Fantasy: I can modify the entries

Chapter 42: A different world inside Baiyun Temple


Akechi yelled, a look of madness flashed in his eyes.

He must not die here, he has not yet reached the realm of master!

How could you fall down right here?

The monk's robes were torn, his beard and hair were floating, and the veins were exposed under the skin. Qi and blood surged up, and all the Qi, blood and strength were poured into his arms regardless of the situation.


There was a loud bang.

The veins on Akechi's thick arms bulged, but he still couldn't stop it!

It was like facing a collision with a wild elephant. The muscles on his arms could not withstand the tremendous force.

It crackled and exploded.

The white bones are all exposed.

Gradually dented, and then made a cracking sound.

Li Ming took advantage of the victory and pursued without mercy.

One punch broke Monk Mingzhi's shoulder bone.

The last punch hit his heart and lungs amidst the loud noise of landslide and tsunami.

The bones and muscles were broken, and the internal organs were shattered.

[Kill Akechi and gain 5000 life energy. 】

[Activate against fate, seize...]

【Physical skills. 】

Li Ming didn't hesitate and directly picked one that was useful to him.

In an instant, his ability to use his body was further improved again.

"So strong, is he really just a person who just broke through the Ning Gang realm?"


Several police officers nearby were in disbelief when they saw Li killing the demon monk Mingzhi swiftly.

The other party is a master who is about to enter the golden elixir realm. Why is it so simple?

No wonder Li Ming is valued by Lin Qiancheng, he is really talented.

And just then.

"Dong dong dong!"

Three bells ring.

Li Ming frowned. Who was this bell sending a signal to?

But before he had time to think too much, he saw several more corpses attacking him.

At this time someone reminded:

"Be careful, these refining corpses contain a lot of poisonous and rotten gas. After killing them, be careful to avoid them!"

Li Ming nodded.

He had noticed it before.

Some detectives used Gang Qi to break the corpse's body. However, after the corpse fell, a large cloud of gas sprayed out, containing powerful corrosive power.

Even though the warriors in the Condensation Gang Realm are made of steel and iron, if they are accidentally involved, their bodies will be destroyed and turned into pus.

This move is really disgusting!

Li Ming's body is filled with Yimu Qinglong Qi, his mind is like a bright mirror, his body is motionless, and his five senses are extremely sensitive.

In the void, like a dark wind howling, the three refined corpses were quickly killed.

Although these zombies have no spiritual intelligence, they have fighting instincts.

Across dozens of steps, carrying a corrosive aura, it danced with sharp claws that could tear apart steel plates, and struck Li Ming hard in front of him.

In an instant.

Li Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and he drew his knife and cut through the sky.

Directly slashed at the three refined corpses.

Three heads were cut off with one blow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Those heads were like balls falling to the ground.

The turbid slurry floated, and a large amount of thick slurry emerged, which was enveloped by a green aura.

There seemed to be a pair of big hands in all directions, rubbing hard.

As a Yimu spirit body, he has many benefits, but there is not much direct increase in combat effectiveness.

But it's actually a lot stronger, not only does the Qi recover quickly.

Moreover, he has an excellent grasp of the details of Qi. It is not difficult for him to perform subtle operations that ordinary people cannot do.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Several headless corpses had their heads chopped off, but their bodies were still performing martial arts.

The head is still roaring meaninglessly.

Li Ming looked calm and cut through the mess quickly.

Cut these refined corpses into pieces completely, and use Gang Qi to suppress their self-destruction after death.

[Kill the refining corpse and gain 1000 life energy. 】

[Kill the refining corpse and gain 1000 life energy. 】

[Kill the refining corpse and gain 1000 life energy. 】

[There are hidden dangers after capturing the corpse-refining entry, so it is recommended to refine it. 】

[Refining all. 】

[Acquire 900 life energy. 】

The life energy gained is not much.

Li Ming cursed in his heart, he was really stingy.

It's not as good as a wise master, others are worth 5,000 anyway.

It seems that the strength of these zombies is too weak, and they have been judged to be at the level of mobs that can be killed casually.

It is also possible that the other party has too many gray entries, contaminating the rewards.

