The moon is shining, and the sky is full of stars.

Luolong Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, on the green grass, a pair of boys and girls lay on it, looking up at the sky, the bright moonlight fell down, reflecting on their faces.

Both of them were smiling.

"Xi'er, the moon is very round tonight."

The boy looked up at the sky, a full moon was hanging high, and the clear moonlight fell on his handsome face, full of happiness and joy.

"Yes, Brother Xiao, the moon is full and the people are quiet, what a beautiful moonlight."

The girl smiled and looked at the starry sky, as if there were stars twinkling in her eyes.

"No matter how beautiful the moonlight is, it is not as beautiful as Xi'er."

Looking at the beautiful face of the girl, Lin Xiao was stunned and couldn't help but said.

"You are so slick, but I like to hear this,"

Lin Xi'er smiled lightly, nestled in Lin Xiao's arms, and looked at him with a pair of moist eyes, "Brother Xiao, do you like me?"


Lin Xiao nodded and lowered his head to kiss her.

"Hateful, want to bully me again,"

Lin Xi'er gently pushed Lin Xiao away, poured a glass of wine, and handed it to him, "If you really like me, drink it in one gulp."

"No problem!"

Lin Xiao took the wine glass and drank it all. The strong wine went into his throat, and his chest suddenly felt hot.

"Brother Xiao, this wine has a lot of spiritual herbs and medicines, which will definitely cure your problem."

Lin Xi'er said.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao smiled knowingly, and a few warm currents flowed through his heart, but his eyes dimmed immediately.

"Alas, Xi'er, you are the proud daughter of the Lin family, with a promising future, but I am just a waste who can't practice. You are so good to me, I really don't deserve you."

Lin Xiao shook his head and sighed, his face full of worry.

In fact, he was also the pride of the family and had outstanding talent, but one night a year ago, his spiritual veins suddenly couldn't circulate spiritual energy, making him a useless person. Until now, he has tried any method but it's still useless. He is almost desperate.

Fortunately, in this year, no matter how others ridiculed him, the girl in front of him always stayed with him, which was also the motivation to support him to persevere.

"Brother Xiao, don't think too much, Xi'er doesn't care about those, as long as I can be with you, it's enough."

Lin Xi'er looked at Lin Xiao affectionately, holding Lin Xiao's hand with her jade hand, her face full of determination.

"Xi'er, thank you!"

Lin Xiao's eyes were slightly moist, and he couldn't help hugging Lin Xi'er with deep affection.

"The drug should have taken effect!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from his ear.


Lin Xiao was startled, and before he could react, he was pushed away.

Then, he suddenly felt dizzy, and the girl in front of him became a little distorted and blurry.

"Xi'er, why am I a little dizzy?"

Lin Xiao held his head, feeling his consciousness gradually dissipating.

"That's right, I just put the Anhun powder in the wine."

Lin Xi'er said coldly, the smile on her face disappeared, as if she had changed into a different person.

"What! You, what are you doing!"

Lin Xiao's face changed, and he shook his head violently.

"Hmph, you are such an idiot. It's been a year, and I didn't expect you didn't notice anything. To tell you the truth, the problem with your spiritual veins was caused by me. I put spiritual suppressant powder in the wine you drank every day."

"What! You, why did you do this!"

Lin Xiao's face changed drastically. He never expected that the person he loved so much was actually the murderer who killed him. For a moment, Lin Xiao felt his brain go blank and couldn't accept it.

"Why, haha, it's because you are the first genius of the Lin family, a genius that is rare in a century. With your existence, I will always be suppressed by you. However, as long as your pulse energy is transferred to me, my spiritual veins can be improved, I can become the young master of the Lin family, and I will have a broader future!"

As she said, a sneer appeared on Lin Xier's face, "Brother Xiao, since you like me, give me your pulse energy, just as the price of Xier accompanying you for a year!"

"You are a vicious woman, you destroyed my spiritual veins and cheated on my feelings. I will kill you!"

Lin Xiao was furious and wanted to get up, but he couldn't stand steadily and fell to the ground.

"Just you, haha, you are right, you are not worthy of me at all, take out your pulse energy!"

As she said, Lin Xier stepped on the boy's chest with a sharp knife in her hand.

"It's been a year. I have waited for this day for a year. Your pulse energy is finally mine.

" "

Lin Xier stared at Lin Xiao's Dantian, where the pulse energy was concentrated.

"I'm devoted to you, why do you treat me like this!"

Lin Xiao stared at Lin Xier and yelled.

