Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 703: Fang Mingjing And Remilia

The time after dinner is very leisurely.

Fang Mingjing and Remilia stayed in the living room watching TV, while Erica studied some information and materials in the room. As for Guan Yue Qianzhi, after cutting the fruit for the two children, she went to clean up the dishes .

It's such a family atmosphere.

I don't know whether it was because the Official History Compilation Committee carefully decorated the house, or because Guan Yue Qianzhi was simply too good at taking care of people at home.

"Is Remilia getting a little heavier?"


Looking back at holding own Fang Mingjing, Remilia showed some dissatisfaction.

"Are you an idiot? How can a vampire get fat?"

"It's not about getting fat, I just want to say, have you grown up?"

"Growing up...Really?"

Mentioning this, Remilia's eyes Shendu- became a little brighter.

In recent years, the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion has been struggling with own age and lack of majesty... Although when I met Fang Mingjing for the first time, she seemed decent with her demeanor and calm voice, but after a long time of contact When they got down, Fang Mingjing realized that she was just pretending.

"Well, maybe a little like this?"

Using his hands to compare the thickness of hair, Fang Mingjing said so.

"Do you take me for a fool?"


I don't want to talk to him anymore.

Stretching out her soft little hands, Remilia pinched Fang Mingjing's face, seeing that he was still very happy, she couldn't help being a little unhappy.


She leaned forward dissatisfied.

Shut up Fang Mingjing's mouth for teasing her...


By learning the behavior of adults like this, will I become more mature?

Remilia never had such thoughts in her heart.

But aside from these, she actually likes this kind of action very much.

Because they are lovers.

That's what lovers should do.

.......Some time ago, Remilia looked through some love novels in Patchouli's library, which seemed to be very popular among people, although she didn't care about the things in them. I don't understand, but when she saw the male and female protagonists kissing, she felt a wonderful sense of relief in her heart.

It's normal for me and Mingjing to behave like this

"It doesn't taste like black tea anymore." Fang Mingjing said softly.

... The black tea here is far from Sakuya's. "

"Does Remilia want to go back?"


"Then just wait a few more days..." Fang Mingjing said with a dazzingly sweet smile on his exquisite face, "Just wait until I finish dealing with a guy."

"it is good."

On Fang Mingjing's body, Remilia propped herself up.

She suddenly showed a very interested smile, reached out and hugged Fang Mingjing's head, and hugged his young face into her arms that were also young——she occasionally saw Erica doing this these days, it was quite I was curious why the other party would look happy after doing this, but in the end,

"What, nothing strange."

She let go of Fang Mingjing again.

After all, Remilia has no motherhood at all...

The motherhood here refers to the heart, after all, Remilia still has a little body in terms of body shape.

Well, not much.

"What are you thinking about, sit down quickly."

With the corners of her lips curled up, Remilia sat down again.

Having said that, she is really interested in the content on TV. After all, there is no such thing in Gensokyo, so she usually does not have many activities in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"Magical girl, not bad...although she looks a bit weak."

Seeing her suddenly watching TV quietly again, Fang Mingjing felt that it would be better not to let her watch "Magic Girl Madoka Magica" and the like...but there shouldn't be any in this world, right?

In the following time, Fang Mingjing watched TV with Remilia all the time.


His little white hands touched the flat belly of the eldest lady, and Remilia would occasionally grab his hand and play with it absent-mindedly.

A time that flows steadily and calmly.

Before I knew it, it was already late at night.


Guan Yue Qianzhi walked over.

She looked at Fang Mingjing who was with Remilia, and asked him hesitantly: "It's getting late at night, do you want to rest?"

Fang Mingjing is no ordinary child after all.

Although the beautiful woman wanted to love him in her heart, she couldn't treat him like an ordinary child.

"Ah, is it past eleven o'clock?"


Fang Mingjing glanced at the time, then looked at Guan Yue Qianzhi and smiled: "Well, Aunt Qianzhi, take me to brush my teeth."

"it is good."

Seeing him so well-behaved, Guan Yue Qianzhi suddenly seemed very happy.

"Remilia, too."

"I'll wait a little longer and talk about it after watching this episode."

Missy said so.

Thinking that she was a night owl, there was nothing she could do, so Fang Mingjing didn't insist, and quickly got off the sofa and asked the beautiful woman to hold Own's hand.

The two went to the bathroom.

On the sink, strawberry-flavored toothpaste is already squeezed on the children’s toothbrush, and warm water is also filled in the mouthwash cup—Guan Yue is very careful about drying, like Fang Mingjing and the others, when they came to this house today, they didn’t care about clothes, slippers, etc. Yes, it was all prepared by her this morning.

She cared for Fang Mingjing after brushing his teeth.


"Aunt Chiori, sleep with me~"


When Fang Mingjing showed her a gentle and obedient smile, his voice echoed in the beautiful woman's ears as if in the evening.

This made her eyes instantly moist, and the voice that responded seemed to slow down with a little moisture.

This time, without Fang Mingjing's initiative to ask, she leaned over and hugged this extremely cute child. .

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