
Chu He and the others rode a few horses with demon bloodlines out of Yunzhou City and ran towards Yuegu Village on the edge of Qingshan County.

I have to say that this side of the world is very large, just Yunzhou, even if you ride this fast horse, it will take dozens of days to cross it, and Yunzhou is only a relatively weak state capital.

Three days of running!

Chu He and the others finally arrived at Feiyun County, and Yuegu Village belonged to the village under this county seat.

Feiyun County, Tianwuwei Station!

As soon as Chu He and the others dismounted, several Tianwuwei hurriedly walked out when they heard the voice, and the leader's face showed surprise, and said: "

Subordinate Tianwuwei Yunlong, I have seen all the adults."


Chu He nodded.

Tianwu Wei is a subordinate unit of the Zhen Demon Division, and most of them are some trial disciples who have failed the assessment.

In each county, there will be a team of Tianwu guards stationed, and if there are any demons who do not enter the pint, they will solve it, and even some slightly weaker demons will be solved by them.

"Just how many adults are coming?"

Yunlong asked again suspiciously.

"Nonsense." Lu Feng's face turned cold, and he said angrily: "Why, my family's Xiaoqi Chu Master can't come in person."

"No, that's not what the adult is, the villain doesn't mean that." Yunlong quickly waved his hand and explained: "

A team of small flags also came a few days ago, and after entering Yuegu Village, it never came out again, and the subordinates thought that the mission level would be improved."

After all, Yunlong is the captain of the Tianwu Guard, who has been dealing with the Zhen Demon Guard for many years, and knows some of the task level planning of the Zhen Mo Division.

According to his previous experience:

this time Yuegu Village should be a second-level mission, even if it is not the general banner, it will be two elite squads coming, which is why he was so surprised to see only the six people of Chu River just now.

What the?

Already trapped in a team of centaurs!

The five of Lu Feng were all shocked, although they were on a mission for the first time, they also knew what this meant.

"Sir, I'm afraid this task is not fraudulent."

"The mission details list clearly only says that a town demon guard has fallen, and there is no mention of that town demon squad."

"My lord, what should we do."

Lu Feng's five people all looked at Chu He, after all, the other party was the one in charge.

"The specifics, elaborate."

Chu He looked at Yunlong and asked.


Yunlong nodded and said without thinking: "

About half a month ago, the dragon family caravan that went to Yuegu Village disappeared, and the dragon family gathered a few guards to look for it, and it also disappeared."

"The Long family immediately reported to the officials, and the county town quickly went to investigate, and when he did not return, he reported to Tianwuwei."

Yunlong said, and took out a piece of jade pei that was a little blackened from his arms, and then said: "

The subordinate led Tianwuwei to investigate, however, as soon as he entered the psychic jade pei, it turned black quickly, for the sake of safety, the subordinate did not dare to continue to stay, came back directly, and reported to the Zhen Mosi."

Looking at the pitch-black psychic jade pei, Chu He nodded.

Psychic jade pei is the most commonly used demon detection object in Tianwuwei, as long as there is a demon aura within ten zhang, it will turn black.

And all the demons that can make the psychic jade pei turn black are not solved by the Tianwuwei of the county.

"After that, a town demon guard came, and after entering, it never came out, and a few days later, a team of town demon guards came, but all of them, including Xiaoqi, disappeared in Yuegu Village."

Yunlong paused and said again, "Moreover, several sect disciples have entered in the past two days, and they have all disappeared.

"How are you sure they're gone?"

Chu He frowned.

He found that the mission was completely different from the one in the record, like a demon gulfing those who stepped in.

Yunlong said with a palpitation: "My subordinates have been watching outside the village these days, and they have not found a few figures, that village is not big, looking at it from a high place, it is clear at a glance, that village, too strange."

Yunlong shivered out of thin air.

Apparently, for that eccentric village, it left him some unknown shadows.

"My lord, what are we going to do?"

Lu Feng asked in a low voice, with a hint of fear in his tone.

After all.

The news they learned was wrong, and the village had destroyed another demon squad, and it was easy to enter and be dangerous.

"Go check it out."

Chu He waved his big hand and directly mounted his horse and ordered: "Yunlong, you lead the way in front and the others follow."

"Yes, my lord."

Yunlong did not dare to hesitate, went to the side and pulled out a fast horse, leading Chu He and the others towards Yuegu Village.

Feiyun County is not far from Yuegu Village, and less than half an hour after leaving the county seat, you can see the appearance of its village.

"Lord, the front is Yuegu Village."

Yunlong pointed to the village in front of him and said.

The whole village is not large, there are only dozens of families, the sky is blue and daylight, but it is unusually quiet, giving people a strange feeling.


Chu He's face showed doubt.

At this time, it should be the busy time of farming, and the villagers should be running back and forth, but the streets are empty.

As if seeing Chu He's doubts, Yunlong quickly explained: "Sir, because of the evil in this village, the peasants are also afraid, and they dare not leave the house in the dark or day.

"I also told them that in the next few days, Lord Zhen Moji will come to solve it, let them wait a few days."

Chu He nodded.

This is also in line with human nature, although the great dry creatures are no strangers to demons, but when they happen around them, they will still be afraid, and they dare not go out of the house in fear, which is normal.

"Sir, do you want to start today...

..," Yunlong asked suspiciously.


He didn't finish speaking, but the meaning he wanted to express was obvious, and he wanted to ask if he wanted to go back first and be ready to come again.


The five of Lu Feng also looked at Chu He expectantly.

After all, it was the first time on a mission, and I encountered such a strange village, and my heart suddenly retreated.


Chu He said coldly: "Every task of the Zhen Demon Division needs to face strange demons, if you can't even get through this level, make an exit application and I will personally help you review it."

"Subordinates are guilty!"

Lu Feng and the others hurriedly pleaded guilty.

Once they enter the Town Demon Guard, the lifelong Town Demon Guard, there is no possibility of withdrawing, with their level, the moment the application report is submitted, it is when the head falls to the ground.

"To complete this task, your credit will not be less, I will personally ask you for credit and go!"

As a handsome young man who traveled through the twenty-first century, he naturally knew that he would hit a stick and give a sweet date.

"Thank you, my lord."

As soon as they heard that there would be merit, the five of Lu Feng were not so afraid, and quickly rushed towards Yuegu Village.

At this time!

In the largest courtyard of Yuegu Village, an old man seemed to hear the sound of horses' hooves outside and slowly walked out.

When he saw Chu He and the others outside the village, Yun Long, who had already led the way, suddenly showed joy on his face, hurriedly walked to the entrance of the village, and said:

"Lord Yun, it can be regarded as looking forward to you."

[Ding, possessed evil spirit: a demon in the middle of the first product, good at demagoguery, blinding the five senses.

Criticism: Even the old man with a trace of corpse smell does not let go, it is really not picky. ???

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