Fantasy: I Can Blow Up All Worlds

Chapter 849:  Monster Paradise

The dark guards leave quickly, and come back quickly.

In less than a minute, the secret guard who had just left came back.

Ye Yusheng: "..."

Looking at the hidden guard who came back, Ye Yusheng looked speechless.

Did you pick up the news, or did you make up the news yourself? It’s not so fast to compile news, right?

Is this to tease dad?

Seeing the change in Ye Yusheng's expression, Qianya explained with a smile: "Brother Ye, don't get me wrong, they all have their own means of communication. I don't even know about them. They all did it in private.

"Hey, pretend." Ye Yusheng curled his lips.

The dark guard glanced at him and said nothing.

Don't be angry, the saint will be unhappy.

Looking at the saint's attitude towards her brother, we know the position of this person in the saint's heart, so let's just stop.

The returning guard walked respectfully to the saint and held up a piece of information: "Holy saint, this is the latest news about the three major forces."


Qianya took the paper-like thing made of clouds, and lightly picked it up. The city was rippling and rippled, and rows of handwriting the size of mosquitoes appeared.


Passing the information to her brother, Qianya didn't even look at it.

This is her habit, not just him, it seems that everyone who follows Ye Yusheng doesn't like to use their brains, as long as they do it, the other is naturally left to the leader.

"Still so lazy."

There was a nod on Qianya's forehead, and her petting expression was undoubtedly revealed.

Qianya put out her tongue playfully and stood beside her brother happily.

Tweety: "..."

Dark Guard: "..."

If they hadn't been with the saint all the time, they would really doubt that the little girl-like woman in front of them was not the saint of the dark temple.


Well, they are not qualified to interrupt.

After a while, Ye Yusheng finished reading all the information recorded in the intelligence. When he finished reading, the flowing cloud of intelligence paper was melted away in his hands.

It flows down from his fingers like water.


Ye Yusheng looked solemnly: "Go and save people."

"Is my brother in danger?" Qianya's heart tightened.

"He's fine."

Ye Yusheng shook his head: "Liu Feiyan is here and Dongfang Wenxia went to the Song Family Manor and beheaded the Song Family ancestors. Right now they are killing them. Hou Lei will have no problems following them."

"Then we..."

"It's Beast Taming Valley."

He explained: "Lu Shui Xuan and the three fools rushed into the Beast Taming Valley to kill them. The news said that the three of them were approached in the valley where the Beast Taming Valley used to raise monsters."

"Is it dangerous?"

"Holy Woman."

Tweet came to her and said, "There is a monster paradise in the Beast Taming Valley, which existed since the first generation of the owner of the Beast Taming Valley established the Beast Taming Valley."

"For thousands of years, the Beast Taming Valley has been catching monsters everywhere and putting them in captivity in the Beast Taming Valley. For so many years, there must be a soul refining realm big monster in it."

"Maybe there will be powerful monsters in the middle or later stages."

After the explanation, Tweety retired respectfully.

"Then let's go and save people." Qianya urged.


Ye Yusheng nodded, thought for a while, and said: "There is another news recorded on it. Qin Long and Ba Dao are teaming up to hunt down the Qiandong Killer Organization branch."

"I don't know how they found this organization, killed it from Lincheng, and now they have nowhere to go."

Killer organization.

As soon as she heard these four words, Qianya's eyes appeared evil spirits, and she said coldly: "A group of mice hidden in the corner will uproot them sooner or later and remove them from the Eastern Region."

What a heavy evil spirit.

I glanced at my sister, thought about it, and said nothing.

"Let's go, go to the Beast Taming Valley first." Ye Yusheng made a decision.



Just when Ye Yusheng went to save people.

In a continuous mountain range shrouded by formations, three people are sneaking cautiously in the forest.



"His hiss..."

All kinds of strange sounds of monster beasts can be found in almost every corner of this mountain range. This is the real paradise of monsters and beasts. Even people from the Beast Taming Valley don't dare to go too deep.

Today's Monster Beast Paradise is already somewhat out of control.

The Monster Beast Paradise used to be the back garden of the Taming Beast Valley, but now it really has become a Monster Beast Paradise.

A wolf demon shuttled through the mountains, the original pace of the attack stopped, his nose twitched twice, the wolf eyes immediately lit up, and he could smell the human breath.

There are even human beings who dare to come in, really looking for death.

Are they from Beast Taming Valley? Regardless, he hadn't eaten human blood for a long time, and he couldn't swallow the people in the Beast Taming Valley.


Just when the wolf demon was looking for a trail to find a human warrior, suddenly, a sword light broke the ground, and the wolf demon had no time to react. It was directly cut into two pieces by the sword light, and blood was scattered all over the ground.

Donghai Zhenlong got out of the ground, holding his exhausted body and said, "Go, the smell of blood will soon attract more monsters."


Jiu Tiange and Lv Shui Xuan also rushed out from the ground.

The injuries of these two people were more serious than Donghai Zhenlong, their breath was disordered, and they walked a little shaky, and they could only support each other.

The three of them glanced at each other and quickly disappeared into the mountains.

They just left with their front feet.


A bull demon appeared on the top of the mountain, roared, glanced at the already dead wolf demon, swallowed the upper part of the wolf demon's body, and left quickly.

After a while, a huge vulture fell from the sky, glanced at the bull demon who was leaving, and took away the remaining half of the body.


The mountains trembled, and monsters were attracted by the smell of blood and appeared near the mountains.

It's a pity that they came to play, only a pool of blood remains here.


The monster beasts gathered together started a chaotic battle.


After crossing this mountain range and entering a jungle, a group of three embarrassed people finally found a cave.

There was a monster living in the cave. After being shattered by the three of them, they occupied the monster's nest without leaving a drop of blood.


At this moment, the three of them could no longer support their exhausted and hard-wounded bodies, and fell to the ground, gasping for breath.


After Lv Shui Xuan sprayed a large mouthful of black blood, the whole person seemed to feel much more comfortable, leaning on the stone wall, taking out a spiritual plant from the Qiankun bag to absorb it.

The cave is very quiet, only breathing.

After a while, Lu Shuixuan took the initiative to speak: "Regret it?"

The two looked at her, their expressions calm.

"What do you regret?"

The true dragon of the East looked firm and resolute: "The grace of dripping water should be repaid by the spring. My Donghai Zhenlong likes to owe favors and is willing to repay with fate."

Jiutiange shook the jug in his hand, and the jug was set aside when the wine was empty.


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