The giant Wild Thunder Qilin looked down at Luo Qingyu in front of it with arrogance.

If before, Wild Thunder Qilin was afraid of Luo Qingyu, whose potential suppressed him.

Now that it has returned with krypton gold, it has expanded and does not take the harmless little rabbit in front of it into consideration at all.

It can be said that its character of bullying the weak and fearing the strong is fully displayed.

The giant roared to the sky, and the thunder power in its body stagnated in the air, condensing into countless thousands of thunders.

The audience instantly boiled.

"It's Chidori Senbon!"

"It looks like the level of training is quite high."

"That is, the Wild Thunder Qilin can easily improve its Lightning Release Ninjutsu, and with the Jun family's kryptonian gold flow, it is likely that it can kill a large number of summoned beasts of the same level in seconds."

Principal Yue looked solemnly at the Wild Thunder Kirin, which was surrounded by thousands of thunders.

The improvement brought by the gigantic size is not only physical strength and size, but also the power of ninjutsu.

Once the opposite moon beast can't stand it, he will take action.

One is a quasi-divine beast, and the other is a quasi-legend. They are all part of the Dragon Country's strength against foreign enemies.

They can't be destroyed in this friendly match.

On the other side, the Wild Thunder Kirin raised its upper body, and its claws suddenly fell with the half body.

The solid floor was shattered into pieces.

At the same time, all the thousands of thunders attacked the tiny Luo Qingyu like a storm.

Luo Yu stared nervously, ready to touch and cover the virtuality at any time.

There were many female spectators at the scene, who had predicted Luo Qingyu's miserable appearance in advance and covered their eyes in fear.

Their male companions took the opportunity to offer their arms and shoulders.

On one side of the venue, Jun Qianhe proudly puffed out his chest and glanced at Luo Yu from the corner of his eye.

"Don't forget your bet."

Don't even mention betting on the honor of the Jun family, she can't lose.

Just to prevent Senior Ye from falling into Luo Yu's clutches, she will use all the resources in her hands to win this friendly match.

However... facing the numerous thousands of thunders that attacked, Luo Qingyu's eyes changed.

Her white eyes flashed with a hint of coldness and arrogance.

The pressure of the white eyes was released 360 degrees, and a space vibration spread from the whole body.

The thousands of thunders were all affected by this aura and fell outside the range of the pressure.

As a result, the floor near Luo Qingyu was immediately baptized by a strong electric current.

In an instant, only the area centered on her was not struck by lightning, while the outer areas turned into a layer of charcoal under the electric current.

Even the audience in the audience seats, hundreds of meters away from Luo Qingyu, could feel the aura of this king, knocking on their will.

"Can one defend against a Chidori Senbon of that level with just the spirit?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Some girls' eyes were red with hearts, and they were conquered by Luo Qingyu's little expression.

"This little rabbit looks cute on the outside, but is actually very domineering! It's so cute, I really want to touch it"

"I advise you not to think about it, be careful that they may kill you in one glance."At the scene, countless audiences stood up, their eyes full of shock.

Among them were many ninja masters who came to join in the fun, and they couldn't believe what they saw. Are quasi-divine beasts really that powerful?

A Chunin level versus a Jonin level, just a glance can make the opponent's powerful ninjutsu ineffective!

Even bragging is not like this!

In the special seat, Lu Ming, the dean of the Psychic Department, was jealous.

The top students of their department, all of them have contracted many psychic beasts.

Once they start a duel with students from other departments, they will use the number of psychic beasts to suppress them.

But the potential of so many psychic beasts combined , are not as good as this ordinary rabbit in front of him!

Luo Yu contracted such a potential spiritual beast, how come the Academy of Sciences took advantage of it!


Such an outstanding talent must be poached to protect the glory of the spiritual academy!

On the field, Principal Yue swallowed his saliva.

Others don't know, but as a shadow-level strong man, coupled with close observation, he can naturally sense it.

This inexplicably strong pressure is not formed by the suppression of the weak by ordinary strong people, but bursts out from those white eyes.

Thinking about this clearly, he immediately thought of Ning Fangtang's report on the appearance of the ancestor of the Su family in the Moon Beast Temple

"Could it be that the bloodline of the Moon Beasts with white eyes is purer than that of the Su family?"

If the Su family heard this, they would probably be overwhelmed.

After all, the innate white eyes are their capital for superiority.

Of course, the person who is most overwhelmed now is Jun Qianhe.

"Is that the end?" She stared dumbfoundedly at the intact little rabbit with a rather arrogant look in her eyes.

Her dog had eaten so many top-quality resources, but it easily resolved the attack with just a glare.

She couldn't accept this.

Luo Yu breathed a sigh of relief,"Fortunately, all those radishes were not eaten in vain."

Upon hearing this, Jun Qianhe felt dizzy and almost vomited blood.

Can he be so strong just by eating radishes?

If he loses, all her expensive resources will not be eaten in vain!

""Dog! Come on!"

Under Jun Qianhe's gaze, the Wild Thunder Qilin was about to summon thunderclouds and combine the power of nature to inflict heavy damage on the opponent.

At this time, Luo Qingyu, who had been indifferent all the time, took the initiative. His white eyes sank again, and the endless pupil power was like a mountain, pressing heavily on the huge body of the Wild Thunder Qilin.

"Kneel down!"

A cold reprimand resounded throughout the place.

As soon as this was said, many men with families at the scene suddenly felt their knees soften as a conditioned reflex.

The Wild Thunder Kirin was instantly unable to move, and the consumption of its gigantic transformation was also very high.

Under the huge pressure, it was overwhelmed, and it lifted its gigantic transformation and knelt heavily on the floor.

Then, it made a pleading sound with a flattering face.

"Wuwu... (Sorry, I was too loud just now)"

Luo Qingyu looked arrogant, jumped in front of the Wild Thunder Kirin, stood up like a human, and then raised his hind hoof to step on its head.

Although the Wild Thunder Kirin shrank after the giantization, it was still the size of a large dog.

Being stepped on the head by a rabbit was a suffocating scene.

Tears slid down from the corners of the Wild Thunder Kirin's eyes.

It thought of the feeling of being"loved" by Jun Qianhe.

Are all females so scary!

Fear of females!

The Kirin clan is at least a king race on par with the Dragon clan. Wherever they go, they are admired. How could they have suffered such grievances?

The audience who came to the scene were numb. They were looking forward to a wonderful spiritual battle.

As a result, the krypton gold Kirin, who had always been optimistic about it, only made a move and was subdued by the two eyes of the Moon Beast.

And he was crying and being bullied by a rabbit.

Although this rabbit is a quasi-divine beast.

This is a character defect. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong can cooperate with giantization and form suppression in a short time.

Once it encounters a tough guy, it is very likely to surrender on the spot.

If it is not so bad in character, even if Luo Qingyu pours all his pupil power into it, the Wild Thunder Qilin can still break free from the shackles of pressure by virtue of its gigantic size.

So the Wild Thunder Qilin is a king race, why does it have a character that bullies the weak and fears the strong?

Although Luo Yu won, he was also numb.

So this is the nature of my sister!

It seems that I can't make her angry in the future.

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