had to announce the failure of the plan early the next morning.

Because I'm going outside to play--

Fang Mingjing has no resistance to this kind of thing, but since it is daytime, it doesn't matter, as long as the activities of the security guards in the house are carried out at night.

"Is there anything Little Brother wants to buy?"

After driving to the largest shopping mall in the urban area, Fang Xinwu found a big cart and asked Fang Mingjing's opinion with a smile.

"Yes, McDonald's children's set meal."

"It's's like this every time. I'll take you there after shopping."


Fang Mingjing smiled, and then said: "Then I want to buy a surfboard, and I can use it for the party."


The girl naturally knew that he was talking about a meeting in a chat group.

However, she is not very interested, so she probably will not attend this party...

"Then I'll go to the relevant store later to have a look. Now, do you want some snacks?"


"Where's the chocolate?"

"Well...not really wanting to.

"Then just take a little, and the biscuit I liked last time... Hey, the ice cream area of ​​223 has changed to this side."

"I want ice cream."


Responding to Fang Mingjing's expectations, the girl smiled sweetly, "It's cold now, so you can't eat."

The little guy was a little disappointed.

However, when it was cold, ice cream did not attract him that much, so the next second he was attracted by other snacks.

When it took more than ten minutes to get out of the large snack area, half of the space in the large trolley was filled with various snacks, and Fang Xinwu looked a little funny looking at Fang Mingjing's contentment ————Every time you go to the mall, just help him pick out snacks first, and the kid will be very good after shopping.

"Sister, this."

When passing a small cabinet, Fang Mingjing suddenly took the girl's hand.

Fang Xinwu looked over, her beauty suddenly turned slightly rosy, and she saw Fang Mingjing was holding a box of "Durex" in his hand, showing a look of eagerness to her:

"Let's go crazy (aeah).

The strong sense of sight made the girl raise her eyebrows.

"It's said that you can't learn to speak from emoticons."


As the price of skinning, both sides of Fang Mingjing's cheeks were pinched.

And was pinched and kneaded several times.

However, this kind of thing did not deter Fang Mingjing at all. After Fang Xinwu let go, he put the things back on the shelf, and was still a little curious at the end.

"It must be uncomfortable to do this?"

What's the problem!

"It should be like this.

Fortunately, the shopping mall in the morning was relatively deserted, and there were no people around, otherwise the girl would have blushed.


Fang Mingjing nodded.

He never used it anyway.

Afterwards, the two of them walked around the shopping mall, and found that there were a lot of things.

Needless to say, things like yogurt and nuts, there are also fish oil, calcium tablets, and vitamin fudge specially for children like Fang Mingjing... Although Fang Mingjing didn't think they needed it at all, Fang Xinwu bought a very large one. of two cans. In addition, the bath gel and coffee capsules in External Martial Arts are almost used up. In short, there is a huge pile of everything, and the invoice after checkout is more than one meter long.

It is definitely impossible to carry such a large amount of things, so I can only leave my phone number and address and let the mall be responsible for delivering the goods to the door later.

"There are still many places to go in the future."

"Little Brother wanted a store for aquatic products, and my sister also made an appointment to order a dress in the afternoon, and then I also wanted to visit the underwear store next to it and Chanel's perfume showcase...

After shopping, I went to the McDonald's near the mall. Fang Xinwu hugged Fang Mingjing's waist with her gentle hands, and when she hugged him and sat on her own lap, her soft voice was a bit useless.

Her delicate chin rested against his hair, and her smile was bright and moving.

Fang Mingjing is very quiet.

Although shopping with girls is actually quite troublesome, but he doesn't find it annoying at all, or on the contrary, he quite likes to follow them around.

"Sister, do you want to order a dress?" Fang Mingjing raised his head and asked.

"Well, it's the same as the wedding dress last time." The girl responded with a bit of playfulness.

Same as the wedding dress…….

That is, I just want to wear it at home and show it to myself.

Recalling the appearance of my elder sister wearing the wedding dress at that time, Fang Mingjing still finds it extremely stunning...but it is a pity that the wedding dress was torn to tatters by him in the end, and there is no way to continue wearing it .

Thinking of such a pleasant thing, Fang Mingjing's eyes could not help but narrow into a lovely crescent shape.

"My sister will definitely look as good in the dress as the previous wedding dress... Well, I feel very excited."

When he said this, Fang Xin's bright and charming face suddenly showed a bit of joy, and he was about to say something, but he heard that the restaurant number was already being called at the counter of McDonald's behind.

"I'll get it."

Fang Mingjing immediately ran over to pick up the food.

In addition to the ordinary set meal, there was also a children’s set meal on the plate in his hand. After sitting down, Fang Mingjing unpacked the toy package that came with him and got what he wanted—it was a A minion model named only "Carl".

Fang Mingjing has been collecting this lately.

In this limited blind box of little yellow men, he has already collected the four of Jerry, Stuart, Kevin, and Dave, and he is short of the one who likes "beep-boom" and "beep-boom" in the movie only.

"It's all collected like this."


Although there were no prizes after collecting all sets, Fang Mingjing still got a sweet kiss from his sister as a reward. .

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