Fantasy: I Can Blow Up All Worlds

Chapter 564:   was tricked

The aroma of vermilion fruit cannot be stopped at all.

After taking a sip, Ye Yusheng felt refreshed and his mind became much clearer.

Not only that, the scent absorbed by this mouth made the zhen qi in the body become more active, and the speed of circulation was accelerated.


The Silver Bee Ocean seemed to be disturbed by the aroma of vermillion fruit, there was a moment of lag, and then there was an uncontrollable tendency to riot.

"not good!"

Ye Yusheng quickly put Zhu Guo into the universe bag.

Zhu Guo disappeared, the aroma disappeared suddenly, and the silver bee ocean, which was about to move, continued to mess up for a while, then returned to its previous appearance.

The riot failed,

Ye Yu grew out of a sigh, and he valued Zhu Guo deeper in his heart.

Although he had long known that the products produced by the system must be exquisite, this was the first time he had obtained such treasures directly through missions. In the past, he had given gold coins and exchanged them with gold coins.

As for the task of gold coins, it seems that it hasn’t appeared for a long time.

Has the system evolved?

Probably not, such an advanced stuff...

Forget it,

Don't think about it,

The most important thing right now is to wait for the silver lightning of the wolfsmoke figure to retreat.

Silver Bee could no longer pose any threat to him, he was still thinking about whether or not to find a Seven-Star Killer in a while, that guy could not have his means, and it is estimated that he would peel off if he died.


It's a pity that Ye Yusheng didn't know that the Seven-Star Killer had already reached the limit.

The infuriating hood surrounding the body surface has been thinned to a certain extent, and the Seven-Star Killer is ready to die here.

But at this moment,

A strange fragrance suddenly came from the depths of the silver bee ocean,

Too fragrant,

This scent gave him the already dried up source of zhenqi, suddenly a more pure qi emerged, which nourished the dried meridians and gained strength.

the most important is,

Silverbee Ocean was also affected by the fragrance, and for a while forgot to attack.

When the scent disappeared and Silver Bee Ocean reacted, the Seven-Star Killer had passed the most dangerous moment, and the true gas mask became thicker, and it was mysteriously supported again.

There was also a third person who was saved by Zhu Guo, but he didn't know who it was right now.

If Ye Yusheng knew about this scene, he would probably regret his death.

As long as the task is completed a minute or two later, the crisis from the Seven-Star Killer can be eliminated.

But who can think of it?

Seven-star killer couldn't think of it, the third person couldn't think of it, and Ye Yusheng couldn't even think of it.

At this time, Ye Yusheng didn't have time to think about such useless things, because Tie Zhu woke up.


Tie Zhu, who had just woke up, was very energetic. He flew back and forth around Ye Yusheng. The lovely Qiong nose sniffed him, seeming to ask him again: "Did you get any good things?"


Ye Yusheng was tired, but shook his head very firmly to deny.

Tie Zhu is a foodie, he will wake up for a while after smelling the fragrance.

If he saw Zhu Guo, he would definitely violently swallow it.

Tie Zhu obviously didn't believe what he said: "Squeaky!"

"If you say no, you don't have."


"You still don't believe me? I really didn't lie to you."


"No way."

Ye Yusheng shook his head vigorously: "How could you look at such a private treasure in the Qiankun Bag? Huh... Don't think I don't know you, as long as I open the Qiankun Bag, no matter what treasure is in it, you will be swept away. "

"Squeak!" Tie Zhu vowed that he would not.

"Pull it down."

Ye Yusheng didn't believe it: "Your character is not as tough as a wall of grass, no..."

Wrestling with Tie Zhu, finally ended with Ye Yusheng's big victory.

In the past, Tie Zhu could travel through his universe bag lightly and easily, as long as it was something he liked, nothing could hide it.

But now it's different. Since the coffin of the sea of ​​blood, the **** of plague, and the evil **** have moved into the bag of universe, Tie Zhu can no longer freely travel through the bag of universe.

So he can only grinded with Ye Yusheng.

He believed that he had not smelled wrong,

He smelled the fragrance,

The fragrance that makes his pores relax,

Too fragrant,

He had never smelled such a fragrance before, it must be a treasure.


Tie Zhu kept screaming in Ye Yusheng's ear, begging for Zhu Guo.

"No way."

Ye Yusheng refused Tie Zhu's tirelessly.

Tie Zhu's all good things have made him feel bad, and he will die of distress.


Just when he was preparing not to give Zhu Guo to Tie Zhu anyway, the system prompt sounded suddenly: "Task trigger, gift Zhu Guo to Hu, task reward +???"

Ye Yusheng: "..."

He is really tired, do you use this?

He now doubts that the reason why the system will give out this Zhu Guo is to use it for Tie Zhu.

To be honest, if Zhu Guo was given to Tie Zhu, he didn't feel unhappy in his heart. If Tie Zhu hadn't always spoiled good things, but his strength was always one, he would have given Zhu Guo to Tie Zhu.

But the problem is that no matter how much treasure Tie Zhu takes, there is no change. Instead of this, it is better to leave the treasure in a useful place.

Now that this is the case, this Zhu Guo is obviously for Tie Zhu.


Without any hesitation, he directly took out Zhu Guo and threw it to Tie Zhu.

At the moment when the Zhu Guo was taken out, Tie Zhu's eyes almost didn't pop out, and his saliva flowed out.

The fragrance spread, the Silver Bee Ocean once again showed signs of riots, and the two people in the Silver Bee Ocean were once again gifted by Zhu Guo.

"Hurry up and eat." Ye Yusheng said quickly.

In fact, he did not need to remind him, the drooling Tie Zhu swallowed Zhu Guo in one mouthful.



Then he slipped into his arms and went to sleep, this time even with a happy smile on his sleeping face.

Ye Yusheng: "..."


Natural foodie.

But now is not the time to care about this, he is waiting for the system'? ? The reward given.

It was Zhu Guo last time, what will it be this time?


After the task is completed, the host receives a reward.

Ye Yusheng: "???"

Seeing that the three question marks slowly turned into a fist, the thumb of the fist was raised, but there was nothing else.

Ye Yusheng: "..."


Really tired,

Just now I'm fighting against Tie Zhu, and now I'm fighting against the system.

What does it mean to give a thumbs up?

Like me?

Ye Yusheng's whole person is not good.

When does the system also like to play with this moth?

Brother, you are a looting system from Heaven. Doing this... is it really good?

Seeing the silence of the system, Ye Yusheng was very sure that he was being tricked.

Oh oh oh!

I really want to cry,

He was given a routine by the system, and a Zhu Guo was exchanged for a like.

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