Fantasy: I Can Modify The Progress Of My Cultivation

Chapter 70 Cosmic Starry Sky! Immortal Corpses! 【Ask For Full Confirmation】

"I don't know what kind of changes will happen if humans touch the starry sky..." Chu Mu looked at the instrument in front of the small alien corpse.

None of them he could understand, the tall shape and complicated operation buttons made him feel that only eight hands could operate them.

"I don't know if there are any other corpses."

Chu Mu continued to investigate in the main control room.

Really don't say it.

He found another inconspicuous corpse—it is not very accurate to say that it is a corpse [in Chu Mu's eyes, it can only be said to be the remains of a robot?

This is a humanoid object with a silvery white body.

It has a streamlined body.

There is also a very hard cortical structure at first glance.

As for why Chu Mu is sure that it is a robot, the main reason is that the existence of this "corpse" is barely there, and there is a huge hole in the position of the head.

In this hole.

There is no flesh and blood tissue, and it is not empty. There are many damaged circuits inside. It is extremely precise, and it is definitely not a brain structure that a living body can have.


If there are mechanical life forms in the starry sky, then Chu Mu feels that his speculation may be wrong, it is not a robot, but a mechanical life form that he does not know.

"I don't know how much black technology can be reverse-engineered in this robot's body." Chu Mu used the wreckage of his spaceship to hit the robot's body hard.

Not surprisingly.

Even if he tried his best to mobilize his vitality.

Also used the wreckage of the spaceship.

They couldn't even shake the body of this robot... I don't know what kind of terrifying force it took to penetrate such a big hole in the robot's head.

Chu Mu continued to investigate the situation in the main control room. This place is not empty, there are instruments everywhere, and there are also some objects that seem to have traces of life.

Generally speaking, it can be regarded as very well preserved.

There wasn't even any trace of a fight.

It can be seen that those crystallized beings, as well as the appearance robot discovered by Chu Mu, probably hiccupped in a short period of time without even a chance to resist.

This is completely different from the crisis caused by a spaceship crash... It always takes a while for a spaceship to crash, it is impossible for everyone to have no reaction.

These are existences that surpassed Wu Zong by an unknown number of times. How fast did the spaceship crash so that everyone could not even escape?


A spaceship crash crystallizes all life?

Although Chu Mu doesn't read much.

But he doesn't think such a situation is possible... No matter how poisonous the oxygen environment of the earth is, it is impossible to say that it will have such an impact on alien powerhouses.

"What happened to this spaceship?"

Chu Mu was full of curiosity.

He continued to probe.

Trying to find some clues inside the spacecraft.


No clues were found.

But let him see a terrifying figure.

Near the front of the main control room, there is an extremely irregular-looking steel throne.


The figure sitting on the really made Chu Mu terrified!


be terrified!

The moment Chu Mu saw that figure.

Almost lost the ability to breathe!

This is the only corpse in the entire spacecraft that has not crystallized!

The huge body about ten meters high did not show any sign of decay. It, "One Twenty" or it, the skin of the whole body has a color like steel!

He is still wearing a set of armor covered with mysterious inscriptions, which is still extremely bright today! The breath is terrible, and it is like witnessing a god when looking directly at it!

It made Chu Mu feel uncontrollable fear!

That is countless times more terrifying than seeing the king beast, and the breath of the king beast is even more stupid and incomparably terrifying!

"How powerful is it!?"

Chu Mu just took a look at the corpse's staring eyes, and felt that his whole heart seemed to be completely attracted.


Completely surrender to the...existence in front of you!

It's just a corpse!

I don't know how many years of corpses have been left here!

It still has such a shocking power... It is impossible to imagine what a terrifying level of life this kind of existence was before it was alive!

Even dead bodies!

Even those eyes have lost their luster!

The pressure of the past is gone!


That left a trace of prestige... It was already an attempt to kneel down that made Chu Mu tremble in his heart and couldn't control his thoughts!

