
Qian Hao nodded and said, "To have such a record, it must be Chu He who completed it with the help of the White Lotus Sect's hand. "

Although it can be regarded as a move to seek the skin of the tiger, since it can be regarded as a great achievement to be able to eliminate the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce."


Qian Hao's mind appeared the figure of Chu He.

Secretly than a like.


They just wanted Chu He to gain the trust of the White Lotus Sect before, so as to find out the specific situation within the White Lotus Sect, and how much comprehensive strength was whether there was an escape channel in the station.


Once they make a move, they can destroy the entire White Lotus Sect in one fell swoop, and they can set up an ambush in advance to complete this plan with minimal losses and retain the strength for the Zhen Demon Division.

However, they did not expect that Chu He would be able to gain trust while letting the White Lotus Sect help him destroy the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce.

"It seems that Chu He does things, which is more in line with the mentality of undercover."

Zhou Cang knocked on the table and said, "

In that case, with his maneuvers,

we don't have to pay too much attention to the White Lotus Sect for the time being."

"Instead, you can take this opportunity to suppress other emerging demon forces and deter major forces."

"Also, Chu He's contribution to annihilating the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce is not small, and the reward that should be given cannot be less, go down and arrange it."


Qian Hao nodded.


He bowed and retreated, but when he was halfway there, he suddenly heard Zhou Cang's voice in his ears:

"Passing on his video can also deter the forces of the gates and let them know who is the king."


Qian Hao nodded and the figure disappeared.


Only Zhou Cang himself was left in the hall, and he looked at the heavenly dome, revealing a trace of inexplicability, and muttered:

"Chu He, Yunzhou Town Demon Division has not produced such a figure for a long time, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse..."


The next two days.

The entire Yunzhou was shaken by Chu He's actions, and the various gate forces were extremely angry and frightened.

Angry: Chu He actually slaughtered the Qinghai gang they raised, and frightened: that killing video.

It can be said:

In the past two days, countless forces have collected through what channels did Chu He stand on the elephant demon and be covered in blood.

In particular, those girls waiting for the words were both afraid and excited, and showed their affection for Chu He.

Just two days.

Chu He was born as the first of the ten most popular men in Yunzhou!


One by one, orders came from the major

forces: "Listen, tell the forces of Qingshan County below, don't provoke Chu He recently, violators:

bear the consequences."

"Go quickly, let the forces below contact Chu River more, and when necessary, send some gifts, women."

"Mother, I actually destroyed the Qinghai Gang, it seems that Nachu River really has someone to protect him at the top of the Zhen Demon Division."


Countless news spread from Yunzhou City to Qingshan County.



An extremely luxurious manor that covers tens of thousands of acres.

A young man was lying on a rocking chair, surrounded by a dozen beautiful maids looking down, which could be described as extremely dashing.

"Less help Lord."

A guard came over and whispered: "Our Yunzhou spies have sent back the news that it is the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce that overthrew the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce in Qingshan County, and the strength is the peak of the third grade. "

He joined the Zhen Moji more than a month ago, and after that, his strength broke through rapidly, and he also obtained the red rust dragon brocade robe..."

The guard presented a photo stone in front of him.

Zhen Mo Baihu!

Chu River?

The young man's eyes froze and he waved his hand.

Many beautiful maids quickly retreated and left, without a trace of doubt, it was: the young gang leader, Du Jiang.


Du Jiang dotted the photo stone.


Images of Chu He's killing emerged.

"Slaughtering the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, the peak of the third grade, and killing the gods, it should be you, and you don't hide your identity at all."

A smile appeared on Du Jiang's face: "It's really interesting if you don't disdain to hide, or have other purposes." "

Don't blame him for that.

In the Black Mirror chat group, other beings are using their greatest ability to hide their identities, and even if they take tasks, they will use concealed methods to complete them to prevent their identities from being exposed.

But now.

Chu He didn't have any hidden meaning at all.

It was decided alone to destroy the Hundred Demon Chamber of Commerce, and he did not report it to the Zhen Demon Division at all, plus that killing picture.

It basically allowed Du Jiang to confirm that the other party was the newly added killing god in the Black Mirror chat group.


Du Jiang lay on the rocking chair again and said, "Go, send someone to find out the news of Chu River, everything is detailed."


The guard promised and disappeared in one step.


If you feel here at this moment, you will definitely be extremely shocked, because the strength that the guard showed just now is: four products.

Although it is in the early days, how can it become a hegemon in other places, and here, it is just a guard.

It can be seen from this:

how strong is the strength of the Qing Gang.



Inside a dark palace.

A red-robed girl sat on a high seat, and her smile seemed to attract countless lights.


The many powerful demons below did not dare to look at it at all.

For whoever dares to look at it more will be executed on the second day for stepping into the hall first with his left foot.


The red-robed girl looked at the photo stone in her hand and muttered, "

Chu River."

"What an interesting guy, it's a pity, not in Lanzhou, otherwise the young lady really wants to... Ate you. "


Imperial capital.

Inside a luxurious residence.

A scholar is reading a book, and his body exudes a strong sense of righteousness, like a peerless gentleman.

"Sir, you want news."


The butler placed a scroll and a photo stone on the desk.


Bow out of the study.


A muttering came from the study: "Chu River... It's interesting.

"Go and check the experience of Nachu River, and pay attention to whether Jiupin has been to Yunzhou in the past twenty years."


A dark shadow in the corner of the study answered.


Its figure turned into a cloud of blue smoke and disappeared.


Aoyama-gun, under the swamp!

Inside the palace.

The Holy Lady sits on a high throne.

A trace of doubt appeared on his face, and he asked in a deep voice: "Snake Elder, are you sure that the four-rank elephant demon was not injured by you."

"Yes, I didn't find the elephant demon."

Snake Wu shook his head and said, "However, I once glanced at the dead elephant demon from a distance, and it should have been injured before.

"Therefore, he will be killed by Chu He, but the speed of his strength improvement is a little too abnormal."


The saint slowly exhaled.


He got up and walked forward step by step, saying,

"No matter how he killed the elephant demon, the priority now is to confirm his intention to cooperate."

"In this way, let him personally come to our station."


The shadow guard promised and disappeared.

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