"Why, humph, it's very simple, because you're too stupid! Hand over the pulse energy!"

Before she finished speaking, the sharp knife in Lin Xier's hand had already fallen.

"Ah! "

Accompanied by a shrill scream, Lin Xiao's Dantian was broken open, and then a purple gas came into view. At this moment, the purple gas was locked by a misty breath, which was the effect of the Zhenling powder.

Spiritual veins are divided into three levels: heaven, earth and man. Each level is divided into three grades, corresponding to purple, blue and white respectively. This purple gas represents that Lin Xiao's body is a heaven-level spiritual vein. Unfortunately, the pulse energy is locked by the Zhenling powder, which is tantamount to a useless vein.

Until now, Lin Xiao knew the reason why his spiritual vein could not circulate his vitality. Unfortunately, he trusted Lin Xier too much and never had any doubts.

"Your pulse energy is mine!"

Lin Xier's eyes were fiery. One hand put on a special glove and directly reached into the Dantian, pinched the gas in his hand, and grabbed it directly without caring about the blood, flesh and fascia inside.

"Ah! "

Lin Xiao's face was twisted in pain, cold sweat broke out, and then he fainted.

"I must hurry to refine the pulse energy, so that my earth-level first-grade spiritual vein can rise to the earth-level third-grade!"

Using a jade bottle to seal the pulse energy, Lin Xier quickly left here, leaving Lin Xiao alone, lying on this cold mountain.

"Ah, my pulse energy, I will kill you!"

Suddenly, Lin Xiao woke up from a nightmare, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the bed, in his own room.

"Is it just a dream?"

Lin Xiao frowned, and just as he remembered, he felt a tearing pain in his lower abdomen.

"It's not a dream, it's real, Lin Xier, took away my pulse energy, she was calculating me! "

The piercing pain reminded Lin Xiao that everything was true.

"I didn't expect that she, whom I had always trusted, was the murderer who harmed me. It was a pity that I was still foolishly kept in the dark for a year and fell into someone else's trap!"

Lin Xiao clenched his fists, making a creaking sound. The pain in his lower abdomen was not even one ten-thousandth of his heartache.


At this time, the door was pushed open.

A tall middle-aged man walked in.


Seeing the person coming, Lin Xiao hurriedly said that the middle-aged man was his godfather Lin Feng, who was also the head of the Lin family.

"Xiao'er, you finally woke up!"

Lin Feng smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Godfather, why am I here! "

"Three days ago, I found that you were not in the family, so I sent someone to look for you outside. I found you in Luolong Mountain and brought you back,"

Lin Feng sighed and looked at Lin Xiao, "Xiao'er, although you can't practice, you can't give up on yourself. In the future, don't do anything that hurts yourself!"

Obviously, Lin Feng thought that it was Lin Xiao himself who destroyed his Dantian.

Lin Xiao wanted to tell the truth, but he didn't say it after all. Even if Lin Feng believed him, who would care about the words of a waste with his current family status? It would only attract more ridicule, and his words would not be taken seriously.

"Xiao'er, you, take a good rest. Even if you can't practice, your godfather won't blame you. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and take a good rest."

Speaking, Lin Feng squeezed out a smile and was about to leave.

"Godfather, do you have something to tell me!"

Seeing that something was wrong with Lin Feng, Lin Xiao asked.


"It's okay, tell me, I'm fine. "

"Alas, two days ago, Lin Xier detected the third-grade earth-level spiritual vein. After the elders' meeting, she replaced you and became the new young master."

After saying that, Lin Feng sighed. There was nothing he could do. Although he was the head of the family, he had no choice but that almost all the elders supported Lin Xier's promotion. Moreover, Lin Xier's talent was even better now. In comparison, Lin Xiao's current situation was not optimistic. This was also a helpless move.

"Xiaoer, I..."

"It's okay, godfather, it doesn't matter. With my current situation, I am indeed not suitable to be the young master. The position of the young master will naturally go to the capable!"

Lin Xiao smiled faintly. He knew that in this year, Lin Feng had conflicts with many elders in order to keep his position as the young master, and many people in the family were gossiping.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't want the position of the young master. He doesn't want his godfather to embarrass him again.

"Xiaoer, you should have a good rest. "

Lin Feng knew that Lin Xiao said this because he didn't want him to worry. With a sigh, Lin Feng left the room.


As soon as Lin Feng left, Lin Xiao got so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.


Xier, you really have a good plan. You just took away my pulse and you became the young master again! You have been waiting for this day for a long time! "

Lin Xiao gritted his teeth secretly. Lin Xier not only took away his pulse, but also stepped on him to get to the top. He couldn't help but feel furious, and his chest seemed to explode.

