A group of men in black stopped when they arrived near the tent where they were resting.

"Is it them?"

"Yes, look, that guy, that guy, killed many of our brothers."

These men in black were helpers invited by the Tonyhal cavalry. They were led by a Tonyhal cavalryman to find Li Taihang and Bamuha.

He also noticed that there was an extra tent, but he didn't think much about it.

Because he recognized Bamuha.

At this time, under the light of the fire, Bamuha yawned repeatedly, looking like he wanted to sleep.

The men in black in the distance stared at Bamuha, but couldn't see anything special about Bamuha.

"Are you kidding me?"

The leader of the men in black was a little dissatisfied. Bamuha in front of him looked no different from an ordinary herdsman. How could he kill so many Tonyhal cavalrymen?


"Sir, you saw it before. I'm not the only one saying this, but everyone is saying this. If the other party is really that weak, do we need to deceive you? There is no need to ask you for help, right?"

The leader of the men in black listened to the answer of the Tonyhal cavalryman and felt that it made sense.

"Well, I don't think you dare to deceive us."


The Tonyhal cavalryman nodded quickly.

"Okay, leave it to us. I want to see how capable he is?"

The leader of the men in black flashed a murderous look, which made Bamuha shudder.

He felt a dangerous feeling of being stared at by a wild beast.

"Is there an enemy?"

Bamuha immediately stood up and looked around vigilantly. Li Taihang's mind moved, and Bamuha's entire perception ability increased several times.

But at the same time, Bamuha, who was holding the scimitar tightly, also had a surge of confidence.

"Hehe, someone wants to sneak attack us? I'm sleepy, so you come to help me wake up?" Bamuha smiled sinisterly, and his whole aura changed.

When the men in black rushed towards them, they didn't expect Bamuha to get excited and rushed towards them.

The leader of the men in black was shocked.

"Damn, are we exposed?"

The leader of the men in black quickly stretched out his hand to stop them from moving forward, and they all hid.

Seeing this, Bamuha sneered: "Do you think you will be fine if you hide? No, this is impossible."

But Bamuha rushed towards them quickly and slashed towards a place where the men in black were hiding.

"No, we are exposed, everyone listen to my order, and attack."


The leader of the men in black commanded a group of masters of the men in black to kill Bamuha, but Bamuha was not afraid at all, but fought fiercely with those men in black.

"Go to hell!"


The screams outside soon woke Osar up, and he quickly took out his scimitar and rushed out.

However, when he saw Bamuha killing people, he was stunned.

"No, Bamuha, why are you so fierce?" Osar even suspected that he was dreaming.

After all, he knew how powerful Bamuha was.

"Hey, Osar, go protect Mr. Li, leave this to me!" Bamuha was stunned by his own operation when he saw Osar wake up, and was very proud.


Although Osar was a little confused and surprised, thinking of Li Taihang's safety, he quickly ran to Li Taihang's tent and prepared to wake him up to avoid being attacked by the men in black.

"Mr. Li, the enemy is coming."

Osar opened the tent and saw Li Taihang sitting cross-legged inside. He was slightly stunned and called out again: "Mr. Li..."

"Well, I know, Bamuha will solve it."


Osar heard Li Taihang say this, and thought of Bamuha's bravery, and suddenly felt a little envious.

"Well, Mr. Li, I also want to help, can you give me strength?" Osar saw Bamuha slashing and killing several men in black in a row, and felt very envious.

"Don't worry, you will have a chance."

At this time, the leader of the men in black also believed what Tonyhal cavalry said, because Bamuha in front of him was too strong.

So, he winked at the other team.

Then, he entangled Bamuha on this side, and bypassed Bamuha on the other side, and directly attacked the tent, killing the people inside, or capturing them.

At this time, Bamuha was fighting hard, and suddenly found the men in black rushing towards Li Taihang and Osar.

However, Li Taihang told him not to worry about it and just kill the ones on his side.

Bamuha ignored it and concentrated on killing the black-clothed man in front of him.

At this time, there were more than a dozen figures on the ground, all of whom were black-clothed men killed by Bamuha. Even the leader of the black-clothed men had his saber cut off by Bamuha during the battle. If he hadn't dodged quickly, I'm afraid his head would have been moved.

This made the leader of the black-clothed men panic.

"This guy's weapon is too strong, and this guy doesn't seem to have any attack skills, but his weapon is like a living thing, and it can automatically help him attack other people's weaknesses, which is often fatal."

