Fantasy: I Can Blow Up All Worlds

Chapter 466:  Breakthrough

The person who followed all the way out of the city in secret finally couldn't help but shoot.



There was a divine light blooming in the dense forest in the distance, and the divine light was incomparably bright, and it instantly appeared in front of Ye Yusheng, blocking this crucial blow for him.


The blue-eyed toad shot out from the dense forest like a gust of wind. It was too fast and appeared behind him in an instant.

A figure was forced out of a hidden state by the blue-eyed toad, one person and one demon, and two real soul powerhouses fought instantly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The aftermath of the battle between the two true soul realm powerhouses spread hundreds of meters. This is outside the city, so naturally there is no need to worry about casualties.

Therefore, the two powerhouses are no longer evasive.

As for the other person...also had to appear because of the Three Corpse Blood Mantis's intrusion into the battlefield.

If the three dead blood mantis and the blue-eyed toad besieged their same door at the same time, the consequences would be disastrous.


Ye Yusheng, who had escaped all the way, finally let out a sigh and sat down on the ground.


An'er, still wearing a large Taoist robe, ran to him from the woods and looked at him worriedly: "Brother, how are you, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Seeing An'er, Ye Yusheng's heart suddenly fell silent, stretched out his hand to touch the back of his head, and said with a smile.


An'er was very well-behaved and squatted down beside him, smoothing his messy long hair.

Nishida Yu quickly recovered his body.


The battle in the distance soon ended.

The Blue-eyed Toad and the Three Corpse Blood Mantis are very strong. If the other party didn't escape quickly, their lives would have to be accounted for here.

But even if the other two escaped, they suffered unbearable damage.


Just when the two magic sect powerhouses were about to flee back to the city, Ye Yusheng suddenly made a move.


The sword intent of the grass swayed, and the sky was overwhelming, and the dense sword intent turned into a large array, and fell crazily.


Two true soul realm powerhouses were overwhelmed by sword intent.


The screams came from the kendo formation, unusually stern.


But at this moment, the power of the system suddenly appeared in the sword intent array, and a huge energy and blood that could not be added was brought out of the array by the power of the system.

This scene was not noticed by others, only Ye Yusheng alone was able to detect the immense energy and blood.

Originally, he was planning to kill the other person in the Blade of Grass.

But at this moment, the complexions of Ye Yusheng and the two monster beasts changed simultaneously.

"Hurry up."

The three dead blood mantis and the blue-eyed toad swiftly approached, rolled up the three of them, and rushed into the dense forest like the wind, and then stopped in the deep forest.


Ye Yusheng took a deep breath and thanked the two demons: "Thank you two seniors for their help."

"Do you feel the breath just now?" Green-eyed Toad looked at him with a solemn expression.


Ye Yusheng nodded.

At this moment, the power of qi and blood that had been swept away by the system finally returned and poured into his body from the top of his head.


This qi and blood was too huge. The moment he entered the body, he almost burst his body, and a powerful force surged in his body, like ocean waves.

"What's the matter?" The Three Corpse Blood Mantis was startled.

"It looks like a breakthrough."

Blue-eyed Toad felt the uncontrollable breath of Ye Yusheng's body, and quickly pulled a few people back: "Don't bother him, look at the strength of the blood in his body. This time the breakthrough, the movement will definitely not be small."

The two monsters quickly retreated with An'er and Xitian Gong, carefully guarding the surroundings.

Although the previous breath had been thrown off by them, the two demons were not sure whether the other party's means had caught up. It was better to be careful.


When the two demons were on alert, Ye Yusheng was already sitting cross-legged.


Qi and blood exploded crazily in his body, and the whole body of Qi and blood in the Sixth Layer of True Soul Realm was so huge that even after the system's purification, it almost burst his body.

At the critical moment, Tiefutu opened uncontrollably, and the light of colored glaze enveloped his body, forcibly quieting his exploding body.


The blood was turbulent and was absorbed by his body at the fastest speed, but this blood was like a wild horse, no matter how he absorbed it, it didn't decrease, on the contrary, it was more violent than before.

The six levels of qi and blood in the true soul realm are actually resisting, and they don't want to be absorbed and assimilated by other zhen qi!


The rupture of the meridians one by one, was supported by the force of Qi and blood to explode.

Blood was constantly overflowing from his pores. At this time, his body was already riddled with holes by this huge force of blood.


However, the young man's eyes were very firm, he didn't even frown, he always controlled the circulation of zhenqi in his body, trying his best to digest this huge energy of qi and blood.

He hadn't assimilated and absorbed some of the power of qi and blood, and his aura was stronger than before.

As time passed, a large cloud of dark clouds began to solidify above his head.

"It's going to break through." The Three Corpse Blood Mantis looked solemn, looking at the dark clouds that enveloped this forest.

When a warrior breaks through the true soul realm, he will arouse the vision between heaven and earth, and the same is true when they break through.

But they had never seen such a huge cloud cover.

I remember when they broke through, the dark clouds were the size of houses.

And the dark clouds in front of me have enveloped the entire forest, and the entire sky has been darkened. This is a rare scene in the world.

"It's so big..." Green-eyed Toad was shocked.

"This way, it will definitely attract a lot of people's attention." Three Corpse Blood Mantis spoke beside him, his face becoming more solemn.

Even Nishida Yu knew the seriousness of this incident.

The only thing she didn't understand was the innocent An'er, who was curiously looking at the dark clouds above her head, thinking it was going to rain.

"What to do?" Green-eyed Toad asked, looking at the three-corpse blood mantis beside him.

"What else can we do? No matter who comes, we can't let him disturb Ye Xiaozi's breakthrough. It can be foreseen that once he breaks through, the future achievements will be beyond the reach of you and me. I want to see, the future boy Where can I go?" The Three Corpse Blood Mantis said solemnly.

"That's all, I'm also curious, the potential of this kid is so big, I really didn't see it before."

When the words fell, Green-eyed Toad said to Yui Nishida next to him: "Protect An'er, we two need to go out."

"I will take care of An'er." Nishida Yu said solemnly.


After the instruction, the bodies of Green-eyed Toad and Three Corpse Blood Mantis disappeared directly in front of them.

The two demons have already felt the aura of a warrior approaching.

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