The only thing Chu Mu could think of was one word.


"How can there be such a terrifying life in the universe!?"

Chu Mu felt that his breathing was almost stagnant. Standing in front of the huge corpse, he felt like an extremely fragile ant.

in attempt.

Look up to the dragon!

Ants are like facing dragons..... The faint residual power of the corpse still makes him feel hard to resist. This is definitely a real peerless powerhouse in the universe!

I'm afraid this kind of existence in the universe starry sky is definitely not an unknown person! It is such a strong person! He died quietly on the earth!

Looking at the existence of this cosmic powerhouse, who can be called a god, he died just like those crystalline corpses, without any room for resistance.

Chu Mu even used his 120,000-point imagination.

It is still difficult to figure out what kind of terrible crisis this spaceship encountered back then.

"What kind of horror has this spaceship encountered..... even such a strong man like a god has fallen, and it has fallen so silently.

Chu Mu didn't know how many breaths he took today.


"Must be calm."

He could only keep telling himself this in his heart.

Only then was he able to stabilize his mind a little.


Chu Mu couldn't look into the eyes of this corpse anymore, once they looked into each other's eyes, even if he tried to calm himself down, he still felt oppressed uncontrollably.

Even looking directly at this body, he felt trembling and unspeakable fear.

That is the fear caused by the large gap in life levels!

I'm afraid it's the same when Wu Zong comes!


Wu Zong.

In front of such a strong person, it is tantamount to pure ants.

He should have died for many, many years. But the skin and hair are not rotten and dry at all, as if they still maintain the moment before death.


Can't work on him.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no life aura on this corpse, and there was no temperature at all, Chu Mu might have thought that this mysterious strong man was still alive.

There is one thing to say.

Chu Mu has to emphasize that he is definitely not a pervert!

There is absolutely no abnormal special hobby, he just thinks about it as a person with rich imagination.

This... a corpse that can be called a god's body, if it can also be swallowed by humans, let alone refined, then what kind of achievements can that person achieve?

Swallowed a mouthful of flesh and blood, only to know that Wu Zong is just trash?

Chu Mu has no doubt that such a strong man's flesh and blood, a small piece can create an existence above Wu Zong!

The owner of this body is really great!

It's too scary!

Chu Mu couldn't help but rejoice that the king beast that was entrenched here before was evil, otherwise, if the king beast could come to this area to check it out.

And then discovering that there are so many life crystals in it, and if there is this strong man's terrifying body, let alone something that is not a robbery.

Chu Mu reckons that it is not impossible for an octopus to transform into a dragon and become an immortal in situ.


Just when Chu Mu was still shocked by the strength of the corpse in front of him.

And I'm still thinking about it.

Why doesn't this corpse crystallize, what is the difference, and what is the helmet that is connected to the entire spaceship on the corpse's head?

He didn't notice it.

There are strange wave bands that cannot be detected by the naked eye.

It was launched from some instrument of this spacecraft.


Scanned Chu Mu's whole body.


There was a very weak movement without warning, the sound was not loud, just like the sound of some kind of machinery being turned on [but Chu Mu, who was ten times vigilant, did not ignore it.

His ears trembled suddenly, and he looked around quickly.




There were successive sounds.

Let Chu Mu lock the position where the sound was made.

It is an extremely precise instrument not far from the corpse of the throne.

He saw a cube-shaped thing crack open.


Light gushes from within.

Chu Mu turned around and ran away without saying a word.



Before he ran a few steps.

The hatch slammed shut right under his nose.

"I knew it was a trap!"

Chu Mu was a little annoyed and made an afterthought.

He drew out the newly acquired weapon --- the wreckage of the spaceship, with an extremely dignified expression, his eyes fixed on the place where the movement and movement spewed out the light.

This light spaceship is dazzling.

All made the originally dim main control room much brighter.

And as this light was connected to a certain device on the top of the spaceship, and gradually stabilized, a virtual figure was fully condensed in the light.

