"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the Demon Fire Dog in the early stage of the third grade, and obtaining Demon Points: 100."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the demon charm ghost in the middle of the third grade, and obtaining demon points: 300."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the demon powerful demon in the early stage of the third grade, and obtained demon points: 100."

three consecutive sounds sounded.

Five hundred demon points, perfect.

As long as you kill three more third-grade early demons, or one third-grade mid-grade demon, you can break through the peak of the second grade.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chu He's mouth.


Looking around, I found that the

remaining three-grade demons were not easy to solve, and none of them were not said in the early stage of the third grade, and none of them were harmed.


The reason why he was able to kill three third-grade demons in seconds.

is because these three are the most seriously injured, among them, the demon in the middle of the third grade, his consciousness is a little blurry, he is completely relying on his last breath to support, to put it mildly, even if Chu He does not make a move, he will not live more than half a column of incense.


An earth-shattering bang pulled all living beings back into their hearts.


Everyone looked in unison!


Zhang Wei had been punched into the ground by the tiger-headed demon, and at the same time, a big foot stepped on it fiercely.

"Don't..." "

Demon stop!"

The demons roared again, but at the moment, they were all far away, and there was no chance to save each other, and, with their strength, the probability of making a move was useless.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to fall!


A sword light cut through the heavens and the earth, straight to the back of the demon's head.

The incomparable sword light made the tiger-headed demon change their faces, and they immediately turned around with a claw.


A symphony of gold and iron sounded.

A slightly chubby figure swept under the tiger-headed demon crotch, grabbed Zhang Wei in the deep pit and swept hundreds of meters to one side.


The slightly chubby figure threw down Zhang Wei in his hand, half kneeling on the ground, his face was red, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth:


Obviously, it was not easy for him to fight hard with the tiger-headed demon just now, and also suppress the power of countershock to rescue Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei stood up shakily, looked at the slightly chubby man on the side, and said with a complicated face: "Sun Shang, why do you want to save me."

"Save you... Bah... Lao Tzu saved the Zhen Demon Wei Baihu.

Sun Shang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "No need to thank Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu just sees that this tiger-headed demon is not pleasing to the eye, with your rotten life, it is not worth Lao Tzu's desperate efforts to save."

Zhang Wei's eyes fluctuated, and said, "That's good, the big enemy is now, how about you and I join forces again."

Sun Shang did not answer, but tore a piece of blood cloth from his cuff, wrapped the Zhen Demon Knife around his right hand, and said:

"Laozi fights by himself, and he doesn't need you."


He jumped into the air with one foot, slashed down with a long knife, and shouted:

"Zhen Demon!"


The sword light flashed heaven and earth, tearing the space.


Zhang Wei did not hesitate in the slightest, tore the cuffs, tied the Zhen Demon Knife in his right hand, and bowed down to attack the tiger-headed demon in three ways.




The earth-shattering collision sounded in most of Jiuyou Town.

Zhang Wei and Sun Shangming did not communicate a word, but they cooperated seamlessly, and a strong attack made the tiger head demons only resist.


Sun Shang was extremely strong, and he desperately pressed down from above to prevent the tiger-headed demon from rising into the air.

What a situation.

Many Zhen Mowei were stunned when they saw the distant battlefield, how could Sun Baihu and Zhang Baihu, who had obviously been like fire and water, cooperate so tacitly.

Even Chu He was a little puzzled.


Sun Shang even tripped himself up to deal with Zhang Wei, and later, he investigated, and it was related to Tianfu Pond.

Now it seems!

More than the reason for Tianfu Pond!

Chu He looked at Baihu, who had just been rescued by him, and was still a little confused, and asked, "What is the situation?"

"Well, I'll tell you about it." Baihu said hurriedly while tearing his sleeves and wrapping his knives:

"At the beginning, they were twin stars of the three armies, their talents were very high, and they were even valued by the big guys above, and the two had a good relationship, born and died together, comparable to Jiyou."

"It's a pity that three years ago, Sun Baihu's own sister and Zhang Baihu's fiancée Sun Naier suddenly fell, and the specific inside story is unknown, but since then, the two have become enemies."

Shut up.

He quickly killed the battlefield with the Zhen Demon Knife in his hand.

I see!

Chu He looked at the two who cooperated with tacit understanding not far away, and basically guessed what happened at the beginning, which was nothing more than some bloody plots:

Sun Naier most likely died to save Zhang Wei, and the two turned against each other, but the brotherly bond has not disappeared.

Shaking your head.

Chu He scanned the entire battlefield again:

"The most urgent task is to find demons that can start, harvest demon points, break through cultivation, and everything else is reliable."


One step out disappeared like a ghost.

After half a column of incense!


A third-grade early stage demon who had just been beaten away by the Zhen Demon Hundred Households felt a chill in his heart in mid-air and lost consciousness on the spot.

See this!

The hundred households who made the move looked cold and said, "Chu He, what are you going to do." Grab the credit.

"Everyone is fighting desperately, but you are scurrying around on the battlefield to mend the knife, you do this at the moment of life and death, how can you be worthy of the duty of the demon guard."


Chu He pulled out the Zhen Demon Knife inserted into the demon's body, and said with a flat face: "Ji Baihu, I don't need to explain to you how to do this general flag, and the duties of the Zhen Demon Guard are not what you say."

"You..." Ji Baihu's face was livid.


As if he felt something, he immediately looked into the distance.


Two figures are coming at great speed.

One has a sword intent on his body, the other is extremely heavy, and the two figures are one left and one right, separated by 100 meters, forming horns with each other.

"It's Qian Qianhu!"

"There is also the Sect Master of the Tianyuan Sect and Tianliu."

Everyone immediately recognized the identities of the two, and at the same time, they all saw that the two were not a gang, and they were very hostile to each other.


Two figures appeared above the battlefield.


Qian Hao looked at the battlefield below and silently breathed a sigh of relief.


There are many demon guards who died, but they are also within the scope of bearing, and none of the hundred households have died.

Tianliu's face was gloomy, and he looked at Sun Shang and Zhang Wei, who were fighting with the tiger head demon, and said coldly:

"This is the Yunzhou Town Demon Division Twin Star a few years ago, but do you think they can really block the tiger head."

"There is not much time, quick victory, if you delay the great affairs of your family's holy daughter, what consequences do not need to be reminded by this sect."

The voice of the heavenly stream resounded inside the battlefield.


the tiger-headed demon roared up to the sky.

Completely ignoring the attacks of the two, he directly clawed at Zhang Wei, and the momentum was fierce and terrifying.

"Get out of the way!"

Sun Shang slammed into Zhang Wei, slashed out with a knife and shouted: "The town demon lives on." "

Rip and pull.

Sun Shang's body was torn in half, and blood stained the heavens and the earth.

This first villain that Chu He met when he stepped into the Zhen Mosi fell here before he could be killed by his power.

I don't know if it's a creation trick or what!


This also made Chu He know more that this is a real world, he is not a bullshit protagonist, and the villains may not wait for him to kill, he also needs to prepare more.

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