Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter 717: The Change Of The Stinky Pig

Sacred Land

When I came back here, it was just after noon, and the little Shengzi ran into the yard with a small pot in his arms.

He's going to feed the cat—

Well, since the first time I came out of Chongxiao Sacred Land, after I bought a stinky pig in a small town, Fang Mingjing basically didn't feed it very much, usually Qing He took care of it, but today Fang Mingjing suddenly It's a little exciting.

"Well, where's the stinky pig?"

I didn't see the kitten in the small flowerbed where it often played, Fang Mingjing glanced at a white tiger full of spiritual Qi beside him, and looked for it strangely


The white tiger meowed.

Its voice was full of intimacy, and it came up to rub Fang Mingjing's shoulder, and its tail flew up like a puppy.

Fang Mingjing was busy looking for the cat, and he didn't know where the tiger came from, so he pushed its face aside because he thought it was in the way.


The white tiger made a slightly aggrieved sound.

Under it, a lively squirrel squeaked a few times, quickly climbed up on top of the tiger's head, jumped onto Fang Mingjing's shoulder and pushed his face.

"chirp, chirp"

The sound of the squirrel is very crisp.

It pointed its small paw at the White Tiger next to it. Fang Mingjing was puzzled at first, then looked at the White Tiger for a moment, and then looked at the squirrel. His expression ranged from puzzlement to surprise to bewilderment. Gu Shiyun and Liu Shimei, who were secretly watching here, couldn't help being amused.

"Stinky pig?"


The big white cat squatted down, wagging its tail obediently.

Its voice does not conform to its body shape at all, not only is it not as deep as a tiger, but it even makes people feel a kind of agile vitality.



Although he had already guessed it, Fang Mingjing was still shocked when he saw its appearance.

Where's my stinky pig?

Where's my little stinky pig?! I was able to cuddle and masturbate a while back.

Fang Mingjing was hit hard.

He remembered that the own cat was obviously just a cat that couldn't match Demonic Beasts, it couldn't be any more ordinary cat, how could it suddenly become like this after seven or eight days of absence? Even eating Jinkela couldn't do it!

"Woo, woo... woo""

For a moment, I didn't know whether I should be angry or happy.

The little Shengzi who was stunned there made a strange sound.

"It seems that the child of Qimeng fed it some Medicine Pill, so that it has now turned into Demonic Beasts."

At this time, it was Gu Shiyun who came over, and she explained while hugging the little saint.

"That stinky Little Sister?"

"Jing'er can't swear."

Auntie immediately pressed her slender fingers to Fang Mingjing's lips.

Qimeng refers to Luo Qimeng, the granddaughter of Luo Elder in Danfeng Hall, a very active little girl, but Fang Mingjing annoys her...

"It can still be changed back."


When the voice fell, the stinky pig obediently shrunk in size, from the size of an adult tiger to a fragrant and soft kitten.

Seeing that it was indeed possible to change back, Fang Mingjing had no objections now.

Having said that, he doesn't know who said that the emperor of Jiang Jiuge's family was just an ordinary dog ​​back then, but now he is the real Nirvana Jingda Demonic Beasts... and he doesn't know if it is true or not.

Gu Shiyun smiled gently.

After she accompanied little Shengzi for a while, she picked him up and walked towards the pavilion.

"Does Jing'er have anything to pack?" The beautiful woman asked softly as she sat down with him in her arms, "Think about it now, don't wait until it's too late when you leave tomorrow."


After Xiao Shengzi heard it, he put his hands on his chin and looked very serious.

A woman's hand as warm and fair as nephrite jade stretched out from the side, carrying the fragrance of flowers, deliberately squeezed and touched his small face.

Fang Mingjing, who was thinking about something, was interrupted at once. He avoided the hand. After several times of not avoiding it, he simply hugged him: "Grandma!"

"Ah, Jing'er thinks so seriously, Ai Jia can't help but want to play tricks.

Liu Shimei's bright and fiery red lips couldn't help laughing.

Fang Mingjing puffed his face.

"Okay, if you don't have a clue, Jing'er will bring a few small things you can play with, and Auntie will buy you anything else you need, okay?"

"Are we going for many days?"

"Ten days and half a month should be required."

"That is not bad……………"

Little Shengzi responded with a soft voice.

This is to prepare to leave Sacred Land for Yunze country tomorrow.

After all, before, a letter from Yunze country said that the time to pay homage to the ancestors and the emperor was approaching... Although Fang Mingjing said dully that Liu Shimei was not allowed to go, but that was just saying That's all.

In fact, Liu Shimei is fine, the main thing is Gu Shiyun

For Gu Shiyun, he was her father after all, so if he couldn't show up on such an important day because of his willfulness, it would indeed feel a little too much.

After all, little Shengzi is a gentle and good boy.

*`~ If it’s too boring, I don’t want to go in the future. "

" I have to let Auntie think about it, where should I go with Jinger?"

Knowing that he restrained his temper for his own sake, the beautiful woman's eyes couldn't help but overflow with warmth.

"Yunze should be very lively these days." The empress dowager smiled charmingly, she gently grasped Fang Mingjing's little hand, and said, "Arrange Wanqing's child's wedding date close to the memorial day, the monarch is I'm afraid we won't go back."

"Brother Huang also has to do this..."

Looking at Fang Mingjing's cute young face, Gu Shiyun just said softly, and then smiled nostalgicly: "But I didn't think that Wanqing would get married in such a short time."


Fang Mingjing was a little puzzled, but he could guess it more or less (good Wang), it was nothing more than one of Auntie's juniors, the princess of Yunze.

Fang Mingjing is not very interested in this.

"Didn't Jing'er really want to join in the fun?" Liu Shimei carried him away from her daughter, gently bumped him, and said with a charming smile: "This time I have another chance."

And the scene might be more grand. "

.......Actually, I want to see the divorce scene or something. "

Fang Mingjing muttered in such a low voice.

His words seemed to be pouring cold water, but both Liu Shimei and Gu Shiyun knew that he didn't mean that, but simply liked to watch the excitement.

On the other hand, Jiang Muqin, who was making tea by the side, seemed a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

After all, both the wedding scene and the divorce were staged on her, but the scene at that time was not the same as what Fang Mingjing wanted to see, "Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!"

No edge at all, not very interesting. .

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