Fantasy: I Can Blow Up All Worlds

Chapter 861:  Blood Lake

The battle is fierce, but it has not yet reached its climax.

The warriors and monster beasts who fought in the early stage were still relatively weak.

The front army advances, and if nothing happens in the rear, they cut down ancient trees.

These ancient trees are very peculiar, and the change of aura is precisely because of these ancient trees.

The army was spread out, pushing forward and fighting in one direction...

There are a lot of monsters, and fighting is even more desperate, and both sides suffer great damage.


After half an hour.


A group of monster birds rushed up from the forest, swooped down, and rushed into the group of warriors advancing ahead. A killing began, and the battle became more intense.

"Ch, chi, chi..."

In the forest, from time to time assassinated monsters haunt, beheading human warriors among them.


The fighting became fiercer and more and more people and demons died.


Ye Yusheng did not follow Dabo's warriors, but chose a direction alone. Hou Lei and An'er followed him, and Shen Wanchun followed.

Shen Wanchun's purpose is unknown to everyone, but no one said anything, and just followed, and there was nothing invisible.

The battle in the distance became more and more fierce, and there were already beasts with high true souls, but on their side, there has never been a large-scale weapon fight, even monsters are rare.

Perceiving the tyrannical aura around the world, the three slowly walked forward in the forest.


A magnificent tiger appeared in front of the three of them, before the power of Wuthering Mountain Forest was released, it was smashed by Shen Wanchun with a punch.

It's nothing more than the five-tiered monsters of the True Soul Realm.

As the three of them moved forward, a strong **** gas suddenly rushed forward from the front.

"Let's take a look."

Ye Yusheng opened the road directly in front of him, hiding his breath and walking forward.

The four of them moved forward very fast, and after a while... they came to a huge pit.

It was said to be a deep pit, but the pit was filled with blood, and the blood was constantly surging. Every time it rolled, the corpse was washed up and then fell.

"These beasts."

Shen Wanchun's steel teeth almost broke with a bite, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Ye Yusheng and Hou Lei were not much better, their expressions were gloomy and scary.

An'er was even more scared, covering her mouth with her hand, afraid that she would yell out.

In the huge lake of blood in front, there are all human corpses. There are men and women, old and young, and even young children. The corpses are soaked in the blood lake and are about to rot.

On the other side of the blood lake, there are several monster beasts constantly throwing their bodies into the lake. Blood lines are connected to the blood lake, and the other side is connected to ancient trees.

The power of the ancient trees is actually provided by the blood lake, no wonder it only takes one or two days to grow so many towering ancient trees.


Hou Lei was the first one to rush out, regretting that the mine hammer was in his hand, and fell from the sky with a bang, smashing several unprepared monster beasts into flesh.

Two flashes of lightning flashed in Ye Yusheng's eyes, and he saw several golden lights on Hou Lei's body.

But Hou Lei didn't seem to feel it, standing on the ground with a mine hammer in his hand, only feeling an incomparably heavy force digging into his body along his feet.

"this is?"

Hou Lei looked down at the hand holding the thunder hammer, a little stunned: "My power..."

Ye Yusheng flew over and patted him on the shoulder. No one knew what had happened better than him: "Increase in strength is a good thing, don't think too much."


Hou Lei thought for a while, glanced at Shen Wanchun evasively, and whispered: "There seems to be something more in my mind."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Yusheng stopped him with his eyes.

At this time, Shen Wanchun also came over. He didn't hear what the two brothers had just said. He just looked at the lake of blood in front of him with a sad expression: "I'm sorry, it was my Beast Taming Valley that harmed you."

There are too many corpses in the blood lake, all of which are the sins of the Beast Taming Valley.

"But don't worry, I will avenge you. If I can't take revenge, I will give up this body and apologize to you personally." Shen Wanchun said this very solemnly.

The two looked at Shen Wanchun and didn't say anything.

"Boss, are you going to ruin this place?" Hou Lei asked.


Ye Yusheng nodded.

Destroying the blood lake is equivalent to breaking the source of the ancient tree. Although I don't know whether the irritable spirit can be restored like cutting a tree, it is definitely a good thing to cut down the ancient tree.

Destroying the blood lake is naturally the most appropriate for Hou Lei. His attribute is soil. Now he inherits the inheritance of the earth king and controls the power of the earth, so he is naturally more adept at doing this kind of thing.


I saw Hou Lei stomping on the ground with his foot, rumbling... the earth began to roll, the ancient trees fell, and the rolling earth swallowed the lake of blood, buried deep in the ground, and was cut off at the same time. Tree connection.

As soon as the blood lake disappeared, the surrounding ancient trees became a little sluggish as if they had lost their energy.

"carry on."

After solving this small group of things, the four of them moved on.


An'er, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly stopped them. Ye Yusheng turned around and looked at An'er: "An'er, have you found anything?"


An'er's pupils suddenly became clear. In her pupils, there seemed to be an everlasting blue sky, which could see the flow of the long river of time, and catch the order of mosquitoes' wings.


Shen Wanchun took a breath and looked at the shadow of the blue sky in An'er's eyes: "This is...this is..."


A cold snort spread, Hou Lei blocked his gaze looking at An'er, his eyes filled with killing intent, and the cold voice spread: "Gu Master Shen, if you don't want to die here immediately, you'd better not see anything."


Shen Wanchun was startled, the man in front of him seemed to give him a feeling of facing the mountains, giving him extremely strong pressure.


Ye Yusheng spoke, and recalled the murderous Hou Lei, and whispered to Shen Wanchun: "Master Shen, as my brother just said, after this battle, whether you can live or not, I hope you can forget what you just saw. everything of."

"If you don't want your only son to die suddenly."

"……I understand."

Speaking of his son, Shen Wanchun's heart sank immediately and turned around and stopped looking.

This is just a small episode.

After Shen Wanchun turned around, An'er's Tongtian had returned to its original state, with a drop of blood dripping from the corner of her eyes. Ye Yusheng painfully wiped off the blood stains for her, and said softly: "In the future, the power of the male family and family should not be used at will."

"Oh, I see."

An'er's smile is very beautiful, like a porcelain doll.

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