Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 708: Dishonest Child

"Hello? Uh...ah, is that Mr. Amakasu?"

"Yes, this is Guan Yue Qianzhi."


"Eh... Strange sound? Uh uh... I'm sorry, I was a little rushed just now... I'm very sorry.


in the restroom of the cafe

In the closed compartment that was shown to be in use, there was the sound of talking on the phone.

"Yes... Xiao Mingjing is right next to me, do you need me to hand over the phone to him?"

"No need?"

"Uh, no, nothing."

"Yes, yes, I understand, I will tell him."

"Yes, you have worked hard..."

Hang up the phone.

The beautiful woman sitting on the toilet, her eyes were full of water, staring at the young child in front of her.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Mr. Amakasu Touma... It is said that there is news about the monkey god, but he still needs a few days to negotiate with Nishiten Palace. I hope Aunt, I will pass it on to Mingjing.

"It's really fast."

It seems that they are very satisfied with their relationship with Guan Yue Qianzhi, and now they can't wait to please and stabilize themselves. 530 Fang Mingjing couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

The beautiful woman looked at him bewilderedly.

She is very clear that she has been completely captured by him...

This child seems to have come to make her a toy from the beginning.

She is coquettishly cute.

The symbol of her motherhood is entangled, and she deliberately tortures her as a woman with sweet joy.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Guan Yue Chiori still wants to love him

If she was asked not to love such a lovely child, she felt that she would go crazy.


"Ah, what a lovely child, Aunt loves you so much."

She stretched out her hands to embrace her, but when she was thrown into his arms, Guan Yue Qianzhi felt that she must be the happiest woman in the world.

This is really a wonderful woman.

Although it is not a character that Fang Mingjing is familiar with in the original work, what does that matter? Fang Mingjing is very satisfied with her beauty, and the motherhood overflowing in this beautiful woman is like a fish in water to him, although It's only been a few days, but she's already the best "candy".

"I know."

Fang Mingjing leaned up and rubbed her neck affectionately.

The widow who is so eager to have her own child that she can love, now really treats Fang Mingjing as her own, let alone betraying the official history compilation committee... I believe that as long as it is anything she can do, she is willing Do it for Fang Mingjing.

"Sister Erica and the others seem to have been waiting for a long time."

"It seems to be...but doesn't Der Spiegel want to pee?"


There was a mischievous smile on the little face with red lips and white teeth, "I just came here for an excuse.

"What a dishonest child..."

She smiled more gently.


There was the sound of a flushing toilet in the bathroom cubicle, and then, with a snap, the cubicle door opened.

Just at this time, a customer from the coffee shop came in, and when she saw the beautiful woman coming out of the cubicle with a young child in her arms, she was obviously taken aback.

But the two of them didn't care, they just went back to their seats.

Erica was operating the mobile phone in the position, and seemed to be browsing the amusement parks in the vicinity, while Remilia was quietly tasting the cake and black tea, and when the two of them came (aedj), they were neither salty nor light Said: "It's really slow."


Fang Mingjing smiled, and after Guan Yue Qianzhi sat down with him in his arms, he looked at Erica and said, "Sister Erica, help me look up the information on that Xitian Palace.

"Okay, Xitian Palace..." Erica operated the phone, "Is there anything there?"

"Amakasu Touma called just now, saying that he had heard about the monkey god, but he wanted to negotiate with the people from Xitian Palace.

"I see."

"Where do you want to go to play later?" Guan Yue Qianzhi asked Fang Mingjing, "Tokyo Tower? Or do you want to see the hot springs... Well, there seems to be a children's swimming pool in Tokyo that is suitable for children like Mingjing. "

With such a gentle voice, she is definitely the type to spoil children.

"I want to sit in a massage chair."

"Massage chair? The one that may have a bad effect on the development of children... If Der Spiegel needs it, Aunt can help you press it.

"Is that home?"

"Go to the movies." Remilia suddenly said.

“Movies are good too...”

Fang Mingjing has no resistance to movies, but he is a little surprised that Remilia has become so adaptable to various things in just one week after arriving in the modern world.

No, it's not right either.

Fang Mingjing recalled that when he was in the mall today, there was a particularly conspicuous movie poster of a magical girl on the billboard, and Remilia asked what it was at the beginning

"Then let's go now.

"Well, let's go."

Not much was left on the table.

When they left their seats, they didn't forget the dozen or so handbags they put aside. This is the result of their shopping all morning and noon: the clothes inside are basically Erica's and Remilia's. , Fang Mingjing was also taken two sets of doll costumes.

As for Guan Yue Chiori, she didn't buy any clothes.

She has a lot of clothes at home, two wardrobes are full, but besides this, she bought two sets of high-end underwear—the kind that especially suits Fang Mingjing's eye.

Generally speaking, today's consumption is not low.

But it doesn't matter, Guan Yue Qianzhi is a rich woman.

The content of Godslayer will be over soon... but my sister's wedding is two days away, and I'm a bit busy.

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