Zhen Demon Guard?

At this moment, the three people in the courtyard also noticed several people in Chu He, and confirmed from their clothes that they were people from the Zhen Mo Si.

"Excalibur Gate, Zhang Kai!"

The man at the head arched his hand against the Chu River.


Chu He closed the window directly.

This is not that he is arrogant, but that the tea dregs (maggots) exposed between the other party's mouths make him sick to his stomach.

"Senior Brother Zhang, what are you polite with this group of court eagle dogs, a group of people who can only fish and flesh the people, arrogant and arrogant."

The green-robed woman next to him said coldly.

From her words, it is not difficult to find that she has a very good opinion about Zhen Mowei, and even has a serious prejudice.

Zhang Kai shook his head and said nothing, and then, under the leadership of Chunni, the three of them entered the west wing room to move in.

The silver moon is empty.

In the courtyard, the wind blows, the locust trees begin to shake slightly, and the leaves make a salsa sound.


The courtyard door was opened by the wind, and then a messy sound of footsteps came from outside.



Chu He kicked open the door of the room, led Lu Feng and the others to step into the courtyard, and looked around:

I saw.

Sixty or so raggedly dressed, human-like, animal-like beings and non-beasts crowded the courtyard, wandering aimlessly.

On the other side: Zhang Kai and the three also appeared in the courtyard, the green-robed woman pointed in front of her fingers, her body trembling, obviously just screaming from her mouth.

"Junior sister, are you okay!" Zhang Kai immediately took a step forward and said with concern for the woman in his hand.

"Division... "The green-robed woman turned around and was just about to say something, when she saw the "tea" in Zhang Kai's mouth, she sprayed it directly!

Red, white, green paste Zhang Kai's face.


His spray didn't matter, making Lu Feng and the others gag with it, it was really this scene too disgusting.

"Fog... Vomit!

Zhang Kai wiped his face and turned his head to spit it out.

[Undead corpse: a pint demon, not very aggressive, very contagious, bite, contagious. ]

Criticism: Such demons should not exist in the world, and hope that the host will kill them as soon as possible and eliminate harm. Undead


Chu He saw the prompt given by the system, and his eyes were cold.

There are records of this in the Zhen Mo Division, and even, once caused a disaster, enough to fall a county of Terrans.

"Kill, leave no one."

Chu He's long knife came out of its sheath and said coldly.


Lu Feng's five people pulled out their Zhen Demon Knife one after another, killing many wandering undead corpses, and Zhen Demon Guard and Ling Xing forbade it.

Not to mention that there are a group of monsters in front of them that are not human at first glance, even if they are real people, they will not hesitate.

Rip and pull!

Lu Feng cut an undead corpse in two with a knife, but only half of its upper body bit into his thigh.

"Foggy grass!" Lu Feng was startled, and immediately took two steps back, slashing the long knife in his hand and chopping it in half.

"This is the undead corpse, beheaded, that's their point." Chu He shouted.


With a strong step on his right foot, the figure jumped up like a cannonball, jumping directly into the center of the group of undead corpses, and a horizontal kick: Boom


An undead corpse was kicked in the head.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the undead corpse in the middle of the first pin, and reward the demon points: one point. ] 】Brush


A knife slashes out, thunder flashes!

Rip and pull!

An undead corpse head spiraled into heaven in place.

Chu He landed on the ground with both feet, swung his left hand forward, and a black light flashed, like a night shooting star.

Boom! Boom! Boom...!

A series of explosions sounded, and at the same time, the system's prompt sounds in Chu He's mind continued to appear.

However: there is only one point, because the undead corpses he killed are all in the middle of the first grade, and none of the undead corpses in this group are powerful.

And the undead corpses in the early stage have no reward at all, otherwise Chu He would not have given up the head to Lu Feng and others.


While Chu He was concerned that Lu Feng and the others were not bitten, he looked around the courtyard, the danger could not only come from this group of undead corpses with low intelligence.

At least: the old man and the spring mud didn't show up!

After a dozen breaths.

Zhang Kai and the three also stopped vomiting, took out their long swords, and killed the several undead corpses that pounced around them.

However, the little junior brother who had never spoken was bitten off by several undead corpses in a panic.

Let Chu He pout speechlessly.

Although this group of undead corpses is a class of demons, but their intelligence is low, they are basically easier to deal with among demons.

That's it....

can bite a first-class martial artist to death, can only say: there is a problem with the training method of the sect disciples, only look at the qualifications, not the heart.


Lu Feng hacked to death the last undead corpse, ran out of Chu He with an excited face, and said: "A total of sixty-seven undead corpses, all of them have been killed, and none of them have run." "

No wonder he is so excited, you know, the credit point of the Zhen Demon Guard is determined by the number of demons killed, the undead corpse is a pint of demon, and it is also contagious, and there are a lot of merit points."

After this calculation, even if Chu He took the big head, they also gained a lot, and they were much luckier than other town demon guards.


Chu He did not look at him, but shouted coldly: "

Get out!"


Hearing Chu He's words, Lu Feng's five people's faces changed, and they immediately drew out the Zhen Demon Knife to alert the four directions.

At the same time, Zhang Kai also looked around, and the green-robed woman was even more pale, obviously frightened.


The innermost gate of the courtyard opened, and the old man and girl just now came out, and said with an eerie smile:

"Zhen Mosi, you are stronger than the previous small flag."

"The Holy Lady appreciates you very much, but she can give you a position of protector, and in the future, the White Lotus Sect will sweep the world, and you will become above ten thousand people."

White Lotus Sect?

Chu He's brows furrowed, he didn't expect to encounter this religion on his first mission, the White Lotus and the Daqian First Cult.

When the power was the greatest, it occupied the land of ten states, and it was only after the fall of countless strong people and armies that suppressed it.


Over the past hundreds of years, the intermittent remnants have not stopped, popping up from time to time and fluttering twice.


Chu He's eyes showed disdain, and with a wave of his left hand, a black light cut through the space: "The evil devil has no outer path, there is not even a station, and it is above tens of thousands of people."

"Damn it!"

The old man grabbed the girl and blocked it in front of him, and at the same time immediately squatted down, and a lazy donkey rolled to the side to hide.


The girl's eyebrows were penetrated by a black light, and she burped on the spot, and the old man crawled forward a few times in fright, shouting:

"Welcome to the arrival of the Holy Daughter."

A silver bell-like laughter came from afar, and I saw a girl in white appear on the roof of the courtyard.

"Senior sister."

The green-robed girl looked at the woman above the roof and suddenly showed surprise on her face, and said to Zhang Kai next to her: "Senior brother, it's senior sister."

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Chu He's mind

: [Ding, possessed ghost demon:

A pinnacle demon, good at scheming, possessed, once a maid of the White Lotus Sect's holy daughter, three hundred years old. ]

Criticism: Old cucumbers are painted green and pretended to be tender, and they are disgusting when they see it, please kill the host as soon as possible and do not leave a trace of affection. 】

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