
Nine points of light appear in a dialog bar.

One after another information emerged

: the first marshal of Daqian:

"Big guy, the task you ordered has been completed, and the points will not be less." Chaotang

Future Star: "The Shanzhou Liu Junshou who let me frame at the beginning has been linked to the Nine Tribes, and a lot of points are enough." "

Peerless goblin: "I haven't been given a task for almost half a year." Qingzhou

Little Chi Guy: "No, Liu Junshou was actually framed upstairs, I seem to be able to guess the identity of the future star." The

wolf traveled thousands of miles: "Little Chi Guy, don't guess, how can he do such things by himself, the person you guess should be just his puppet." Qingzhou

Little Chi Guy: "Everyone can't be honest with each other, Lao Tzu first said, I am Qingzhou Dilai, and the ox is up to the sky." "

Ben Shao just wanted three thousand women at night, can you guess my identity." Peerless

leprechaun: "One second three? You... Really OK, manual likes. A

series of messages popped out from the dialog box, making Chu He's face gradually stiffen!

He is actually a big guy....


And his mother does not play cards according to the routine.

The shit chat group, he is actually the strongest existence in it, and this secretly develops a fart.

Just thought about diving in the group, silently getting treasures in the hands of other big guys to improve themselves, basically no drama.


They were still sending him private messages.

Some asked when they could distribute tasks, and some said how many points they deserved for completing what tasks.

Frame the county guard!

Provoke war!

Kill the righteous!

Looking at the tasks issued by the "big guy", Chu He has basically determined that the "big guy" is the one who wants to take away his soul, and he is not a righteous person at all.


The probability is already on the verge of rebirth, and even if he is not sacrificed, the other party is likely to be ready for rebirth.


he didn't have to make this chat group and constantly post tasks to stir up the storm.

Obviously, he wanted to be reborn and directly overthrow Daqian and establish a new regime.


Halfway meet yourself, burp on the spot!

Looking at the black mirror in front of him, Chu He's eyes flashed a light, he currently has only two choices

: one:

leave and not come in again. Two: Pretend to be a big guy and make a profit in it.

Ignoring the private messages of the crowd.

Chu He began to constantly check the black mirror to understand its function, and it was easy to expose it with a single sentence.

After half a column of incense!

Chu He slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

It has a basic understanding: this black mirror was designed by the "big guy" with the help of this palace, a total of nine realms.

At present, seven storyboards have been obtained, and the "big guy" has made them complete by issuing tasks, giving them points, and then letting them exchange the points for treasures.

As for the source of the treasures:

they are all the treasures of the "big guys", buried all over the world, and need to be unsealed by different means.

"Damn, only a part of the treasure's address information is recorded, Zhennima is cautious."

Chu He's face showed a hint of anger.


Only a part of the treasure's address information is stored in the Black Mirror, that is, it is only enough for him to deal with it for a while.

Once the points of the crowd were too much, he could not give them at all if they wanted to exchange them for precious treasures.

Of course.

What Chu He thought just now was: send someone to dig out all the treasures and close the chat group.

Right now!

He dismissed the idea.

One is: too few treasures are not worth it, and the other is that this chat group is also very important and can help him accomplish a lot of things.

Because: as the holder of the black mirror, he knows the identity of other mirror holders, for example: Qingzhou Little Chi Guy is the leader of the Qingzhou Largest Gang Young Gang: Du Jiang, the peerless goblin is the Holy Daughter of the Lanzhou White Lotus Sect....

None of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

Of course.

They will also not have any loyalty to this so-called "big guy", everything, just for profit.

Boom! Boom!

Chu He clicked a few times in the black mirror, and a line of words appeared

: Big guy: "There will be tasks after a while, if you are idle and bored

, you can post tasks to each other." "

And then.

Chu He did not wait for everyone to say anything, and his divine consciousness directly withdrew from the Black Realm.



Chu He opened his eyes and looked at the table on the side.

There was no dust on it, proving that he had not been in the country for a long time.


The black mirror shook slightly in his arms.

Take a look: the information above emerges, all of them are agreers to Chu He's proposal.

They had considered this before, but they had never been recognized by the "big guy", so they did not send tasks to each other, worried that they would be kicked out of the group chat for fear of upsetting them.

I have to say: the existence of this chat group is an unbreakable resource for any living being, and the mutual assistance of several top existences from all parties is indeed very effective.

Poof! Poof!

Chu He knocked twice on the seat.


Zhao Yuan, who was guarding outside, strode in and said, "


"Take this token and go to Jiulong Mountain, a thousand miles east of the city, to get something, it is a black mirror."

Chu He threw a black token to Zhao Yuan and said, "Halfway up the mountain, the closer you get to the black mirror, the more violently the token will vibrate. "


Zhao Yuan promised and exited the hall.

That's right.

What Chu He asked him to take was a piece of the Divided Realm, except for some gifted creatures, only those who held the token could find it.

Since he intends to profit from the Black Mirror exchange group, the identity of the "big guy" is not very suitable.


He wants: open the trumpet.


Half an hour later!

Chu He, who was cultivating, opened his eyes and said coldly: "

Get out!"


The endless sound wave seemed to turn into a line, rushing straight to a hidden corner at the entrance of the hall.

"Vajra Protector!"

A low drink sounded.


A figure appeared at the door, protected by a golden bell.




The strong sound wave made the person take three steps back in a row.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, but his people couldn't care about this, and hurriedly said to Chu He: "Chu Baihu, it's me, Lao Ji." "


Chu He looked at him.

It was Ji Baihu, the demon master of Yunzhou Town, the one who said that he snatched the credit and gave his mouth: Ji Peng.

"There is movement."

"Could it be that a demon has invaded the Zhen Demon Camp?"

"Nana's, really eat bear heart leopard bile, today, this general flag will definitely cut it "single" under the wine "

at this moment."

Many Zhen Demon Guards passively attracted them.

Ji Peng hurriedly stepped into the hall, shaking his head at Chu He while subconsciously clamping his legs.

"My lord, there may be circumstances."

Lu Feng's voice came from outside.

"It's Ben Baihu who is practicing, let's go down."

Chu He waved his hand and said.


Lu Feng agreed, and many Zhen Demon Guards left one after another.


Ji Peng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.


He looked up at the Chu River sitting on the throne in front of him, feeling the powerful momentum around the other party, as well as the killing intent that filled the hall.


Could it be that he had just experienced a bloody battle?

And also.

Isn't he in the middle of the third grade?

How to become the late stage of the third product, what kind of perverted breakthrough speed, is it: is the credit of jumping off the cliff.


Would you like to try it yourself? ('◇'`)

Maybe... Just die!

"Chu Baihu, what is the murderous spirit of yours." Ji Peng asked a little nervously.


Chu He calmly took a sip of tea and said,

"When I just passed the dungeon, I thought it was too noisy, so Ben Baihu put the demons in the dungeon... All killed. "

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