
Above the official road!

There were hundreds of Zhen Demon Guards wearing flying fish suits riding spirit horses at great speed, led by the people: grim-faced, dressed in rusty dragon golden robes, big red capes flying in the wind, extremely majestic!

"Chu River!"

"It's actually Chu He, doesn't it mean that he is dead?"

"What the hell is going on, how did he come back to life again, and the momentum on his body is still so strong."

"No, just now they shouted Chu Baihu, is it possible that Chu He not only did not die, but also became a hundred households."

Many guests said with horror on their faces.

No one knows how shocked their hearts are now, obviously they are fallen beings, and they have appeared alive in front of them.


Its identity seems to have completed the class leap!



Wang Long muttered in disbelief.

Chu He's death letter was personally announced by the prefecture town demon division, and the forces of the gate valves have also been confirmed and will definitely die!

Now: how did he climb out of the coffin!

And also!

What is his strength, how did he suddenly become a mid-third grade, and he was wearing a rusty dragon red brocade robe.

His appearance, how to implement his previous plan, numbness, where exactly did the problem arise.



The Hundred Horses Lingma Brush stopped in front of the two restaurants, and the coercive force enveloped the audience, making people unable to breathe!


A Zhen Demon Wei Xiaoqi said to Chu He:

"I have seen Chu Baihu!"

"On the left side of the small banner of the Lower Eighth Battalion, on the order of Lord Tie: protect the safety of the second master of Chu Mansion before the return of Chu Baihu."

"Since the adult has returned, the next person will leave first, and he will go back to pack his luggage and prepare to change his defense."


Chu He nodded and said in a deep voice: "Tell the iron army for this hundred households, and say: This situation is received by this hundred households." "


Zuo Mu nodded.


With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen Zhen Demon Guards quickly jumped up the surrounding tall buildings and swept towards the Zhen Demon Camp in the city.



Chu He turned over and dismounted, striding towards Chu Shan Tower!


Hundreds of town demon guards quickly followed, among which Zhao Yuan and Lu Feng each led more than a dozen town demon guards to run two steps quickly, shouting: "

Open the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

Many of the guests, who were already afraid, were frightened by the loud shouting of the Zhen Demon Guard, and they frantically retreated to the rear!




Every step of Chu River fell, as if stepping on everyone's hearts.

Let everyone swallow their saliva wildly, especially Wang Shuang curled up in a ball in fright, not daring to raise his head!


Chu He walked to the front of Chu Shan Lou!

"Big brother!"


Chu Nan and the butler of Chu Mansion said.

"Who did it!"

Chu He looked at Chu Nan's miserable white face, and his eyes burst with endless murderous intent.


Both the guests and the onlookers felt that the temperature around them began to drop rapidly.

"Ahem: Ahem.."

Wang Long coughed twice and said: "

Chu Baihu, in Xiaqinghai Gang Gang Master Wang Long, first of all, congratulations on your great difficulty and landing in Baihu, which is gratifying."

"Today's events are a long story, they are all fights between some children, and there are no fatalities, so there is no need to go online."


Wang Long thought very clearly, no matter what the reason:

the current Chu River is the Hundred Households of the Zhen Mosi, and it represents the imperial court, and it is very unfavorable for them to continue the situation.


He wants to make a haha to cover up this matter!

As for the suppression of the Chu Mansion, he needed to go back and discuss with the various gates of the prefecture before making a decision.


He was not worried that Chu He would not go down the steps, after all: there were really no casualties so far, Chu Nan was only consumed too much, and the injured were all guards of the Chu Mansion, which was nothing.

"This matter also depends on the gang master, did not come down in time to stop it, so, if Chu Baihu does not dislike, today, the banquet cost Qinghai Gang is all covered, and the two people will hold a banquet together."

Wang Long said with a smile.

The other guests chimed in:

"Yes, it's better not to have a conflict on the big day."

"Chu Baihu came to change defenses, it can be regarded as returning home, it is a major event in Qingshan County, and it is necessary to set up another table on an unknown day, and the Jun family will pay for it."

"Are you all stunned to do something, is there a treasure medicine to cure the loss of qi and blood, hurry up and send it to Second Master Chu."


Everyone agreed with Wang Long's thoughts, just to see if this matter could be calmed down as soon as possible!

This scene!

The onlookers sighed silently!


Strength is king, you see: the return of the Chu River, with the identity of a hundred households and the cultivation of three pins, he pressed on the spot!

Even the Qinghai Gang, which had just flaunted its might, immediately took the initiative to apologize, how majestic this was.

Don't think!

In the future: Chu Mansion's power in Qingshan County will once again climb to the top, even surpassing the Qinghai Gang.

Of course!

They also all thought that Chu River would borrow the slope to get off the donkey!

After all: the Qinghai Gang is a local snake gang, its strength is extraordinary, and it has not brought substantial harm to the Chu Mansion, if Chu He insists on finding trouble with the Qinghai Gang, it is very unwise!



Chu He's gaze turned to Wang Long and said coldly,

"Did Ben Baihu ask you?"


"Then who let you talk here." Chu He walked towards Wang Long step by step, and sneered: "If you didn't come and stop it, right, this hundred household's right hand today will not have time to stop it." "

Shut up!

Chu He's right hand flicked at Wang Long.


A crisp slap sounded.

Wang Long, who was unguarded, was slapped on the spot, and his left face quickly turned red and black!

It can be seen from this: how hard Chu He's slap is, it can be said that a second-grade martial artist just had to be directly slapped to death.

"You. Find.."

Wang Long's eyes were furious. But before he finished speaking, a big palm appeared in his field of vision again.


The right side of his face also swelled rapidly.

"A pair of faces makes it look even." Chu He looked at Wang Long with an evil smile and said, "These two slaps should be the lesson you just casually interjected." "


Wang Long shouted angrily.

Who is he?

Gang Lord!

The three-pin powerhouse is the top figure in the entire Qingshan County, who told him not to give three thin noodles.

In addition: there are several gate valves in the state capital behind him, even the hundred iron army of the Demon Camp in Qingshan Town does not put it in his eyes.

But today!

He was actually beaten in public twice!

How can it make sense, grandma is a bear! ╰(‵□′)╯

He grabbed the long knife on his waist with one hand, his face showed a strong killing intent, and roared angrily: "Chu He, I want you..."

A big foot directly kicked back the hand that pulled the knife.


Chu He's right hand stretched out, directly grabbed Wang Long's collar, and hit his abdomen!



The powerful impact suddenly made Wang Long into a shrimp shape!


Since the collar was caught by Chu River, it was impossible to dodge, and he could only passively bear all this!

Tears of grievance flowed from the corners of his eyes, but he was only in the early stage of the third grade, and he couldn't break free from Chu He's big hand.

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