"System, please give me an increase to upgrade the treasure map to a god-level treasure map."

[Host, with your current level, you can’t get to the god-level treasure map. Even if you get the treasure inside, you won’t be able to use it. 】

"How about giving me an increase of 10 billion?"

[Host, 10 billion treasure maps at the same location? Do you think it is necessary? 】

"Uh, forget it."

Li Taixing thought about it, really, if after the increase of 10 billion, all of them are here, what's the point of selling them wholesale? I am not short of money.

Li Taihang walked all the way, thinking about the increase in the treasure map, but he did not expect that neither the quality nor the quantity increase would work.

What's the amplifying effect?

Li Taixing was moved in his mind and said: "System, can it increase some other functions?"

【Ding! The Five Elements Secret Realm map is detected and the amplification option is triggered:

1. Predict the location of all treasure points and the functions of the treasures;

2. Predict the location of all traps and how to crack them. 】

"Hey, is it an increase in ability?" Li Taixing didn't expect that he would actually figure it out.

However, he still had a question.

"System, aren't you a billion-fold increase? This doesn't seem to have achieved a tens-billion-fold effect, right?"

[Remind the host that the 10 billion times increase does not necessarily have to reach 10 billion times every time. Instead, you can choose the increase range as you like, and the increase range ranges from no increase effect to 10 billion times. 】

"Is that so? Then can't it increase by tens of billions every time?"

[It depends on the situation. If the host wants to increase the height by tens of billions every time, it is fine. If the host wants to increase the height, this system can increase the height of the host by tens of billions, completely destroying the world. 】


"System, don't take it seriously, I'll just ask."

However, Li Taihang also learned another important piece of news, that is, the free increase rate. The value can be determined by himself, but the maximum cannot exceed 10 billion times.

“This stuff is just awesome.”

He suddenly thought that the system had just said that it could make himself bigger or smaller?


Everyone who understands understands.

"System, can the time be increased?"

[Warning, host, increasing the time at will will affect the stability of the current world. 】

"Holy crap, can it really increase?"

[Of course you can, but it depends on the target of the host's growth and its own realm. Different goals and realms have different effects. 】

Hearing what the system said, Li Taixing had more ideas.

"Well, I understand."

While he was thinking about it, a loud noise suddenly appeared in front of him.

Li Taixing immediately turned into a bird, flew ahead, found a tree, and landed.

In the open space ahead, a mantis monster as tall as a person and a rat monster as big as a calf were fighting, and both sides were furious.

The surrounding environment also became a mess because of the battle between the two of them.

Li Taixing took a look at them and hesitated whether to accept them as pets, but found that these two ferocious beasts had maimed each other, so he lost interest.

"Forget it." Li Taihang flew away, landed on the ground, and turned into a human form.

He took out the map of the Five Elements Secret Realm in his hand, spread it out, compared the surrounding environment, and determined the direction.

"I didn't expect this treasure map to be called the Five Elements Secret Realm Map. It doesn't sound like a treasure trove, but rather like a place for cultivation."

[Ding, remind the host that you have not made an increase choice yet. 】

At this time, the system sound sounded again.

Li Taihang's heart moved and he said: "System, your amplification ability is omnipresent, right?"

【So be it. 】

The system suddenly felt something bad.

"Give me the number of times to increase the number of choices, and I will choose both."


[Host, you are an idiot. 】

【Ding! The increase is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the qualification to select all options. The BUG has been fixed and will not be used again. 】

【Ding! The host gains the danger prediction ability of the current secret realm. 】

【Ding! The host gains the treasure prediction ability of the current secret realm. 】

Li Taihang couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"I didn't expect it would work like this. It's a pity that it was repaired. It's depressing."

Li Taixing felt that he was not happy enough.

【Ding! Missing system section detected, loading...]

Afterwards, there was no sound from the system.

Li Taixing wanted to know what section it was, but this time, the system ignored him.

"It's probably loading. Forget it, we're almost at the treasure location."

Li Taixing landed in front of a mountain, found the location on the map, and stopped.

"I found it, it should be here."

Li Taixing looked at the mountain in front of him, covered with layers of vines that were very strong.

He snapped his fingers, and two bear spirits appeared on Li Taihang's left and right.

Li Taixing pointed forward and said, "Go ahead, pull these vines aside."

The two bear spirits responded, stepped over, and began to pull the vines apart to both sides, revealing a hole for one person to pass through.

Li Taixing took the two bear spirits back. After all, they were too tall, and then walked in himself.

The moisture inside was very heavy, and a strong smell of grass and earth came to my face.

Li Taixing frowned.

"At this time, let's try the Hunyuan Pearl."

So, Li Taixing took out the Hunyuan Pearl, and instantly, all the smell disappeared.

Li Taihang was also wrapped in a thin film that no one else could see.

After Li Taihang was ready, he walked all the way inside and saw an open space in front of him. In the rock layer in front of him, there was a huge stone door.

Li Taihang walked to the huge door that was three people high, looked up at it, and said with emotion: "What kind of door is this? It's really big."

While he was staring at the stone door, suddenly, in front of him, a message box appeared, showing how to open it.

[Please put the Five Elements Secret Realm Map here. ]

There was a pointer under the message box. Li Taihang followed the pointer and walked to the side.

He found a hole here.

Li Taihang walked over, rolled up the Five Elements Secret Realm Map, and inserted it into a hole.

After the Five Elements Secret Realm Map was inserted, the entire huge door really opened with a "boom".

Li Taihang walked in.

At this time, in the depths of the Five Elements Secret Realm, there was a secret room.

At this time, the owner of the secret realm was lying on a stone bed. Suddenly, he realized something. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the Qiankun Mirror floating in front of him.

A figure appeared in it, it was Li Taihang.

"Hey, such a young body? This kid looks less than 20 years old?"

"Haha, interesting, a young body is good and energetic. What I didn't expect was that this kid could find a way to open the giant door."

"It seems that this person must be the most suitable body for me to possess."

A creepy smile appeared on the old man's somewhat old face.

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