"I've seen adults!"

In an open space in the Zhen Mosi, ten small flags bowed to the Chu River, including Di Yiqi a few days ago.

To be precise:

At present, the Yunzhou Town Demon Division is loyal to Chu River's small banner is no less than twenty,

and there is already an existence to break through the second rank.


Chu He nodded and said, "

Pack up and leave in half an hour."


Ten small flags bowed in response.

Among them, Di Yiqi (Zhao Yuan) was appointed by Chu He as the small banner of Lu Feng's five, and was introducing each other.


Half an hour later!

Chu He led the fifty town demon guards to ride the spirit horse out of the city and towards Jiuyou Town, dodging everywhere he passed.


In order to avoid it, the merchants on the official road all pulled the carriages out of the avenue and waited for Chu He and the others to pass first.

"Mad, this town demon guard is also too rampant, the official road is a total of six meters, he occupies five meters and rushes, he wants to go to heaven."

"You make a little noise, the Zhen Demon Guard can not only kill demons, kill people without blinking, the one in the lead is the general flag, the second grade strong."

"Alas, we are businessmen, peace is precious, it is normal to give people a path, no one kills demons and demons, and we have a bad life." A caravan chief said.

Others nodded as well.

They also made a few complaints, after all, they were in business, and they didn't have much opinion about Zhen Mowei.

What really does not wait to see the Zhen Demon Guard is: the sect and the family!

Ride in line!

Chu He quickly asked, "Tell me about the situation in Jiuyou Town."

Zhao Yuan immediately replied: "Sir, Jiuyou Town is an important town in Dongshan County, and it is also the residence of the Tianyuan Sect, and its sect master is a five-rank powerhouse, and his name is very loud in the entire Yunzhou.

"Every three years, it will hold a Tianjiao competition, and all sects and factions in Yunzhou will generally participate, and at the same time, every time Zhen Mosi will also send a battalion to come, first: to prevent people from making trouble, and second: to show the strength and let the sect disciples know that Zhen Mosi is the boss of Yunzhou."

Hearing Zhao Yuan's answer, Chu He nodded.

It seems that this joint action is related to the Tianjiao competition held by the Tian Yuan Sect, and the incident is not small.


, he would not have dispatched six battalions at once, and this kind of strength was not considered the sect master of the Tianyuan Sect,

and he could easily destroy his sect.

Just as everyone was about to walk through a wood!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

A sound of gold and iron came from ahead.


Five white-robed men quickly ran in their direction with blades in hand, two men and three women, both of them with colors on their bodies, and dozens of people in the rear chased, strong and weak.

The strong one is at the peak, the weak one has not yet entered the product, and the clothes are also uneven, very similar to a gang of thieves.

"Court Eagle Dog!"


The five people also found the figures of Chu He and the others, and one of the pure-looking women lit up in front of her eyes, and immediately said:

"Lord of the Zhen Mosi in front, I am a disciple of the Qingshan Sect, and the rear is pursuing a group of mountain thieves, and I hope that the adults will come to the rescue."


The five quickly rushed to Chu He and the others.

"Foggy grass!"

The mountain thieves also found Chu He and the others, their faces changed wildly, and they turned around and fled in the direction they came.

"One does not remain!"

Chu He's icy voice sounded.

"Order!" Zhao Yuan was the first to shout: "General flag order: one does not stay, kill without amnesty." "

Originally a group of rabble horse thieves, although there are some cultivation practices, but the combat power is very average, how can it be the opponent of the Zhen Devil Guard, and the moment of the fight, I am frantically begging for mercy:

"Don't kill me, I'm just an ordinary horse thief, I haven't done anything bad at all, so I marry more than thirty concubines, and five are useless."

"Adults, spare your life..., it was those sect disciples who infiltrated our cottage and snatched money, and I chased them later."

"Ahhh... I can't die, I'm still a chick... Unwillingly... I knew that last night I had a five-dragon pillar.

A young man shouted angrily.


Their pleas for mercy had no effect, Zhen Devil Wei would not have any soft-heartedness, just a few breaths, he killed all the mountain thieves, among which the young mountain thief was even more dead, and he was still unwilling to probe somewhere in himself...

"My lord, all have been killed!"

Zhao Yuan and the others ran to Chu He and recovered.

"Thank you for your help." The girl who had just called for help saluted Chu He and said gratefully: "The little woman has nothing to reward, this is the little woman's rusty handkerchief, so I gave it to the adult." Said


He took out an embroidered handkerchief and handed it to Chu He on the spirit horse, with a coquettish expression on his face, obviously, he was a little moved by Chu He's heroic salvation.

This is also normal:

they are all disciples of small sects, they have not seen much of the world, and young girls are not deeply involved in the world, so naturally they have no resistance to a man with a cold appearance, status, and momentum like Chu He.

Several other sect disciples had different faces, and two of them were nothing, but one of the gray-robed men was full of anger, but because of the power of Chu He and the others, they did not dare to say anything.


Chu He looked at the neck of the young girl!


The young girl suddenly covered her chest, turned around, and her face turned red and shy.

"My lord, I still look forward to... Ah..." The

gray-robed man looked angry, but before he finished speaking, he felt a huge force coming from his chest, and suddenly the figure flew out backwards.



It took two big trees to stop!


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth:

"For... Why..."


It was Chu He's kick that kicked it away without warning!

"Why!" Chu He's face was cold, and he took the handkerchief in the hand of the young girl, wiped the blood stains on her feet, and said, "Who allowed you to talk to this Zongqi like this, and search out all the treasures on their bodies." "


Zhao Yuan and the others immediately answered.

In the shocked gazes of the five sect disciples, all the treasures on the dead body were scavenged out, and there was nothing left, including the glowing jade pendant from the girl's neck.

After all:

this is a necessary skill for the Zhen Demon Guard, and the family is destroyed!

"Sir, it's not right for you to do this, we are all residents of Daqian, how can you, as the Zhen Demon Guard, rob us."

The young girl said with a worried look.

Daqian residents!

Chu He shook his head and sneered: "You sect disciples still know that the imperial court, the Yunzhou sect and the family have not paid taxes for three years, and these are even the interest collected." "


the pure girl was saying something in advance, and the cold ordinary evil voice of Chu River came from her ears again

: "It's normal for a few sect disciples to be killed by mountain thieves, and the Zhen Demon Guard arrived in time to kill the mountain thief, this is still a great achievement, you say:



Chu He smiled evilly and rode away.


Dozens of Demon Guards quickly followed, leaving only five sect disciples standing in place with a terrified look!


The blood-stained handkerchief was blown by the wind on the pure girl's face, making her eyes red and tears of grievance.

She felt: she was out of love! (┯_┯)

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