The four academies are the four strongest martial arts academies in the Tianxing Empire, and are the places of practice that countless martial artists dream of. There are more than a dozen counties in the Tianxing Empire, and each county has hundreds of cities. These cities are divided into small, medium and large cities, and Dark Star City is an inconspicuous small city. Every few years, the four academies will send people to various cities to recruit students, and Dark Star City is naturally one of them. Whether it is a small or large city, the admission standards are the same, absolutely fair. For many warriors, especially those without a strong family background, each enrollment is an opportunity to make a breakthrough, so they naturally attach great importance to it.

"Don't worry, Dad, I will definitely join the four major colleges!"

Lin Yi clenched his fist and said.

"I will definitely work hard too."

Lin Peng also said, but he was not very confident.

In the room.

"Xiao'er, can you practice?"

Lin Feng asked.

"Well, godfather, my spiritual veins and dantian have recovered."

Lin Xiao nodded. Lin Feng was the closest person to him, so he didn't need to hide it.

"That's great, it's good to recover, it's good to recover!"

Lin Feng was full of joy and excitement. Of course, he didn't continue to ask. Everyone has their own secrets and opportunities. He knew that Lin Xiao was able to practice, which was enough.

But the next moment, Lin Feng sighed again and looked at Lin Xiao solemnly, "Xiao'er, I am very happy that you can practice again, but I have something to ask of you!"

"What is it, godfather."

Lin Xiao looked at Lin Feng, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I hope you can leave the Lin family as soon as possible, the farther the better!"

Lin Feng said.

"What! Godfather, why do you want me to leave the family!"

Lin Xiao asked in confusion.

"Alas, you also saw the situation today. Lin Yi dared to talk back to me in public. Although the second elder asked him to apologize, the father and son must be very dissatisfied. Moreover, you should have seen that when Lin Yi attacked you, no elder stopped him, even said a word."

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Adoptive father, what do you mean..."

"Alas, I should have noticed it long ago. Since your spiritual vein had problems a year ago, Lin Shi began to secretly win over the family members. The second elder, the third elder, and some other elders have all joined him."


Lin Xiao's face darkened.

"In the past year, I tried my best to restore your spiritual vein and neglected the family's affairs. When I realized the danger, it was too late. Not long ago, at the elders' meeting, when discussing the ownership of the young master's position, more than half of the elders who had always supported me turned to Lin Shi. Therefore, your position as young master was dismissed and inherited by Lin Xier. After Lin Xier inherited the position of young master, Lin Shi's prestige in the family became higher."

"Those elders, don't you have any feelings for them? You promoted them in the first place!"

Lin Xiao said angrily.

"Hehe, in their eyes, there is only profit. They will be loyal to whoever gives them more benefits. This is the way of the world."

Lin Feng shook his head, "And there is something worse."

"In less than a month, the four major colleges will come to Dark Star City to recruit students. Among the four major colleges, there is a Royal College, which is backed by the royal family of the Tianxing Empire. In the Royal College, there is a branch of the Nangong family. As far as I know, Lin Xier has made an engagement with a man named Nangong Yan. That Nangong Yan seems to be the son of the head of the Nangong family."

"The Nangong family is also one of the eight major families in the Tianxing Empire. With this relationship, it is no wonder that many elders stand on Lin Shi's side. Moreover, I have a hunch that when the four major colleges come here to recruit students, Lin Shi is likely to use the power of the Nangong family to compete for control of the Lin family. I am afraid that Lin Shi has been preparing for this now."

"Godfather, you mean that when recruiting students, Lin Shi will work with the people of the Nangong family to force you to abdicate. He wants to control the Lin family!"

Lin Xiao's face condensed.

"It's not as simple as abdication. Lin Shi is a man of deep scheming and ruthless means. If he becomes the head of the family, he will never let you and me go. So, Xiao'er, you have to leave the Lin family. With your talent, you will achieve great success in the future. You must not die here."

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"Godfather, what about you?"

Lin Xiao frowned.

