Fantasy: I Can Blow Up All Worlds

Chapter 810:  Four name bamboo

Such a convenient thing as the sound transmission stone is not only found in the northern region, but also in the eastern region.

He had discovered the sound transmission stone in Qin Shuang'er's hand long ago, but he didn't care, even if he knew Qin Shuang'er's origins, he would not care. He had invincible ambition and was not afraid of all enemies.


The demon horse neighed and flew with four hoofs, rushing directly into the sky, and rushing towards the distance.

Very fast, but extremely stable.

A layer of protective shield lifted up, wrapping Ye Yusheng, even the wind could not disturb the man on his back.


Ye Yusheng didn't say anything about the demon horse's apparently flattering beard slipping and patting the horse. It would not be a bad thing to think of such a demon horse who would follow.

Flying all the way, rushing towards the nearest city.

Soon, an extremely magnificent ancient city appeared in his sight. From a distance, this city was like a sleeping behemoth with a wave of majestic energy.

And around this city, all the bamboo is planted.

"This is the City of Four Bamboos."

The voice of the demon horse came to confuse the man on horseback: "The City of Four Bamboos is named after the four famous bamboos. It is said that the four famous bamboos here are of great use to warriors."

"Oh? In other words, these four famous bamboos belong to the category of treasures?" Ye Yusheng's eyes lit up immediately: "Then among these four famous bamboos, is there one called incarnation bamboo?"


The demon horse gave an affirmative reply: "The four famous bamboos are the golden bamboo strong soul, the purple bamboo prosperous blood, the green bamboo main student, and the black bamboo cast body. The incarnation bamboo you mentioned is the black bamboo. real body."

After listening to Yaoma's explanation, Ye Yusheng was extremely happy.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to find the first treasure to cast the flesh for Ah San, the incarnation bamboo, that is, the black bamboo. It is simply a matter of no effort.

"Go, go to Sizhu City."



The demon horse neighed, and hurried to Sizhu City.


At the moment when the demon horse was just speeding up, suddenly, a bright sword light rose from below, a sword shining forever, and the sword light turned into a ferocious water dragon, with a horizontal body of hundreds of meters, and the water beast furiously, directly to one person and one horse. Bite down.

The demon horse was extremely fast, with flames rising under its feet, and instantly turned to avoid the blow.

At the same time, the demon horse's hoof stomped downward, with a'boom', and the void rippled, and an equally huge flame demon horse formed and collided with the sword light of the dragon.


This place was turned upside down in an instant, and the sword light of the dragon dragon and the demon horse of flame were both annihilated.

"Cracked animal."

A loud shout came from below, an old man in a white robe leaped into the sky, three screams of ‘chich chich’ followed, and four old men in white robes surrounded the demon horse in the middle.

"It's the four people of the Qin family." The demon horse said, naturally explaining it to the man on him.

"Naughty animal, dare to betray the master, when skinning cramps." The great guardian has the strongest cultivation base, which is the cultivation base of the early stage of Soul Refining, and has the highest status among these people.

"Little old man, speak carefully."

The demon horse rolled his eyes with a look of disdain.

If it was normal, it would definitely not dare to talk to the Great Protector like this, but it was different now. On its back was sitting a killer god, and the situation was of course different from before.

He is still useful, the Killing God on horseback will definitely not watch him be killed.

Even if you are useless, the strong possesses the arrogance of the strong, what is the difference between killing his mount and slap the master?

A joke, if this can be endured, it is not worthy to be called a strong one.

"Cracked animal."

The guardian screamed: "If you think you are next to someone else, you dare to speak rudely to the old man? dare to cooperate with the thief and take action against the master. Today, you can't escape the fate of being skinned and cramped, do it..."

The other three guardians did not speak, and when the great guardian said to start, there was no hesitation.


The second law protector made a seal with both hands, and the long sword in his hand pierced out, and once again a huge and incomparable dragon appeared. He had made the sword just now.

The three-protection method works, and the monstrous flood swept away, like a flood, with the power of destroying the world.

The four guardian figures disappeared, turned into a little light, and dissipated in the line of sight. His attributes and techniques were all related to light. Although they were branches, they were extremely strong.

As for the great guardian, there was no plan to make a move. Three people were enough.

The kendo dragon roared, the flood poured down, the light and shadow hidden, and gradually approached the target.


The whole body of the demon horse exploded, and the three of them were shot at the same level as its cultivation. In one-on-one situations, he was not afraid of anyone, but the three shots together made him feel extremely strong.

The Killing God on his back didn't seem to have the intention to make a move, and he didn't dare to urge, so he could only grit his teeth and do it himself.


The flames began to rise, forming a flame defensive cover, covering one person and one horse.

After being attacked by the trio, he could only choose defense.


But in his mind, he thought of a cold voice.

The demon horse was taken aback, when the man on his back made a sound.

Immediately, a trace of ecstasy appeared on its face.


All he felt, a flame of true energy that was like a raging sea rushed into his body frantically. The power of this flame was too strong, and it was almost breaking his body.

This feeling of power is the first time he has experienced it.

This feeling made him intoxicated, let alone three warriors of the same realm, even if the Great Guardian shot, he also had the courage to fight, this is the confidence brought by strength.


The flame defensive cover shattered directly. The next moment, the fairy horse's tail moved, and it was pulled out with a'swish'. The horse's tail soared in the sky, like a divine whip, with flames crisscrossing.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit out a flying sword. Horses can also use swords. Although they don’t have hands, they can use swords.

Following the long sword, the demon horse's body drew a line of fire and appeared on the top of the third elder's head, and stomped down mercilessly with its hind feet.

"court death."

The faces of the three law protectors were pale.

Just a demon horse, facing the joint attack of the three people, not only did not fully defend, but also dared to counterattack, really looking for death.


The killing intent of the three of them boiled, spitting and shouting, the strength of their hands increased again.


The flame horsetail's attack came first and collided with the pouring flood. Water and fire were natural enemies. Hajime burst into a thunderous roar as soon as it touched.

"court death."

The three guardians snorted coldly, Mawei dared to touch his real water, really knowing how to live and die.


But the next scene changed his expression drastically.

When the flame horsetail fell, it directly split the flood water, like a flame long knife, extremely sharp.

"how is this possible?"

The third elder was shocked, it was too late to escape, and with a ‘poof’, an intact head exploded like a watermelon.

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