
Countless gasping sounds sounded.


Chu He's naked upper body was densely cracked, deep bones were visible, and blood flowed out from within.

It's hard to imagine....

What kind of pain is he going through now!

However, it is obviously beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Rivers of blood flow under your feet!

Cracks in the body!

All the residents watched this scene in a daze, stunned in place like a sculpture.

Everyone knows that this is caused by stimulating potential, and such pain Chu He is silent.

Looking at his body that twitched from time to time, many residents clenched their teeth and shed tears:

"Zhen Devil Wei General Banner, Chu He, those sect disciples are still spreading bad words about him in the town."

"It's all his mother's bullshit, even if he acts ruthlessly, it is against demons and those chaotic sect disciples."

"Those sect disciples, as soon as they encounter danger, they will run, in the end, it is still the Zhen Demon Guard who protects us, and it is appropriate to suppress them."

"After today, I will erect an eternal monument to the Chu General Banner."

At this time.

All the residents looked at Chu He's back with admiration.

It was as if he was looking at the guardian spirit, it was him, who was fighting to the death for himself and others to block the demons.


"Brother, what kind of person is he." The weak man asked in a low voice.


He thought that Chu He was a rampant villain, but now looking at his bloodstained body, he could no longer open his mouth to say half a word, the other party was far stronger than him.

The majestic man clenched his fists and replied, "He, a true demon guard." "



A town demon hundred households gave himself a mouthful, it was Ji Baihu who laughed at Chu River not long ago.

Right now.

He was simply ashamed of himself, compared with the other party, he was the unworthy demon guard.


On the battlefield!

The tiger-headed demon kept shaking his head, looking at Chu He with a look of jealousy, but did not dare to attack rashly.

It is not stupid, and the intelligence of the fourth-grade demon is definitely not lower than that of humans, and it is even more cunning than most humans.

It can naturally be seen that Chu River's current state is strong, as long as it is consumed, it will consume energy to death in a few breaths.

He really guessed correctly.


Chu He's face was extremely gloomy, just now, he pretended to use the secret method, but in fact, he was secretly stimulating the soul.

Originally planned to quickly kill the tiger head demon, and... However, the tiger head demon was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Even if it is seriously injured, it can not be killed in a few moves.

"No, the current body can support at most less than a hundred breaths before it explodes, and it must be fought quickly."

Chu He's face turned cold.

The left hand was quickly thrown out, and a ghost light quickly flew out, and at the same time, the big foot stepped in the blood and went straight to the tiger head demon to kill.

"Town, demon!"


Poof! Bite! Oh....

The muffled sound of collision resounded, and it was extremely urgent.

Every breath!

There were no less than a dozen confrontations, and the painful tiger roar continued to sound, and it became more and more intense.


The cracks on Chu He's body are also getting bigger and bigger, and the blood is flowing in pieces, and it is completely impossible to see the human form.

Let all the Zhen Demon Guards be dazzled, especially Zhao Yuan and others, completely desperate to rush towards the tiger-headed demon, wanting to share the worry for Chu River, but unfortunately, they were all blocked by other demons.


"It's a good seedling, but unfortunately, there is none!" Tianliu said with a mocking face: "If he were a disciple of the sect, how could he break through to the third rank now, but let your Zhen Demon Guard delay

" "In this world, it should not be the rule of the empire, the sect is the place where the strong can be trained, and the empire is only worthy of producing killing weapons."

"Wolf ambition!"

Qian Hao looked angry, and the Zhen Demon Sword in his hand continued to cut out, and one after another sharp sword qi flashed into the void.

Secretly glanced down:

the heart sank quickly, the situation was very bad, Chu River was obviously on the verge of collapse, and although the tiger-headed demon was seriously injured, it still had the power to fight.

One but: Chu River can't hold on, and there must be a large number of town demon guards and residents dying.

Even if Chu He could kill the tiger-headed demon before the fall, this time, the loss of the Zhen Demon Division was heavy enough.

At this time!

While fighting against Qian Hao, Tianliu looked at the blood stains flowing into a stream below the battlefield and nodded with satisfaction.

No one noticed.

The blood on the ground is constantly sinking, and everything absorbed by the earth is very strange.

To be precise:

if you look down at the entire Jiuyou Town at this time, you will find that wherever there are blood stains, it is slowly sinking, and the earth is like a bloodthirsty monster, constantly devouring blood.


All of this is related to the White Lotus Sect's plan.


Even Tianliu didn't know what the White Lotus Sect's plan was, only that the blood of countless martial arts cultivators would be sprinkled on the land of Jiuyou Town, and the reward would be given to him.



After Chu He and the tiger-headed demon bombarded again, fifty breaths had passed since the end of the hundred breaths, and according to his calculations, another thirty breaths would kill them and complete the plan.


Before he could strike again, he suddenly looked into the distance.


A figure quickly stepped into the air, one kilometer in one step, as if teleporting, and the momentum was extremely strong.

"Zhou Cang!"

"Damn, how could he come so quickly, but those wastes of the White Lotus Sect said that they could withstand half a day, and now they don't even have two hours."

Tianliu scolded with a look of horror.


A palm forced Qian Hao back a hundred meters, and the figure swept towards the distance without hesitation, shouting:


No wonder Tianliu is so afraid, Zhou Cang is the commander of the Demon Guard of Yunzhou Town, and an absolute bigwig-level existence.

His cultivation is also the peak of the fifth rank, and his combat power is even stronger, and he has killed the sixth-grade demon unscathed.

Facing Zhou Cang head-on, Tianliu didn't have the guts, but if he wanted to escape, the other party couldn't catch it.


"Not good."

Chu He's face also changed wildly, and Zhou Cang's arrival was not a good thing for him, but it was very fatal.

His current body can't hold up to fifty breaths at all, and once Zhou Cang comes here to kill the tiger-headed demon, he will definitely die.

Fight it!

Chu He's eyes flashed with a trace of fierceness.

The soul power in the body once again collided with the talisman vortex on the skull, intending to increase the spiritual power again.


A huge amount of spiritual power poured into Chu He's body, causing the momentum in his body to expand again, but the crack also increased again, and he was about to explode and die.


Chu He slashed towards him, turned to escape, and the tiger-headed demon cut in.


A white liquor tiger head mixed with blood spiraled into the sky.


The tail of the tiger-headed demon also pumped on Chu He's body.


Chu River, who did not dodge at all, was pumped on the spot over the cliff hundreds of meters away and fell down.

"Chu River

..." "Chu General Banner..."

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