"I want revenge, I want to get back everything I lost!"

Lin Xiao clenched his fists suddenly, and bloodshot appeared in his eyes, but then he frowned, "My Dantian is broken, my pulse disappeared, I am just a useless person, how can I take revenge!"

"Could it be that God really wants to kill me!"

"No, my life is in my own hands, my destiny is in my own hands, I must take revenge!"

As he said, Lin Xiao's hand couldn't help but clench a jade ring on his chest.

I don't know if it was because of too much force or other reasons, but suddenly, the jade ring cracked.

"What! "

Lin Xiao looked down and saw that the cracks on the jade ring were getting more and more, and finally it broke directly.


The next moment, a dazzling strong light emerged, instantly enveloped Lin Xiao, and rushed to his forehead.

"What's going on!"

Lin Xiao's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help but cover his eyes.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes, he was shocked.

"Where is this!"

At this time, he seemed to have come to another world, surrounded by endless darkness, with a starry sky above his head, and bright starlight falling down. It seemed like a desolate universe.

"Finally here!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came, with a few vicissitudes in the old age.

The sudden voice made Lin Xiao's heart tremble. He looked in the direction of the sound, but saw a tombstone floating not far away, with light patterns flickering on the tombstone, and a sword inserted diagonally in front of the tombstone.

"Who are you, why am I here. "

Lin Xiao frowned. The strange space and strange people made him feel a little uneasy.

"My name is Bai Yuan. I come from the upper spirit world. I died because of an accident. Before I died, I sealed a wisp of my soul in this soul-locking monument. Don't be afraid. I'm here to help you!"

"Upper spirit world?"

Lin Xiao frowned. He had never heard of this strange term before. However, the other party could bring him to this space. Such ability has proved that the other party is not simple at all. He may really be a fallen great man.

"You said you are here to help me?"

Lin Xiao was half-believing and half-doubting.

"Yes, in front of me, this sword is called the Soul-Swallowing Sword. It is a divine-level sword. I once accompanied me in the upper spirit world to kill all directions and travel all over the world. I don't know how many gods and demons died under this sword. People call me the Soul-Swallowing Sword Master. Unfortunately, in that battle, this sword was severely damaged and is now only ordinary-level."

Bai Yuan said.

"Divine-level sword! "

Lin Xiao's eyes widened. Weapons are divided into five levels: ordinary, mysterious, spiritual, heavenly, and divine. Each level is divided into three grades: upper, middle, and lower. Although it is divided into five levels, even in the entire Tianxing Empire, an ordinary Xuan-level weapon is very popular. Only members of the royal family or the top leaders of the four major forces have the upper Xuan-level weapons, and spiritual-level weapons are even more rare and in short supply.

And the sword in front of him was once a divine-level sword!

For a moment, Lin Xiao was shocked beyond words. If this was true, it was hard to imagine how powerful this person was!

"It's a pity that it's only ordinary now."

Lin Xiao said regretfully.

"Although it's only ordinary now, this Soul-Swallowing Sword still has a chance to recover to the divine level!"

"What do you mean!"

"Soul-Swallowing Sword, as the name suggests, this sword can devour souls, thereby warming itself and improving its grade. It is now ordinary, but as long as it devours enough souls, it is entirely possible to reach the divine level. "

Bai Yuan said.

"I see!"

"If you like it, I'll give you this sword. How about it!"

Bai Yuan said.


Lin Xiao was delighted, but then he frowned. "There is no free lunch in the world. You gave me the sword, so there must be some conditions."

"Smart, I do have conditions. I'll give you this sword, but you need to help me find those scattered souls. In that battle, my body was damaged and my soul was shattered. Fortunately, one of my main souls was sealed in the Soul Locking Monument, but the other residual souls are scattered in different places. What you have to do is to help me find the scattered souls. Once the souls are gathered, I will have a chance to recover my strength and take revenge!"

"As long as I gather a residual soul, I can recover some of my strength, and I can also help you improve your strength. "

Bai Yuan said.

"Gather the remaining souls,"

Lin Xiao murmured, then shook his head and sighed, "If my spiritual veins had not been damaged, I would definitely agree to you, but I am a useless person now, even if I agree, I can't do it!


"Boy, don't worry about this. As a person from the upper spiritual world, it is not difficult for me, Bai Yuan, to restore a spiritual vein. In fact, I can make your spiritual vein stronger than before!"

Bai Yuan's voice came.

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