"As the head of the family,

At least I am still the head of the family now, so I naturally cannot leave here. This is my father's last wish. I swore in front of his grave that I would live and die with the family. Moreover, if I leave, it will definitely alert the enemy. Maybe Lin Shi will take action in advance. If I stay here, I can also buy time for you," said Lin Feng, patting Lin Xiao on the shoulder, "Xiao'er, you are my godfather's only hope. When you achieve something in the future, come back to take charge of the Lin family!" "Godfather, I..." Just as Lin Xiao was about to speak, Lin Feng took out another box, "Xiao'er, there are a total of 50 spiritual pills here. You must use them well. Godfather believes that you will be able to return to the peak one day. It's a pity that Godfather may not see that day. Before the four major colleges come to recruit students, you must leave the family, the sooner the better. "

As he spoke, Lin Feng sighed, patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, and left the room.

Looking at the box in his hand, Lin Xiao fell into silence. After a moment, he suddenly looked up, a firm look flashed in his eyes, and clenched his fists, "Godfather, I will never leave you alone, and the Lin family will never change hands!"

Although he could not defeat the people of the Nangong family with his own strength, the four major colleges were not just the Royal College, but also the other three. If he could use the power of one of them, it would be enough to compete with them.

To do this, Lin Xiao had to get the recognition of one of the colleges. As long as he showed enough talent and strength, he believed that these people would definitely help him.

"Before the four major colleges come to Dark Star City, I have to improve my strength as soon as possible and pass the assessment! Not only pass the assessment, but also let them value me! "

After making up his mind, Lin Xiao closed the door and began to practice in the room.

After breaking through to the third level of the Gathering Spirit Realm, the speed of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth slowed down. In addition, the Gathering Spirit Array was too conspicuous, so Lin Xiao began to use pills.

Thanks to the Soul Devouring Technique, Lin Xiao refined the pills very quickly. In just one hour, he refined a pill, and there was no waste of the medicinal effect, all absorbed.

If it were an ordinary warrior, it would take at least a few days to refine a spiritual pill, and many of the medicinal effects would be wasted before they could be absorbed in time, and this is the magic of the Soul Devouring Technique.

In other words, Lin Xiao's efficiency in refining and absorbing a pill is dozens of times that of an ordinary warrior.

In one day, after refining twelve pills, Lin Xiao's His cultivation level has made another breakthrough, reaching the middle and late stages of the third level of the Gathering Spirit Realm.

Relying on pills is naturally much faster than absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Especially as the cultivation level increases, the slower the cultivation speed of relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so pills are indispensable.

However, there are also some disadvantages in refining pills, that is, the foundation will be empty, and some impurities will be produced in the body, which requires a certain amount of time to polish and consolidate before it can continue to improve.

After refining a pill, Lin Xiao clearly felt that the efficacy of the medicine was much worse than before, and a lot of the medicinal power dissipated before it could be absorbed. This is because his cultivation level has just broken through and is not yet solid enough. Of course, it is also closely related to the fact that his cultivation level has improved too fast in the past few days.

"Consolidate your cultivation as soon as possible! "

Lin Xiao stood up, his eyes turned, and he thought of a place.

After a while, he packed up his things, put on a loose black robe, left the room, and left Dark Star City.

Just after Lin Xiao left, Lin Feng came to the room.

When he saw that the room was empty, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the room, and looked at the horizon, "Xiao'er, the future of the Lin family depends on you, and your godfather believes that you can do it, take care! "

After saying that, Lin Feng sighed slightly and left.

The Black Wind Mountains are a hundred miles away from Dark Star City. The ancient trees are towering and the area is a hundred miles in radius. Monsters often appear in it, which is very dangerous.

The reason why Lin Xiao went to the Black Wind Mountains was that he had his own plan.

On the one hand, there are many monsters in the Black Wind Mountains, and he can consolidate his cultivation by fighting with monsters. On the other hand, the monsters hunted are sold, and the gold coins obtained can be used to buy elixirs. In addition, the Soul-Swallowing Sword also needs soul nourishment.

Half a day later, Lin Xiao came to the entrance of the mountains.

In front of him was a vast forest, with rolling mountains, lush grass and leaves, and beast roars one after another. Just standing on the periphery, you can feel a breath of primitive air coming towards you.

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