It's a bull-headed...brave bull?

cough cough.

The main reason is that the image of this virtual figure is too incompatible with the tall alien spaceship, so Chu Mu couldn't help but feel a sense of incongruity and absurdity.

Who would have imagined that in a spaceship full of high-tech and unnamed strong men lying dead, cartoon-like projections could be seen?

This is a projection of a tauren with two bull horns on its forehead, which looks full of cartoon atmosphere. It is only sixty to seventy centimeters tall.

"Hello, human."

The tauren spoke to Chu Mu.

how to say.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Although Chu Mu had never heard or seen the language spoken by the tauren, let alone studied it, he could understand the meaning of the tauren.

"What the hell are you?"

Chu Mu's expression was extremely solemn, and his eyes were full of vigilance. Good guy, there are indeed weird things in this spaceship, I didn't expect there to be survivors.

But there are surviving... intelligent life?

As if to confirm Chu Mu's conjecture.

"I am not the kind of soul that you humans understand, but the intelligent mastermind of this escort spaceship, you can call me by my name..."

Smart mastermind.....Using a cartoon-like tauren as the smart mastermind, I didn't expect the owner of this spaceship to be so childlike.

Smart tauren words have not yet


It was answered by Chu Mu.

"Brave and awesome? Not afraid of difficulties?"

The intelligent tauren was stunned by this quick answer, and then it heard Chu Mu speak again.

"Don't tell me that you used to be a carbon-based life, but because of force majeure, you had to transform yourself into an intelligent life?" Chu Mu asked seriously

According to the appearance of the title, he has read a lot of science fiction novels before.

"Don't be ridiculous, the routine is too old." Chu Mu complained as usual.

He just felt that what he encountered was a bit too bloody.

However, the intelligent tauren could not understand what he meant, and felt that the reaction of this human being was a bit different from his own simulation calculation. The intelligent tauren now

I can't help but feel that I may be stuck.

"You want me to help you collect materials in name, and guide me step by step to help you occupy the earth?"

Like a victim of persecution, facing an unknown alien intelligence, Chu Mu's mind flashed an unknown number of Hollywood movie clips.


how to say.

The smart tauren is very suspicious of Niu Sheng.

It knows the meaning of every word that this human being utters.

But together.

It simply cannot understand.

Could it be that I... met a guy with a sick mind?

Although the smart tauren doesn't know what emotions are, it still can't help but want to feel sorry for itself. What did it wait for after waiting so long?

"My name is Curry... No one needs your help to occupy this planet... In fact, how do you think that a civilization capable of interstellar travel would covet an ordinary planet

?I'm just an intelligent mastermind working for the mineral transportation department of the Galactic Federation.

The tauren calling themselves Curry also wanted to save it.

Patiently explained to Chu Mu.

"The spaceship you are currently in is the property of the Starship Federation. Of course, because we have lost contact with your earth for more than a hundred years, it is said that this spaceship has become

It's okay to buy unclaimed property. The Federation didn't search for us, so it seems to have given up this part of the property.

The intelligent tauren Curry's voice was somewhat sad.

Chu Mu doesn't know whether it can really feel emotions, or it's just because its own emotional simulation program is so good that it can almost be faked.

"These corpses have only been dead for more than a hundred years?"

The smart tauren Curry didn't know how to answer Chu Mu's word "talent".

What is talent?

More than a hundred years has been a long time, okay?

"I thought it was at least thousands of years old, or even tens of thousands of years old..."

Chu Mu's expression left the intelligent tauren speechless.

Although it doesn't know what emotion being speechless is, it is indeed very speechless.

Can't answer.

But it's just speechless.

"The corpse you saw before belonged to a strong man of the Galaxy Federation who had reached the level of eternal life.

Tens of millions of years of immortality, in fact, their level of life is also called the master of immortality.

Tauren Curry felt he couldn't afford to lose.

"Eternal life?"

