Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 647: All Thanks To Me

The windless belt, this is a dangerous sea area where there is never any wind and waves, and inhabits countless terrifying sea kings.

The daughter country Amazon Lily is located on an island deep in the windless belt.

With the opening of the city gate protecting the port, a large-scale pirate ship slowly entered the port, pulled by two swimming snakes.

On both sides of the cliffs of the Outer Harbor, it was not surprising that there were women of different looks and hot clothes standing there, shouting and waving to greet them, and from time to time they uttered fanatical shouts because they saw the valiant and heroic appearance on the deck.

"Master Snake Princess is back!!!"

"Nine Snake Pirates!!!"


"Master Serpentine!!!"

"Welcome back!!!"

"Ahh! Master Snake Princess!!"

The two swimming snakes at the bow sailed into the harbor at a steady speed.

When approaching the shore, as if it had been rehearsed many times at the beginning, the two swimming snakes straightened their bodies and hung on the shore, forming a downhill slope from the bow to the port directly.

"Still the same..."

"It's been a long time since I went out, and everyone is looking forward to Master She Ji's return."

"However, judging from the current situation, there shouldn't be any incidents on the island."

He just smiled at the comments of his subordinates, Boa Hancock looked away softly, bent down slightly, and took Fang Mingjing's hand.

For Fang Mingjing, feeling the atmosphere of the scene, if he had to go on before such a big battle... Compared to being nervous, it should be said that he was embarrassed? After all, he had never met so many women crowded together at the same time. when together.

"What's the matter, Mr. Ming Jing?"

"Well...too many women."

"Are you feeling ashamed?"


Hancock had never seen such a side of him before, he was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Hancock gently picked him up by the waist, ignored his cute voice, and slowly walked down the back of the snake that rolled up the red carpet.

The girls on the pirate ship followed suit.

I don't know if it was a salute or something, but it was accompanied by Yingying Yanyan's coquettish shouts, which immediately made Fang Mingjing hide and dare not show his head.

"Which child is "?"

"Why is Lord Snake holding him? Could it be Lord Snake's child?"

"how could it be possible....……"


The women on both sides are just like crazy.

After all, they have never been out of the country of daughters, and they don't know much about the common sense between the sexes. Most of them think that children will automatically appear in their stomachs when they reach their age.

"These guys are really..."

Fearing that Fang Mingjing would feel uncomfortable hearing such remarks, Snake Ji frowned immediately

However, Fang Mingjing didn't care about these.

As a matter of fact, he's getting smug at the moment because of the other buzz around him.

"Has Master Snake become more beautiful...?"


"It was already very beautiful, but now it's even more——ah! Lady Snake Princess!!"

The screaming suddenly became frantic.

Probably because the current Hancock is too glamorous, just like a flower will bloom more beautifully when it is full of dew, and now she exudes an intoxicating charm.

Hancock raised his half-closed eyelids, and his slender eyelashes shone like feathers in the sunlight. When she was walking among the islanders, her long skirt was swaying, and there was a noble temperament in every frown and smile. Coupled with her charming and delicate face, it is really tempting to watch.

"It's all my fault."

"Well, it's all because of Mr. Ming Jing."

"Don't use such a coaxing tone."

He is dissatisfied again.

so cute

Hancock grinned.

In fact, there are other changes in her today, that is the lewd lines that Fang Mingjing engraved on her abdomen before——

Because it was thoroughly moisturised, the pattern became more coquettish, and also exuded a trance-like aura. Ordinary people would be taken away immediately after seeing it.

Once upon a time, Hancock lied to the people of Daughter Island that people who saw their backs would be petrified, but now it seems that it is no longer a lie... It's just that the position has changed from the back to the abdomen.

"By the way, Hancock's country is really lively.

"Well, Master Mingjing, do you want to stay? Just stay in the country where you are..."


Fang Mingjing did not respond.

So he said before that he was a scumbag...

Hancock pursed his lips.

Although she was a little disappointed that she didn't get a response, she quickly regained her energy and prepared to let Fang Mingjing have a good look at the style of own daughter country.

At this moment, there was still a raucous noise in the ears of the two of them. In addition to the welcome lineup [the batch of looted resource goods on the pirate ship also began to be unloaded on the shore.

The logistics personnel waiting next to the resources started to count immediately after the things were unloaded.

`~Iron ore, wine, flour, shells and a series of gunpowder..... These crops are enough to support the livelihood of the island for a long time. The firearms? What a bountiful harvest. "

"Hey, we looted the treasury of a small country, and a large part of that money was used to buy supplies."

"Country? You really deserve to be the elite of the Nine Snake Pirates."

Regardless of the matter of counting supplies, but judging from the piles of things on the pirate ship, no matter how you think about it, you can know it.

More than ever.

Well, because I am with Mr. Ming Jing, so everything is normal.

"Let's go back to the royal city now."

Hancock arrived at the end of the red carpet with Fang Mingjing.

Waiting there is the emperor's special "ape girl car". Its function is to let the strong ape girl be responsible for transporting the emperor to the next area of ​​Jiusnake Island when the emperor goes on tour and returns to the palace of Jiusnake Island.

"Well, I have to find a quieter place first, and then ask (Zhao's) Mihawk how the situation is."

Fang Mingjing took out a phone bug.

Although the chat group is more convenient, but the so-called do as the Romans do—speaking of which, when you contact with a phone bug, the opposite side will reflect the appearance of this side. Fang Mingjing is quite curious about what his phone bug looks like.

"Dragonman Auction..." Hancock's tone became condensed unconsciously.

She hates Tianlongren deeply, but in front of Fang Mingjing, she doesn't want him to see this side of herself too much... and she also feels inferior because of thinking of own's past.

"Well, the auction should be fine, but the follow-up is a bit of a tail and needs to be dealt with."

Fang Mingjing sniffed and said.

Today's navy is definitely not interested in rescuing the Tianlongren, but most of the secrets of the world government are in the hands of the Tianlongren Im. In order to master these, they will inevitably participate in this auction.

The 5,000-character episode has been written and uploaded.

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