However, Li Ming was too lazy to think too much and instead observed the fighting around him.

He showed great power and killed Akechi. Naturally, no one dared to take the initiative to fight him.

At this time, there was endless fighting in front of Baiyun Temple.

The pure place of Buddhism in the past has now turned into a purgatory on earth.

On the ground, blood gathered and there were stumps and broken arms.

Li Ming's eyes flashed, and he wanted to go to help his master Lin Qiancheng.

But suddenly I saw several figures quietly leaving the battlefield, and then took the opportunity to head towards the apse.

At this time, the master was extremely powerful and killed one of the four black evil ghosts.

Bai Zhan is also able to do it with ease.

Li Ming thought for a while, then moved and immediately followed the figures.

He always felt that Qing Mo Hui had been delaying something.

Soon, he arrived at the back hall and watched as several guys dressed as monks suddenly entered a small ruined temple next to it.

Li Ming followed immediately.

I found that they were no longer around.

"Where are the people?"

Li Ming was a little confused.

He saw a few people go in with his own eyes, but they disappeared unexpectedly?

Looking at the shabby appearance of the ruined temple, it didn't look like a place to hide.

Li Ming calmed down and carefully sensed the changes in airflow.

But I found that in addition to the direction of the door, there was also a faint airflow.

I went up to check it out, and it seemed to be tight and seamless.

Li Ming's eyes were focused, and he punched out directly, exploding with a scream, tearing the air.

It was like a cannonball bombarding the wall.


The whole ruined temple shook and trembled.

The wall was broken on the spot, revealing a huge passage several meters wide and high.

Large pieces of rubble rained inside.

Standing at the entrance of the passage, looking inside, it was dark and deep, and I didn't know where it led to.

Li Ming's eyes lit up, that's right.

It's here.

Those people escaped from here?

Or did they go to tip off?

Call the president of the Green Demon Society?

Holding the long sword at his waist tightly with one hand, Li Ming took a deep breath and planned to go alone.

The other party's mysterious president has not appeared, and his plan is big, there is no time to let the other party delay.

Slowly walked in, looking around, very vigilant.

As soon as I entered the cave, I could smell a pungent smell of blood, as if the entire cave was soaked in blood.

There were white bones everywhere on the ground, many of which were only buried shallowly in the ground. A slight step would reveal them to the ground.

The Buddha was blessing outside, but there were bones everywhere inside, which was ironic.

After about a dozen breaths, Li Ming stopped.

Walking out of the passage, there was another world.

In front of me was a space as big as a football field.

A strong smell of blood came from the front.

Li Ming stepped into it.

In front of me, there was a blood pool altar that was several feet wide and unknown how deep.

The bones on the side were piled up several feet high!

"How many people were killed?"

Li Ming murmured.

One general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people.

In this world, it is normal.

Just this evil martial artist, I don't know how many lives he has used to practice martial arts.

The aftermath of the battle of those top masters can destroy a big city.

Li Ming let out a long breath, put aside all emotions, and looked around.

But found.

The gray-robed monk who had entered here before was gone.


Li Ming's eyes flashed, and he found that there were several gray robes floating on the blood pool, and soon, several white bones floated up.

Suddenly, there was a bubbling sound...

In the blood pool below, a flash of blood flashed, and several blood-red big hands suddenly attacked Li Ming who was standing still.


Li Ming, who had been mentally prepared, drew out his long sword and swung it in an instant.

The sword energy was everywhere!


Several blood-red blood hands were broken up by the sword energy.

"What the hell?"

Li Ming was shocked when he saw this big hand.

The monks were dragged into the blood pool by this big hand before?

And then they were swallowed?

In an instant, Li Ming figured out what happened.

The owner of this blood pool is most likely the president of the Green Demon Association, who came here to practice unknown evil skills!

Li Ming said calmly: "The remnants of the Green Demon Society, why don't you come out and die?"

After a while.

An old voice came from the bottom of the blood pool:

"My friend, I am Hui Xin, the abbot of Baiyun Temple. I was imprisoned under the blood pool by the thieves of the Green Demon Society. Please go down to the blood pool and rescue me."

"I will definitely reward you handsomely!"

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