Fantasy: I Can Modify The Progress Of My Cultivation

Chapter 30: The So-Called Talent! 【Seek Evaluation Ticket】

"Is that a new enemy?"

In the training hall.

Most of the college assessments have been completed.

Many students gathered together to watch the assessment video of Chu Mu, the biggest dark horse in this exam. They also saw Chu Mu beat an elite-level opponent, and before everyone cheered for Chu Mu's comeback, the new [Tianjiao-level] opponent attracted everyone's attention.

"The opponent in the fourth round is a little girl? Wow! Isn't this a reward!" A student with bad eyesight exclaimed enviously.

Someone next to him immediately cast a contemptuous look.

"Didn't you see that this opponent is also a junior martial artist? Be good, and he is still rated as a Tianjiao-level existence. I have never heard of such a rating in the Martial Arts Academy before."

The student who despised the older brother before showed a deeply shocked expression. Also, a martial artist in his teens will of course deeply shock everyone who walks this path.

"This is the title of the strongest genius in human beings. Don't you all pay attention to the news? This is Jiang Li. No one of you knows her!"

A girl showed an incredulous expression on her face.

She looked at many people around her who showed a slightly confused look, and immediately began to explain science to the students with a somewhat adoring tone.

"She is the most admired idol in every girl's heart, the number one Valkyrie in human beings. Although she is only the King of Wu, she has already defeated several Wu Zongs!"

This is definitely a little girl.

The amount of information she provided was also huge, and the virtual projection of the battle with Chu Mu now came from a person who had grown into King Wu.

"I remembered! She was the female Martial Queen who made a big commotion the year before last, was chased and killed by several world-destroying beasts, and finally escaped from the sky and killed a world-destroying beast instead!"

Another student remembered who this man named Jiang Li was.


There was also a gasp in the student group.

A world-destroying beast is equivalent to a human Wu Zong. Being able to escape from the hands of such a beast is already a great achievement for King Wu.

Not to mention that it was a few world-killing beasts who were chasing and killing this female Martial Queen. The situation was even more dangerous. I'm afraid even some Wu Zong would be on the spot with hatred!

But this woman named Jiang Li not only escaped from the pursuit of the beasts, but was even able to kill one of them in the process!

I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to make it up like this in a novel!

This moment.

A group of high school students felt a little weight carried by Tianjiao.

And when everyone knew what kind of talent Jiang Li was, and what kind of terrifying combat power he possessed, many people immediately exclaimed.

"Oh my god! Fight against such a monster! Our dark horse classmate won't be hammered out of shit?"

"If this Martial King was so fierce when he was young, I guess Chu Mu would have been instantly killed. This is not at the same level of strength as the previous elite fighters."

"Sister Jiang Li will always be a god!!"


A group of students began to worry about Chu Mu, and some girls directly turned against him, and instead supported the virtual projection in the actual combat interactive machine.

have to say.

The scene of groupies in the new era is very real.

Chu Mu, who is in the virtual actual combat interactive machine at this time, still doesn't know about the discussions of the students outside and who his opponent is.


This does not mean that Chu Mu will belittle his opponent.

Even if one ignores the magical information he saw, ignores Tianjiao's evaluation, the existence that can be ranked behind elite opponents will definitely not be a guy easy to deal with.


Chu Mu actually had the same opinion as the others, and he didn’t think he had the possibility of winning—if the system can be upgraded for a few days to crush the human arrogance, then the level of the human camp is too vulnerable. He just wants to grow his knowledge now.

"Let me see how far I am from the real ceiling." Chu Mu took a deep breath, and prepared to face the enemy with all his energy.

Because the previous battle has ended, his current virtual state has been restored to its peak again, so there is no such thing as a bad state.

This is a major bug of the virtual actual combat interactive machine, which allows a warrior to continue to use the perfect state to hone his skills in each battle.




Accompanied by a countdown introduction.

The speed of the little girl is really frighteningly fast.

When Chu Mu was just about to act.

She had already bent down suddenly and swooped down, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Chu Mu with a sword that was almost bigger than her body.

Where the little girl appeared before, only a piece of cracked ground remained, proving how powerful the little girl exploded at that moment just now.

"Her strength is at least twice as strong as mine!"

At the moment when the battle started, Chu Mu only had time to mention blocking.


The knives of the two just touched.

His whole body was thrown straight away—the feeling of being crushed by a martial artist of the same level in terms of pure strength, and it was finally Chu Mu's turn to experience the bitterness of it.

Just a confrontation.

His tiger's mouth was already in excruciating pain, and the knife in his hand was almost thrown out. Fortunately, Chu Mu was prepared, and he held the saber in his hand tightly when he was sent flying.

"This is Tianjiao's strength!?"

Chu Mu's heart was filled with unprecedented shock.

The battle has just begun.

As if it was about to end.

He hadn't even landed in mid-air.

I saw the little girl kicking on the spot again, and the ground cracked again like a spider web. In the next second, the little girl turned into an afterimage and appeared at the position where she was about to land.

Good guy!

Chu Mu felt it!

He smelled a familiar scent on the little loli!

Absolutely right!

Look at the little loli getting ready!

Chu Mu seemed to have seen his own end - Little Lolita would definitely give him a set of non-stop combos, and then directly dump him for seven or forty-nine dollars!

Happy reading every day during Spring Festival in the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity period: January 21st to February 5th)

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