Chu Mu blinked, with a strange look in his eyes.

"But if it is an eternal and immortal life, why does he still die? Eternity should be in a stable state. Even a drop of blood can be reborn? In fact, the real

Eternity, shouldn’t it be a proof of eternity, the past and the future are all immortal, so it’s impossible for something to fall?” This is another question that the tauren Curry can’t answer, he can only

It is said that Chu Mu's thinking is really a bit out of line for Tauren Curry.

It really suspects that the cow gave birth.

What the hell is this thing that came in... What is a permanent proof that the past and the future are immortal? Is there such a cowhide existence in the universe? How can I put it here?

On this planet, wisdom can beat the words that all intelligent masterminds can't understand!

It is clearly still a life at the lowest level...How dare you talk about the most powerful being in the universe?

No brave bull can give you so much courage!

If we really want to reach the point that this guy said, maybe the Eternal True God is not enough, right?

The past and the future of life are unified... How can a small earth warrior think of such a high-level thing?

Smart Minotaur Curry is tired.

"He was erased from the soul level, and what is left here is only an immortal body.

It can only answer why eternal and immortal life also falls.

"What is the Star River Federation?"

Chu Mu asked again.

Although he had already guessed in his heart, he didn't have to ask to be sure.

"It is a very powerful force in the universe. It has the Eternal God sitting in its seat, and it has a territory equivalent to five trillions of your galaxy's size. Of course, our territory is not

Neither your galaxy nor Earth is included. "

"According to the records of the Galaxy Federation, the Milky Way belongs to the site of a fallen world lord. That world lord has only fallen for six epochs, and it has not yet reached the time limit for taking back the Federation. And you

Earth is really just a barren, abandoned planet in our records. "

The intelligent tauren seemed very happy that Chu Mu was finally able to ask a question it could understand.

"What is a deserted planet... The biodiversity of our earth is still quite sufficient? Even if the level is relatively low, it can't meet the definition of a deserted planet." Chu Mu

The ball player subconsciously retorted.

"This is the strangest thing.... Among all the living planets in our Galaxy Federation, your earth is indeed the most abundant one."

"However, in the star map records of the Galaxy Federation, for some reason, it is marked that this is an abandoned planet without life and even without any minerals... This is obviously

However, it does not conform to the actual situation of your earth. "

"Your Milky Way has a total of hundreds of billions of stars, and the number of planets is even more frightening. Among the countless planets, there are hundreds of thousands of planets with civilization and life. This is in the Milky Way.

Among the galaxies controlled by the Federation, it can be regarded as not bad. "


"The other planets with civilizations in your galaxy are far less diverse than the life on Earth, and at the same time, humans without Earth are more like humans, let alone

Your so-called natural ability. "

Smart tauren Curry said something that Chu Mu couldn't understand.


There was an appropriate hint of doubt in its tone.

It's really like a very confused person muttering to himself, he looks much smarter than the main brain of the Martial Arts Academy.

"You seem to be amazed at my intelligence?"

Curry seems to have the ability to read minds.

Chu Mu was a little taken aback.

"You are indeed more humane than the intelligent masterminds on our planet." Chu Mu didn't hide it, and admitted his surprise openly.

product of the universe.

Isn't it normal to be more humanized than the intelligent mastermind on the earth?

"The intelligent masterminds that your earth has today all come from the technology of our Galaxy Federation." Curry suddenly broke out a shocking news.

Chu Mu's eyes widened immediately.

Face full of disbelief.

The intelligent mastermind Curry seemed satisfied with Chu Mu's reaction.

He continued speaking again.

"Six cargo ships crashed together with our frigate, and you humans found four of them and reverse-restored many of the Star River Federation's technologies.

"It's not just about intelligent masterminds. In fact, many technological products, as well as your so-called psychic weapons, all contain the technology of our Galaxy Federation.

What Curry said made Chu Mu feel that his worldview had collapsed.