The leader of the black-clothed men finally understood that Bamuha was indeed an ordinary herdsman, but the weapon in his hand was not simple.

"Drag him, don't get close, there is something wrong with his weapon." The leader of the black-clothed men shouted.

The men in black were originally afraid of being killed by Bamuha, but now that they heard what the men in black said, they were happy not to get close to Bamuha.

Now, it was Bamuha's turn to feel deflated.

"Damn it, don't run away, come and fight!"

Every time when Bamuha rushes over, the man in black who is being chased will inevitably dodge or escape from Bamuha.

This made Bamuha so depressed that he had no choice but to give up the pursuit. However, when he returned, the man in black approached again. He and the men in black pulled back and forth, but they could not hurt any of them.

On the other side, another group of men in black had quietly arrived outside Li Taihang's camp.

Osar was blessed by Li Taihang, and at this time, his scimitar also had the ability of Bamuha's scimitar.

Not only that, this time, Li Taihang also greatly increased Osar's movement speed, and even had the effect of teleportation.

"Deal with them." Li Taixing said calmly.

After receiving the blessing of Li Taihang's divine power, O'Saar also clearly felt the power in his body. He nodded excitedly and said, "Okay, Mr. Li."

He looked outside the tent and saw that the men in black were already here.

Osar dodged, rushed out of the camp, and stabbed to death a man in black who was about to break in with a machete.



The man in black was pushed to the ground by Bamuha. The other men in black were startled and looked at Osar.

"Kill him."

They rushed towards Osar.

However, when a man in black swung his knife and slashed at Osar, Osar disappeared like a ghost.

"Where are the people?"

The man in black was a little stunned and froze on the spot.

"Watch your back."

The other men in black exclaimed when they saw Osar appearing behind the man in black.

Osar's speed was so fast that they couldn't catch him until Osar stopped behind the man in black and stabbed him with a knife.



A large amount of blood came out of the mouth of the man in black. He never expected that he would be killed?

He lowered his head to see the scimitar that stabbed him, but Osar pulled out the scimitar. Immediately, blood spattered. The man in black screamed and fell into a pool of blood, twitching several times. , die with eyes closed.

"Damn, this guy has a problem, let's go together!"


Several of them, men in black, were killing Osar together.

Osar began to teleport, then appeared behind the target and stabbed him.


Osar seemed to enjoy stabbing others in the back, stabbing the men in black to death one after another.

Finally, there was a man in black left. His face was full of horror, and he collapsed on the ground in fear.

When he saw Osar walking towards him step by step with a sinister smile and a machete in his hand, he was so frightened that he shouted: "Don't come here, help!"

He just turned around and wanted to get up and run away.

As a result, as soon as he stood up, Osar's scimitar had already penetrated his body.


The man in black coughed up a large mouthful of blood. He didn't understand why he wanted to provoke such a terrifying existence.


Osar deftly drew his scimitar.

Other people's machetes are used for cutting and chopping, but he is used for stabbing.

After killing all the men in black, he entered Li Taihang's tent with a machete in hand and said: "Master Li, kill them all."

"Well, you go help Bamuha and take care of the rest. You'll be fine tonight."


Osar suddenly became excited when he heard that there was still someone to kill.

He disappeared into the tent in an instant and appeared outside the tent, looking towards Bamuha's position.

"Bamuha, can you do it?" Osar said sarcastically.

Bamuha's face darkened and he said, "You can do it."

"Okay, you said so."

Then, Osar began to teleport over, came behind the remaining men in black, and then stabbed them directly with a machete.

Seeing this scene, Bamuha also widened his eyes.

"I say, Osar, your habit of stabbing people in the back cannot be used on your own people!"

Bamuha's scalp was numb when he saw it, because all the men in black killed by Osar were stabbed to death from behind by Osar.

"Huh?" Osar was a little confused, but after thinking that he really couldn't do anything to himself, he said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you without your reminding."

"Well, that's good."

Then, the two started chasing the remaining men in black.

This time, because of Osar's existence, anyone who is discovered will be killed, and they are all stabbed in the back.

"Why do you like backstabbing so much?"

"Because it's safe." Osar was completely out of safety considerations, but he didn't consider the psychological impact on himself.

Bamuha, in particular, had secretly made up his mind that he would never offend Osar, lest he stab him too.

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