Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter Forty-Nine: My Sister Is Hungry

As a result, Gu Lei Fia became a maid in the family.

Although Fang Xinwu was a little uncomfortable with this, she didn't feel any resistance, after all, the family had hired Aunt before.

Fang Mingjing remembers Aunt with a very kind smile and delicious food, but she resigned for a while because she was going back to her hometown to take care of her children, and Fang Xinwu never had the opportunity to hire another one after that. one.

"The bath water in the bathtub has been put away, and the change of clothes is also on the shelf in the bathroom."

"So, Missy and Young Master, please go take a bath as soon as possible.

Compared with the siblings who haven't adapted yet, Tonguebud has adapted quickly.

Although she was easily depraved by Fang Mingjing, the main reason is that Fang Mingjing violated the "eight-nine-zero" rule too much. No one can deny that Gu Lei Fia is a very strong-willed woman.

She served Gremory's family before, and at the same time managed more than 20 maids in the castle. She can handle such a heavy burden with ease, so naturally she will not show timidity on such a small level.

"Then trouble you to work harder, Aunt."

The girl with a gentle smile has a voice that is as sweet as the sounds of nature.

Gulei Fia nodded cheerfully.

It wasn't until after the siblings entered the bathroom that her perfect and unrestrained expression showed a slight flaw, and her silver eyes revealed a look of amazement.

that girl......

How to describe it? As expected, it should be said that she really deserves to be Ming Spiegel's elder sister. She is so beautiful in every way that you can't help but hold your breath.....

Pure beauty.

Extremely beautiful.

There is no blemish or room for improvement, it is fatally beautiful, even Gu Lei Fia couldn't help feeling a little bit out of control when she saw it for the first time.

few hectares,

When she heard Xiao Zhengtai's cheerful and lively voice from the bathroom, the corners of Gu Lei Fia's mouth could not help but raise a gentle arc, and she left here quietly.

She is going to prepare dinner.

in the bathroom

"The water temperature is very comfortable.

"Well, but I forgot to bring Little Brother's little toy in.

"It seems so."

In the bathtub overflowing with warm water from time to time, the girl smiled and hugged the young Little Brother in her arms.

The toy they are talking about is the kind of duckling that swims and spins on the water surface. Although it is childish, Fang Mingjing likes to play with it the most.

The two enjoyed the comfort of soaking in the water. Looking at Fang Mingjing's energetic appearance, Fang Xinwu couldn't help poking his face with her index finger, which was very beautifully manicured.

When he looked back, "mu~a" landed on his face.

hug him affectionately.

"My sister is not used to it."

"I'm a bit..."

Of course it was about Gule Fia.

In the past, the family employed Aunt. Although they also did the work of cleaning the house, cooking and taking care of people, they were different from maids.

Especially Gu Lei Fia, who can be said to be the highest-ranking maid, has such a respectful attitude and address, which really has a particularly strong sense of disobedience.

But this is mainly because the time is too short, as long as we get along for a while, it will be fine after the running-in period passes.

"But if someone else is at home, you have to be more careful."

"Hmm~" Fang Mingjing nodded, looking at his sister's extremely beautiful face, he showed a cute smile: "But sometimes I can't help but want to act like a baby to my sister.


It's a foul to say so!

Although she knew that what he said was true, the girl couldn't help being elated.

She lifted her wet hair, under her long and slender pink neck, her snow-white skin glowed a delicate crimson pink just because of the hot water in the bath, contrasting with the warm light in the bathroom, the water droplets slid down. The scene is just as beautiful as a dream.

"Then sister must actively eat up Little Brother's thought of acting like a spoiled child, 'hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' bit by bit...heh heh heh."

Speaking of which, I couldn't help laughing.

Fang Xin's Liu Ye-like slender eyebrows are slightly curved, and her clear eyes are filled with love. She gently shakes her beautiful figure, and her pure appearance is full of charm 0..

"But even then it won't weaken~"

Fang Mingjing looked very proud.

In other words, he is saying such flattering words now, which is actually a sign that he wants to act like a baby.

Fang Xin smiled softly.

"What does Little Brother want to do after dinner?"

"Going to install a model."

"The ones in your room."

Pursing her lips slightly, making her lips more moist, the girl left a mark on his little face, and then said with a smile:

"Little Brother always clamors to buy this, only to throw it away after playing for a while.

"Ugh...models are not fun, because after they are assembled, they can only be used as decorations.

Fang Mingjing tried to defend himself.

But it's true...he just loves the process of assembling the model. As for the model, which is so well collided that only the feelings and appearance are left, he can't let him play with two models like a five-year-old child, right?

He can't be so childish.

"What about paid games on consoles?"

For a while there was no excuse.

Seeing that he was silent and pretending to be an idiot, Fang Xinwu smiled at 5.8 and gently tugged at his small face, then hugged him up a bit.

Fang Mingjing is very lively now because he has not returned to the arms of his elder sister for many days.

The bathtub is spacious, but he can't swim. He fiddled with the water and pressed the massage function, so Fang Xinwu couldn't help but grab his little hand and tell him to be calm.

"Little villain, after going out for so long this time, my sister is a little hungry now."


When hearing this, the naughty little Zhengtai made a cute voice.

Of course, the girl's hunger does not mean that she is hungry, but that she feels hungry as a "succubus"... Well, after reincarnating as a succubus, there are indeed such disadvantages and there is no way around it.

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