A good inspirational picture.

A growing society.

How did everything become filled with alien shapes?

not only that.

The information given by Curry is far more than limited to human society.0

"As the most outstanding intelligence of the fleet this time, I am naturally many levels higher than those master brains that you humans have restored from cargo ship master brains through reverse research.

"In fact, the intelligent mastermind Nuwa possessed by the Martial Arts Academy you are studying is an intelligent mastermind that was reverse-engineered and built based on the equipment of a cargo ship!"

The language is not amazing and endless.

Chu Mu was stunned.

It turns out that the Martial Arts Academy has long been aware of the existence of aliens.

Also using alien technology?

"In the Star River Federation, a mastermind of that level can only be regarded as the lowest D-level mastermind.'

"Those programs on your earth that can only process simple logic are not qualified to be called intelligent master brains! Programs that can be called intelligent master brains, at least in terms of thinking

It can't be worse than humans, and reaching this threshold [is reaching the level of a d-level mastermind. "

"As for me, I have reached the level of a B-level intelligent mastermind."

This intelligent tauren named Curry had a proud tone in his tone.

And every word he uttered carried shocking information.

did not expect!

Never thought of it! The intelligent master brain was originally discovered only because human beings have already discovered alien spaceships, and then reverse-engineered them from alien spaceships!

This is indeed the kind of shocking information that makes Chu Mu feel extremely dreamy.

Even after digesting for a while.

He was still in a state of extreme bewilderment.

Earth's intelligent mastermind.

In fact, it is not an epoch-making product after years of painstaking research?

Martial Arts Academy.


It should be an alliance!

Maybe we already knew that aliens existed!

In other words, they have already obtained some alien wreckage? But if this is the case, there is something wrong with the group relationship.

If humans have found alien spaceships long ago, they should also be able to find those crystal nucleus corpses. Why has no information appeared in human society?

Chu Mu only felt that things were becoming more and more confusing.

"Are you feeling surprised again?"

Curry asked, blinking his eyes.

Look what the question is asking!

Can you not be surprised?

Whoever comes here now will have a dumbfounded expression!

The amount of information is too much!

"We humans have long known the existence of alien civilization?"

Chu Mu will be a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Yes, around the time of your human cataclysm, you have come into contact with our crashed spaceship, and I have been monitoring the situation around the world."

Curry answered unabashedly.

"Every move of all the forces in the world is under your watch?"

Chu Mu was even more shocked.

"It was like this until a few years ago, but with the energy consumption of the spacecraft, I can only maintain the internal operation of the spacecraft and have not paid attention to the external situation for several years.

Curry sighed, it was so vivid.

"You are really a voyeur who peeps around the world..." Chu Mu just found it extremely incredible, but he still didn't lose the essence of his fondness for complaints.

"No way, I want to find someone who can help me get back

People who belong to the Star River Federation. " Curry did not refute Chu Mu's complaints, but said with a rather sad expression.

"Looks like you didn't find it?"

Isn't this nonsense.

Curry glared at Chu Mu as well.

If found.

Is it your turn to be here to piss me off?

"Yes, the humans on your planet are very strange, possessing talents that few beings in the universe can possess, but this also limits the space for your evolution.

Curry directly summed up the qualifications of people on Earth, "In the past 100 years, no one has the qualification to set foot in the stars."

Hear Curry's words.

Chu Mu had a strange expression on his face.

What is this inexplicable joy in my heart?

"You mean you've found it now, and it's me? I'm the one who has the potential to step into the starry sky?" Chu Mu's tone was somewhat happy.


Curry rolled his eyes.

Did not answer Chu Mu's question directly.

"I don't have a choice."

It just returned these four words.

"What does it mean to have no choice!"

Chu Mu was slightly annoyed.

"That's what you can literally understand."

Curry answered flatly.

"The energy of the spaceship is close to withering, and I lost the opportunity to guide other people in. I didn't expect you to break into here by coincidence at this time."

