Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 607: One Is More Outrageous Than The Other

The two finally found Big Mom's treasure in the deepest part of the castle.

It was a special treasure house. The spacious room with a ceiling as high as ten meters did not need any firelight. The light emitted by the mountains of gold coins and various precious diamonds inside was enough to illuminate the entire venue.

It is quite shocking to see so many treasures at first glance.

However, pure treasure is hard to shake the minds of Fang Mingjing and Nakiri Erina. After stopping at the entrance for a while, the two smiled tacitly at each other—this castle exploration game has reached the end.

"There are quite a few Devil fruits."

Fang Mingjing noticed several boxes near the gold coin mountain, and after opening it in the past, it turned out that there were Devil fruits inside.

"Really...this thing looks and feels amazing."

A fruit with a wonderful appearance covered with arabesque-like spiral patterns-to be honest, it is difficult to make people want to eat this kind of thing just by looking at it.

one two Three...….…

Fang Mingjing checked and found that there were six Devil fruits in total, and then he looked at Erina.

"Erina-sister is interested...well, uh, it's still not good, it will be bad if Erina-sister eats a strange fruit."

Holding the box, Fang Mingjing muttered softly.

But the girl heard it clearly, and she lightly pursed her lips and smiled.

"My sister doesn't want to eat this thing at all."

"That's right..."

Fang Mingjing smiled bewilderedly, "Devil fruit is hard to eat, and sister Erina has the tongue of God.

"Hmm... If it's something particularly unpalatable, Elder Sister Erina might just pass out."

"Hmm, speaking of unpalatable, what would happen if you make the Devil fruit into a dish for people to eat? Or use a juicer to make juice"~.

Really good at thinking of weird things.

Nakiri Erina smiled.

She gently pulled her blond hair, and when she lowered her head and smiled at the lively mirror Little Brother, that scene really had the charm of being a sister.

The girl leaned over and hugged him.

Gently tilted upwards, Erina's slender arms supported him, this hug is the most comfortable way... Although she is a delicate young lady, she did this very well Proficient.

"Are you out now?"


After taking the Devil fruit and picking out a few treasures that he thought were good, Fang Mingjing, who was left with a room full of treasures, did not move.

He is not interested in the treasure itself, but in the game of treasure hunting itself

"Speaking of which, this place really doesn't take any precautions, it feels like you can sneak in casually.


What Fang Mingjing, who sighed so much, did not know that this treasure house was originally guarded by "Homiz" created by the aunt's soul fruit. However, after the death of the aunt not long ago, she The created Homiz also dissipated.

But this news has not yet caused a storm.

When I walked out of the cake castle, I found that it was already night, and the party venue was still lively, but there were two people missing——Saiki Kusuo and Nishinomiya Glass went back. The former had dessert and had an exam tomorrow, while the latter was pure The family is too strict.

"How is it? Is there anything interesting in the castle?" Shinomiya Kaguya smiled and talked to Erina—the relationship between the two of them is really good in private.

"The cake castle itself is very interesting." Erina's tone rose slightly.

"And we also found a lot of treasures. There are a lot of gold coins in the innermost room on the seventh floor. Does anyone need it?"

The casual way Fang Mingjing put down the box containing the Devil fruit was like going to a fruit market for wholesale.

"Gold coins, probably only Saitama needs?"

"...No, it's too troublesome, so I don't want it.

Saitama seemed indifferent.

Although he is poor, he also likes to take advantage of small things, but in fact he is not keen on things like windfall... Maybe this can be regarded as a little fun in his life.

"What are your plans next?" Aizen smiled lightly.

"What to do...keep drinking?"

"Ah, no, I can't eat anymore."

Spider, who answered Soderos's words, was lying on the ground on all sides at this time, and she rubbed her bulging abdomen as if trying to turn over with difficulty.

She has been eating non-stop since just now...

*`~I want to go out to sea anyway. "

Fang Mingjing said so.

The world here is chaotic and interesting enough, and although Cake Island has a strange scene, it is almost enough to see it after staying for almost a day.

"Can we go with Xiaomingjing?"

Asaji Jinghe asked immediately.

It's not just her, everyone including Minamoto Raimitsu, Nakiri Erina, Hestia and others wants to stay with the cute little group leader.

"Of course."

"It just so happened that I prepared three yachts, enough for everyone to ride." Kaguya Shinomiya laughed.


Tony Stark smiled inexplicably, and he snapped (Zhao Zhao) his fingers suddenly: "So who wants to experience a luxury cruise ship? Water park, giant screen theater, fully automatic jacuzzi, including VR Games Lobby.

"Are you making it so exaggerated?" Roman was a little dumbfounded.

"Cruise... It's interesting, I'll join!" Ainz Ooal Gong raised his hands. Before he became the king of the undead, he was a social animal with a difficult life, and he had never experienced such a thing as a cruise ship. thing.

"Bring me one too." Saitama cheerfully joined in the fun, but after he finished speaking, he looked at Seto Kaiba behind him with some curiosity: "By the way, Kaiba should have brought something too, right?

"I brought a jet." Seto Kaiba's tone was serious.


Everyone looked at him in astonishment.

Hey guys, how come the vehicles that this brings are more outrageous than the other? Han!.

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