
The earth-shattering shouts resounded throughout the hall.


The faces of many ghost clans were suddenly shocked, and the sound of horses' hooves they heard alone was no less than hundreds.


Zhen Moji is going to move the real thing this time.

Also, he actually sent that killing god here, and it is estimated that there is no possibility of reconciliation.

Whip! Whip! Whip!

A ghost clan guard quickly ran into the hall and

hurriedly said, "

Ghost King,

the big thing is not good."

"Our ghost is surrounded by the town demon guards, there are no less than five hundred town demon guards, they are too terrifying, they will kill the ghost."

"Ghost King, let's escape."


The guard's face was as pale as snow.

It wasn't just him: even many ghost elders had solemn faces and a hint of fear.


Years of isolation, coupled with: being in a high position, they have long lost a lot of fighting spirit.

With such an existence, it is okay to fight a good wind, but if it is a real fight, I am afraid that it will not be hit.


The Ghost King's face was cold.

How could it not know the thoughts of this group of ghost elders, it was clear that it had the mentality of escaping, and did not dare to be an enemy with the Zhen Mo Si.

Such a cowardly team!

It's really eggy!


The Ghost King snorted coldly.


A huge coercive pressure enveloped the entire hall.


Many ghosts have a straight face.

The gaze that looked at the Ghost King showed anticipation.

That's right.

Their ghost kings have broken through the middle of the fifth grade.

Even the entire Yunzhou Town Demon Division is afraid of the town guard, and the two major commanders.

Right now.

Just a hundred households came, even if he had this great reputation, it was only a four-rank existence.

Could it be that he could still cross the level and kill the Ghost King, which was absolutely impossible in their cognition.

You know:

jumping layer battles are normal, the same grade, and even demons can fight more than two layers.


It is too difficult to skip the level and kill, and every grade is a very difficult threshold to cross, and it is normal to jam Tianjiao all his life.

What's more: as far as they knew, Chu He's cultivation was only in the late fourth grade, and he was one level and three layers away from the Ghost King.


They don't have to worry too much at all.

"Wang, let's better salute first and then soldier."

A ghost elder stood up and said, "After all, we can't be the opponent of the Zhen Demon Division now.

"I don't intend to offend Zhen Mosi, so it's best to give Chu He a little benefit and send him away."

"Seconded below."


"......" for

a while.

Many ghost elders agreed with this strategy.

It can be seen from this how

worried they are about being remembered by the Zhen Moji, after all, the good days are too long, and they forget the so-called hatred.

Even: let them all quickly forget that they are demons, and they have killed many Terrans, which is a hatred that cannot be resolved.


The ghost king slapped the seat.

He slowly got up and walked towards the outside of the main hall, and in the back, many ghost elders hurriedly followed, and their faces returned to calm.

As a big guy on one side, they also have cultivation above the fourth grade, and it is impossible to show cowardice in the outside world.


The spider ghost did not follow, it looked outside the hall, and countless eyes turned and turned.

Finally: The figure walked towards a certain place at the back of the hall without hesitation, where the treasure of the ghost was hidden.


Outside the main hall!

As soon as the Ghost King and the others came out, their eyes froze.

As far as the eye can see!

The entire area around the ghost land was surrounded by layers of demon guards, and a lot of black ash appeared on the ground, which was formed by the fall of the ghost race.


Many ghost clans have been killed by the Zhen Demon Guard.


The ghost king's gaze looked in one place.


Chu He, who was dressed in a big red cloak and a rusty dragon brocade robe, sat on the spirit horse, his face was cold and domineering!


The ghosts swallowed wildly.


They also all have four-grade cultivation, but in the face of Chu He, who is of the same quality, they feel the threat of death.

Especially: when they looked at Chu He's eyes, a cool breath rushed straight to the sky from their heels.


Unbeatable murderousness!

What kind of eyes are this: cold, ruthless, indifferent, domineering, contemptuous of everything they look at.


Everything in heaven and earth is nothing in his eyes.


Even the Ghost King's heart was tight.

Intuition tells it that he may not be its opponent, or even, that the other party may kill him.

How can it be?

It is a demon in the middle of the fifth grade.

And also.

It's a ghost king!


It is one of the hardest creatures in the world to kill.

Because, having fallen once, there will be many abnormal characteristics on its body that are different from other demons.

For example: stealth, through walls, possession... Wait a minute.


There are many means of saving lives.

Unless it is to meet the two natural nemesis of Confucianism and Buddhism, it is difficult to kill at the same level.

Of course.

The army is also theoretically half of their nemesis.


The Ghost King let out a turbid breath

and said in a loud voice:

"Presumably, Your Excellency is the God Killer Chu River, and

it can be regarded as a brilliance to be able to come to Ghost Land today."

"I don't know where my ghost has offended Your Excellency, let Your Excellency come here from thousands of miles, can you tell me?"

"If there is anything wrong, Brother Chu said casually, Ghost Ya should be rectified and reformed, and a harmonious society should be built together."


The ghost king also bowed to the Chu River.

A state of respect for Chu River, this scene: can be described as giving Chu River face.

To be honest:

the ghost king really doesn't know why Chu River came.

You know:

they don't have much cooperation with Hou Li, and the people they arrest are all homeless people who want to eat.

And a large proportion of them are death row inmates in their prisons, and the chances of detection are slim.

Even if it is discovered:


it will not let the Zhen Demon Master move the crowd here.

This is completely out of interest, and there are not a few other demon forces who have done more than this.

Could it be...

Sky Silver Vein!

"Damn it!"

The Ghost King seemed to have guessed something.

It thought that it must be the big fool of the Corpse King, who exposed the Heavenly Silver Vein when trading with Hou Li.

Therefore, it will provoke the prying eyes of the Zhen Moji, and now, its fall does not say, and he also gives himself to the tower.


Chu He looked at the ghost king with a complicated look in front of him.

Coldly said:

"A group of demons still seek a harmonious society with this seat, it's really ironic, when does the Zhen Demon Guard need a reason to slaughter the demons."


The Ghost King said in a hurry: "

There is no reason."

"Then you will kill the ghost ya, is it to break the consensus regulations of the peaceful demon forces!"

At this time.

The Ghost King moved out a moral banner to press the Chu River.

After all:

for hundreds of years, due to the turmoil in Daqian, many prefecture and town demons and some demon forces have reached a consensus.

That is: well water does not violate river water!


Zhen Mosi can stabilize society, and demon forces can also develop, hello me hello everyone!

The same goes for Yunzhou.

It's kind of a default rule!

If this

rule is broken rashly, it is likely to cause a backlash from other demon forces, which will destabilize the whole state.


The Ghost King believed that his words would definitely make a difference.


The next moment.

It's dumbfounded!

I see....

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