Fantasy: Heavenly Dao Revolves Around Me

Chapter Sixty-Three: Giving Pieces

Because of Brunhilde, Fang Mingjing has an extra mission recently.

That's the supplement——!

Although I don't think how strong the fighting power of the gods in "The Last Woman Martial Sage" is, but since I have decided to make trouble, I still need to understand it more or less.

It's just that this work is not finished yet, and Fang Mingjing was left speechless watching the plot.

In the first battle of Ragnarok, Lu Bu Fengxian, the human hero Lu Bu Fengxian, was hailed as the strongest warrior in China. In the battle with Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology, even with the artifact made by the female Martial Sage, he performed the profound meaning. None of them brought a trace of injury to Sol.

The fighter at the third human side is the famous Japanese swordsman Sasaki Kojiro, and his opponent Poseidon is known as the most terrifying god in Greek mythology in his works. He despises all humans and gods. He lightly killed the God of Conquerment, Ado Mosu, with just one shot... However, the guy whose strength was emphasized in this way was killed by Sasaki Kojiro as easily as cutting a watermelon in the next round .

Although it is clear that the author is Li himself, so he naturally favors his own hero, but Fang Mingjing still wants to complain...

"Sister, aww~"


Being suddenly thrown into his arms with great vigor, Fang Xin couldn't stop smiling coquettishly.

Qiao Xiaoyan lowered her head, looked at Fang Mingjing who was sticking out her tongue cutely at her, and couldn't help hugging him

The girl gently rubbed his little face.

"What are you doing sticking out your tongue at your sister?"

"I don't know how to explain it to you.....I want to lick you***


The strong sense of sight made the girl raise her eyebrows.

I told you not to imitate the emoticons to talk!"


As the price of skinning, both sides of Fang Mingjing's cheeks were pinched.

And was pinched and kneaded several times.

However, this was not deterrent to Fang Mingjing at all. After his sister let him go, he giggled again, put his chin on her soft chest and said: "Actually, I have something to give to my sister." "night."

"Something, a wishing ticket?"


The wishing coupons are made by Fang Mingjing himself. Whenever there is a special day, he will take out one for the elder sister and auntie. He makes a wish.

Of course, wishes must be within a certain range, it can be regarded as an ingenious parent-child game.

"This is it, it is for my sister to use.

As Fang Mingjing said, when he raised his tender little hand, there was a bright red chess piece that exuded strong magic and huge magic power floating in it.

Before the girl felt puzzled, Gu Lei Fia, the maid next to her, couldn't help but speak, her eyes were a little surprised:

"Is this... a Devil chess piece?"

Her tone was a little uncertain.

Although from the appearance point of view, the Devil chess piece is exactly the same as the one that Gu Lei Fia recognized, but the magic and aura it exudes is overwhelmingly powerful...

"It's a Devil chess piece, eh, but I don't know if it can be considered a Devil." Fang Mingjing said with a smile, "There is also a chess piece for Gu Lei Fia Aunt."

"Is it mine......?"

When the silver-haired maid heard this, her eyes immediately became moist.

There was a trance-like joy on her face.

Obviously before this, she was the silver-haired queen of annihilation, who would turn the face of the devil even if she heard it, but now in this house, she has become the one who would open her arms and legs for a certain young lady if she acted like a baby. Handy woman too.

"But Aunt's body—"

"It's okay, I'll take it out for you later."

Gu Lei Fia still has the "Queen" chess piece that Suzeks gave her in her body, but now when she heard Fang Mingjing say this, she just nodded gently.


Although Fang Xinwu didn't understand what a Devil chess piece was, since it was taken out by her own Little Brother, of course there would be no doubts.

"What is my sister going to do?"

Just leave it to me. "

Fang Mingjing's tone was subconsciously excited.

When he got the "queen" chess piece, he thought that he must give it to his sister... Although she is already a succubus, as long as she keeps absorbing the nutrients he gave her, her strength will continue to grow. But the Devil piece can also bring a lot of benefits to her.

However, today's Devil chess pieces have been transformed and strengthened by the chat group, and its rules have changed.

Fang Mingjing pressed the queen's chess piece close to her sister's chest.

At that moment, the chess piece gradually lit up with a purple-black gloomy light, as if consciously fused into the girl's body.

The Devil's reincarnation secret ceremony starts!

The invisible air in the room was trembling, and purple-black magic power lines were drawn staggeredly, interspersed with mysterious and profound runes, forming a huge and complicated circular magic array in an instant. Feel like a splitting headache.

Of course Fang Mingjing will not let her elder sister reincarnate as a Devil.

After all, it took him a lot of energy to successfully transform her into a succubus.

This secret ceremony seemed to take a certain amount of time. After confirming that there would be no problem with my elder sister, Fang Mingjing looked at the silver-haired beautiful woman who was standing quietly beside her with extremely gentle eyes.


"Has Aunt decided what chess piece he wants?"

The tender little guy ran to her side and asked with a cute smile.

Among the Devil chess pieces, the king is the commander without any boost, while the queen has the characteristics of all chess pieces except soldiers and kings, such as the high attack and high defense of the chariot

The speed of the knight, the magic power of the bishop, and the unlimited possibilities given to the pawns of the soldiers (Nuo's good).

"Then please Young Master give me the pieces of the chariot."

Gu Lei Fia replied without much hesitation, and Fang Mingjing couldn't help being surprised by her answer.

He originally thought that Gu Lei Fia would definitely choose the bishop's chess piece... After all, Gu Lei Fia's magic power is very strong, if she can't get the queen's chess piece, then the bishop should be the most suitable for her.

Perhaps seeing Fang Mingjing's astonishment, Tongleiya smiled demurely and gently:

"The chariot is an existence that serves as a guard at the king's side, so I am more inclined to this chess piece.

Those words were full of warmth.

Regarding this, Fang Mingjing nodded happily and earnestly.

"Then~ I'll help Aunt take out the previous pieces first."


Gule Fia had no hesitation at all about being taken out of the pawns given by Suzeks. .

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