
Wang Shuang flicked his sleeves and said disdainfully: "Pretend to be a big-tailed wolf, why don't you ride the wind and soar to 90,000 li." "

The prince of the prince is worthy of lifting people."

"Wang Gongzi will definitely be able to go to high school in the future."


The guests congratulated.

They all heard the meaning of Wang Shuang's words, that is: Ru pretended to be like this, why didn't he go to heaven? ╮(〉_〉)╭

"Brother Wang, you are really talented, and you have time to teach Ling'er more." Jun Ling also shook his arm and said.

"Yes, go to my study tonight."

Wang Shuang showed a lewd smile on his face, and then looked at Chu Nan with a defiant face, as if to say: See


Your woman is coquettish in Lao Tzu's arms, and tonight, Lao Tzu will personally unlock various positions for her.


Wang Shuang was even more fluttering in everyone's flattering words, but when he saw Chu Nan's still calm face, he couldn't bear it.

Why should he?

It is clear that they have been severely trampled on the soles of their feet!

Why do you still pretend to be indifferent, it is his attitude that makes the examiner impressed.

It also made him not step on the other party's feeling, this state of knowing that he had won, but there was no victory made him very unhappy.


A wicked smile appeared on his face.

Holding Jun Ling, he walked towards Chu Nan step by step, his big hand was still moving unintentionally, and said wildly:

"Are you very angry now."

"Your woman is in the arms of the Young Lord, what can you do?"

"You, from beginning to end, are the losers."


Wang Shuang constantly stimulated Chu Nan with words.

He wanted to use this method to excite Chu Nan, and once the other party couldn't bear to make a move, he had a reason to teach the other party a lesson.


The other party has a name for lifting people:

he can't kill the other party in front of everyone, but it's no problem to clean up.

He came to see if

Chu Nan would still be so indifferent after being beaten, and he wanted the other party to sweep the face of people in Qingshan County.


Until he was less than twenty centimeters away from Chu Nan, and his dribbling hands were deformed, Chu Nan still looked calm.

Gritting his teeth and whispering

, "Chu Nan,

you are very tolerant."

"I just don't know: your dead brother should not die when he sees that the banquet in the Chu Mansion is empty."

"I heard: he died tragically, there was no good place under his body, even the corpse was eaten by the beast, and there was no whole corpse, quack. Ahhhhhh


As soon as he mentioned Chu River, he saw that Chu Nan's eyes quickly became cold, his fists were clenched, and he punched Wang Shuang's abdomen.

The force is so great that it even forms a slight sonic boom.


Wang Shuang, who was completely unexpected, burst out of his eyes when he was beaten, and his body flew out upside down for more than ten meters on the spot, kneeling on the ground and constantly retching!



How could he have so much power as a scholar!


Zhong Ling was also stunned in place like a sculpture, she looked at Chu Nan in disbelief, when did the other party be so violent.

However, why did Wang Shuang do that to himself just now, he was not angry in the slightest, but just because of the mention of Chu He, his face turned cold, and he did not hesitate to strike.


He never took himself seriously.

This moment.

The only trace of guilt that Jun Ling had disappeared!

Probably: This is part of the logic of selfish women, no matter how many mistakes they make, in the end, they will find a way to blame the man.

"Wang... Brother Wang, are you all right...?" asked Jun Ling as he turned around and quickly ran to Wang Shuang.

"You're dying." Wang Shuang's face was extremely rampant.


He had just suffered a powerful blow, and he still felt that his internal organs were trembling, but his heart was extremely happy.


He did it first!


"This is Ru Xian's hand."

Wang Shuangqiang stood up in pain, threw away the Jun Ling, and said to Chu Nan, who was cold in front of him:

"Shang, let me take him down, this prince will teach him a good lesson today, who has a father and no mother."


Many guards immediately answered.


With a loud shout, dozens of people came down from the Qinghai Upper Floor, many of whom were Qinghai Gang disciples and had cultivation in their bodies.

It can be said that

when Wang Shuang provokes the other party, they are always ready, as long as the other party dares to make a move, they will come down.


Upstairs in Qinghai!

Wang Long and an old man looked at each other and smiled:

"Sure enough, I am still too young, I know that Shuang'er is provoking, but I still can't help but make a move."

The old man nodded and said, "

It's okay, if he strikes first, we will have a reason to teach each other a lesson, and take the Chu family to stand up and be able to talk about the past."

"As long as the scenery of this banquet is beautiful, and then find a way to suppress the newly arrived Zhendemon Baihu, our Qinghai Gang can dominate Qingshan County."

"By then, several gates of the United State Capital, our Qinghai Gang will complete the leap of class."


There was a hint of longing on the old man's face.

He is the Grand Elder of the Qinghai Gang, who grew up here since he was a child, and has dedicated his life to the gang!


Now he is too old, one hundred and thirty years old, which is an absolute advanced age for a third-grade martial artist!

In the end, there are still twenty years of life, and if you want to live more, you can only further break through the fourth grade, and you can get three hundred life yuan.

To be precise:

warriors below the fourth rank are still just ordinary people, who cannot live for decades longer than ordinary people, and old age and death are too ordinary.

And above the fourth product, one layer changes the sky, the fourth product 300 life, the fifth product 600 life, the sixth product 800 life, the seventh product 1,500 life, the eighth product 3,000 life, the ninth product... Longevity!

From the life yuan, you can see how big the gap of each product is, so it is normal for those with more than three products to be stuck for a lifetime.


The old man wants to survive: there is only one way to develop the Qinghai Gang and let it go out of Qingshan County and become a real gate valve in Yunzhou.


Suppressing the Chu family is the first step!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of Qinghai Gang disciples surrounded the entire Chu Mountain Tower, and approached Chu Nan in the center step by step.

"Protect Second Master!"

The butler immediately shouted.


Dozens of guards rushed out from the restaurant, protecting Chu Nan in the center, and aimed their blades at the periphery!


They are all just ordinary martial arts masters, and they can't even be considered to be in the product, but they don't show any fear in the face of more than a dozen entry masters, as well as hundreds of existences of the same level.

Because: they are all raised by the Chu family since childhood, as long as they can protect Chu Nan's safety, they are willing to die!

"Zhang Hu, escort the second master away."

The butler gulped.


He led many guards to the weak point on the east side, wanting to kill a gap and let Chu Nan leave safely first.

I have to say: the guards of the Chu Mansion do have some ability, and they list a peculiar formation, and the attack power is very fierce.

Plus: The Qinghai Gang does not dare to kill under the public, so really let them open a small gap!

"Second Master, go!"

Zhang Hu grabbed Chu Nanfei and jumped up, stepping on the other guards and rushing into the distance!

He has been very talented since he was a child, and if it weren't for the dark injuries in his early years, he might have broken through the first product now.

"I want to escape, dream!"

A cold drink sounded.

I see...

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