moon night

The breeze is blowing, the tide is flowing.

The yacht floating in the middle of the sea cast bright lights around, and the dark sea water surged with the sound of the waves.

I don't know when a barbecue grill was put on the deck.

Nakiri Erina stood in front of the oven, using a brush dipped in the sauce to gently spread evenly on the fresh and tender meat, when the charcoal underneath was roasting, the sizzling sound of the gravy

At night - looks extremely sinful.

"Sister Erina~ I caught a big crab!"

Accompanied by Fang Mingjing's brisk voice, when everyone looked up, they found him running towards this side not far away.

"A lot of crabs have been prepared here."

Seeing the sea crab held by Fang Mingjing, constantly moving its limbs and pincers, Erina couldn't help but bent down and rubbed his soft hair with a smile.

"Hmm... It's okay, I also caught a sea spider."

Fang Mingjing spoke briskly.

When he threw the sea crab in his hand and flew back into the sea in a parabola, he bent down and grabbed a white spider with delicate features.

"What kind of sea spider! The stinky group leader is too much!!!! Put me down quickly!!" the spider yelled at Fang Mingjing's hand.

"After all, you went swimming in the sea just now."

"Aren't spiders allowed to swim?"

...... I don’t know, but then again, did you use freestyle or breaststroke just now?”

"Of course it's the most elegant backstroke!"

The two were noisy, seeing everyone beside them really couldn't help laughing.

It's a good mood on deck at the moment.

It seems that the relationship between everyone has become closer after taking a bath together, and now everyone is busy talking and laughing around the grill.

There is no doubt that the chef is Nakiri Erina, but Hestia, as the goddess of the kitchen, fights with Igawa Azaki:

Priestess Kikyo and Miko Kaguya are helping to skewer ingredients while chatting; Esdes is in charge of iced drinks;

perfect combination!

Minamoto Raimitsu is responsible for taking care of the children.

"I caught a lobster."

At this moment, Kang Na popped her head out from the bottom of the sea, and shouted in a soft voice while waving her hand towards the yacht.

"Oh, lobster!?"

Spider's eyes lit up, and she jumped into the sea again with a swoosh, as if she had a catapult under her feet, and rushed to the side of Kang Na.

The two of them like playing in the sea very much.

Kanna likes the feeling of swimming freely in the sea like a torpedo, while Spider simply likes seafood.

Fang Mingjing, on the other hand, is more interested in fishing.

Back in the arms of Lai Guang's mother in swimsuit, Fang Mingjing grabbed the fishing rod again.

"Baby, don't think about fishing for things like sea kings."

"Huh, why?"

"If you catch it, if you don't make it right, it will overturn this yacht."


After imagining that scene, Fang Mingjing realized that it was really possible—the sea kings are only a few tens of meters long, and it is not uncommon for a sea king to be over a hundred meters long. Once caught, the movement is comparable to a tsunami.

But just as Fang Mingjing put away his fishing rod and was about to play with other things, a low thunderclap suddenly came from the sky.


Fang Mingjing looked surprised, and Yakumo Zi and the others looked up at the sky in surprise.

The rain suddenly fell.

torrential rain—

The heavy rain curtain poured down on the deck at once, and the charcoal fire that was burning vigorously also made a "squeaky" sound in the rain, and it was extinguished by the excess rain within two seconds.

Boom, boom, boom!

The deep thunder suddenly became heavy and violent, and the sea breeze that was still refreshing not long ago suddenly became like a wild horse running wild, agitating the black sea to create huge waves, and beating the yacht to make it start to shake greatly.

"Storm?" Minamoto Raimitsu raised his head in surprise.

"Really... so suddenly?" Hestia was a little dumbfounded.

"And the scale doesn't seem to be normal."

The rain fell on her body and it was a little cold, so Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't help hugging her arms.

The sudden situation made everyone a little shocked, but after thinking about their current position, everyone suddenly felt relieved.

The seas of this world are full of chaos, especially this is the "New World" in the second half of the great voyage - the weather in this place is so extreme that it may be sunny one second, and crazy rain without warning in the next second Even thunder fell, and then it turned into heavy snow the next second.

0…ask for flowers………

In short, no matter what weather changes occur on this sea, it is a matter of course.

"The boat is shaking violently, everyone be careful."

When the huge waves came over, the yacht bobbed and swung from side to side, and Kikyo quickly grabbed Erina who was almost knocked over.

The downpour of rain wet the deck in an instant, and the sea surface in the distance became blurred because of the rain. …

The howling wind set off a huge wave, and it rolled towards the hull of the yacht like a catharsis. In just a few breaths, the entire large cruise ship even began to shake.


At this time, the sky was bright, lightning flashed, followed by thunder.

Boom boom boom boom boom!!

The rain just got bigger.

The icy rain continuously slapped on everyone's bodies, and the cold feeling splashed everywhere. Fortunately, everyone was only wearing swimsuits or wrapped in bath towels, otherwise the wet clothes would not feel comfortable touching the skin.

"Konna and the spiders!" Hestia had to shout loudly, but because it was covered by the sound of the rain, everyone who was very close to her couldn't hear her very clearly.

The yacht began to shake violently.

Things like the barbecue grill, sun loungers, and the ingredients just now are all swaying with the shaking of the yacht, and many of them are even swept into the sea by the strong wind.

boom boom!!!

In front of the line of sight, the pitch-black sea set off a huge and incomparably huge wave. The waves with a height of more than ten meters surged, as if they were about to smash the entire yacht.

At this moment, Fang Mingjing, who was held in Minamoto Larimitsu's arms, fell into a brief silence while holding the fishing rod.

When he decided to put away his fishing rod because he realized that sea kings could not be caught, he actually thought of owning a surfboard, and then he looked at the calm sea and thought that it would be great if the waves could get bigger... .

As a result, the waves really got bigger.

Such a large-scale storm caused unprecedented huge waves on the entire sea. .

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