Three minutes ago.

Inside the exam room.

Spread out the book of the exam questions.

Because he is full of Confucianism, in Qin Feng's eyes.

The dense, tedious and lengthy, esoteric questions above are enough to make countless candidates have a headache, which seems unusually simple.

It's like the single-digit addition and subtraction of 1+1=2 and 1+2=3, which is clear at a glance.

Just take a look at it, and you can immediately come up with the corresponding answer in your mind.

So, Qin Feng flipped through the ink and quickly answered these questions at a speed that was visible to the naked eye!!


On the lower left side of Qin Feng.

The candidate who ridiculed Qin Feng earlier was also quickly answering the questions of the assessment!

Eyes with a confident glow!

"It's really stable this time!!"

He was so proud that even the corners of his mouth already showed a victor's smile!

It was not in vain that he had been preparing for a whole ten years, reading Confucian and Taoist poems day and night, and this mere assessment would not be difficult for him at all!!

If nothing else, he can at least answer more than ninety percent of the questions correctly, and then win the chief of this assessment and rank first on the list!

When the time comes!

As long as he can be appreciated by any examiner, when he joins the Lieyang Academy, he will definitely be able to rise to the top and rise step by step!!

It was as if he had seen a bright future and was beckoning to him!!

casually put a completed exam paper next to him, pressed it with a case stone, and glanced around proudly.

And then......

He saw that in the upper right corner of him, there was a figure who was writing quickly, and had already completed two-thirds of the exam papers and piled them aside!



This candidate can't help but be a little confused!

He subconsciously looked at the chronograph incense burner above the examination room.

An elongated incense thread can be burned for just one hour.

Now, the incense thread has only burned a little bit, almost, and it has only been three or four minutes in the world...

Less than a quarter of an hour!!

You've done two-thirds of the questions???

Just kidding???

Just when this candidate couldn't help but have some doubts about life.


He recognized that this person who was quick to do the questions was the man who didn't learn and didn't know how to do it before!


He understood.

He sneered, revealing disdain!

Hehe, he still thinks that he has encountered some kind of immortal?

It turned out that he just ran into a guy who was confused, scribbled a few times, and was indiscriminate!


This thought had just fallen on his mind.

The next moment!

A white aura suddenly rose from Qin Feng's lying on top of the desk, soaring into the sky!!

The majestic and heroic atmosphere almost overturned the desks of everyone around!!

The golden lotus flowers, from under Qin Feng's brush, slowly spread out, and slowly bloomed under the surge of literary energy!!

In addition, bursts of majestic Confucianism and Taoism sound came to the ears of everyone, the top of the school palace, and the bell of the avenue, for which the golden ringing!!

The atmosphere is real!

Write down and make flowers!!

Confucianism and Taoism resonate!!





In an instant, it resounded throughout the examination room!!

All the candidates, as well as the examiner in charge of the inspection, looked at each other in shock!!

Of course!

The most shocking thing was the candidate who had ridiculed Qin Feng before and was confident!


He looked at the astonishing vision in front of him, and there was only one confused thought left in his mind—

Groove !!

That's a joke, right!!

There was something incredulous about him.

As a student of the Southern Stone Kingdom who dreamed of joining the Lieyang Academy, how could he not know what the vision in front of him meant?!!

Don't say anything else!

Just the golden bell of the avenue!!

It has not sounded for nearly a hundred years!!


Unless an article made by a Confucian scholar reaches the level of being able to be passed down through the ages and suppressed for a lifetime, it can resonate with the bell of the Great Dao!!

Not an exaggeration!

It's like everyone once dreamed of becoming the richest man in the world!

Any Confucian scholar, likewise, has made his own articles, which can cause the bell of the Great Dao to ring and the dream of ascending to the sky in one step!!


What this candidate didn't expect was !!

The pursuit of this life, which he dreamed of and only existed in fantasy, actually happened in front of his eyes!!


The most important thing is that what is so good to die is the vision of heaven and earth caused by the fish-eyed and indiscriminate guy in his eyes!!


It made him very unacceptable!!

Jealousy, unwillingness, indignation, gnashing of teeth...

All kinds of expressions were revealed on this candidate's face, looking hideous and distorted!


The other side!

Compared with!

That thin man, looking at such a scene!

Although there is also some shock, but in comparison, it is a little more acceptable.

After all!

As early as before, he felt the majestic aura emanating from Qin Feng's body, and had some premonitions!

However, looking at the amazing vision in front of him, the thin man touched the red sun crystal in his arms, but he felt unusually hot, and his heart was full of uneasiness!

He was very skeptical that Qin Feng was teasing him before!

Otherwise, an existence that can exude such a terrifying literary atmosphere, bloom in writing, and even resonate with the Great Dao... How is it possible, not even the most basic knowledge of Confucianism?


The reason why Qin Feng was looking for him just now was probably just to tease him.


This thin man has already made up his mind, and when it's over, he will return this Chiyang Crystal to Qin Feng...

It's a matter of life...

Just when everyone was shocked!

Qin Feng looked at the sudden appearance in front of him, but he couldn't help frowning.

He originally planned to join the Burning Sun Academy Palace as an ordinary disciple in an inconspicuous manner.

Looks like the plan is in vain!

"Peng !!"

The next moment!

The examiner of the one-month wheel realm has already rushed into the examination room excitedly!!

And then!

Seeing the lotus shadow in front of him and the sweeping atmosphere, he couldn't help but be stunned again!!


Even more ecstatic and excited, he rushed straight in the direction of Qin Feng!!

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