This fact made Chu Mu a little sad.

Although he knows that he is indeed not qualified.

The system is certified.

But what if, what if there is something that other people don't have?

Chu Mu originally had such an idea in his heart, but now he has encountered a disillusionment. What do you mean he didn't expect him to break into this place at this time?

Although I did not knock on the door when I came in... But the wilderness thing, the lucky ones learned, do you, an alien intelligent life, understand this truth!

"You mean I'm just lucky?"

Chu Mu still didn't give up.

The articulation of the word "just" is a little bit more serious.

I don't know if the alien intelligent life that speaks the alien language understands it.


Curry is straight at first glance, even if he understands, he definitely has no intention of appeasing Chu Mu.

It spoke without the slightest tact, even if it seemed to be praising Chu Mu's luck, it sounded rather beating.

"In fact, although your aptitude is not very good, your luck is indeed good. Luck in the starry sky should be regarded as a very unique thing. If we were lucky enough back then

It is good enough, and it will not encounter such an indiscriminate disaster. 11

"Luck...hey, humans on Earth, anyway, as my last choice, your luck is really good, you have a unique luck that no one else has, so, 2.8

Congratulations on becoming the owner of this spaceship. "

Just after the ruthless intelligent tauren had finished speaking.


Chu Mu only heard a burst of movement, and then saw a ray of light suddenly appear, and he had no time to dodge it, he was already shrouded in it.

"Detect Race!"

"Galactic Terran!"

"Eligible to inherit!"

This is not the voice of Curry the intelligent tauren.

It's a mechanized female voice.

next moment.

Chu Mu saw the screen in the main control room light up, and then a spaceship owner's information appeared, besides his human body modeling, there were various incomprehensible clips.

"What's happening here?"

Chu Mu's eyes widened.

Ah found that although he couldn't understand those dense fragments, he could still recognize alien characters, just like the alien language spoken by the smart tauren Curry before.

Why can I understand alien characters and understand alien language... Could it be! Could it be that I lost my memory and thought I was an alien who traveled through space?

Chu Mu only felt absurd for a while, and quickly asked out the doubts in his heart.

"The writing and language of the Federation have the blessing of life at the level of an eternal true god, and enjoy the eternal characteristics of "general knowledge." Curry's answer was very profound.


Chu Mu, who has read 300 volumes of online literature, can probably understand what it means.

After being blessed by the life called the eternal true god, the words can be understood and understood by all races... It is a bit unbelievable to be true, but perhaps the strong man who is smashed by the universe is really so terrible strength.

as earthlings.

Chu Mu's knowledge of the universe is indeed limited.


He didn't want to show the image of a frog in a well, so he made an expression like that, and didn't continue to ask more questions. In fact, he also

He really understood what this intelligent life was talking about.

It's just that there are still some things that can't be understood by association.

for example.

What is eternal life.

What is the Eternal True God?

Chu Mu was very curious.

But he temporarily suppressed this curiosity.


For the time being, focus on two words.

He is now more concerned about the relationship between himself and the spaceship—what is the experience of suddenly owning the ownership of a spaceship? Thank you!

“Actually, it’s not that special to talk about a special experience.

It’s just that Chu Mu feels that he doesn’t want to hand in the spaceship anymore... The previous spaceship was a wild spaceship, which is completely different from the current spaceship. The current spaceship

But it has become his property.

Although it was picked up for nothing.


It may also be just a big cake to lure him to call the alien army to the earth...

However, since the earth has already found and studied the alien spacecraft for so many years, it is estimated that as long as he is careful, it should not be a big deal.

Can not turn in.

Then I definitely don't want to hand it in now.

I didn't know that the earth had obtained a lot of alien technology before, and I thought that handing it over to the academy would bring extraordinary benefits to human beings, but now it seems that the clown is actually himself.

The upper echelon of the real earth has been researching alien technology for a long time.

Such a situation.

The value of letting the academy study this spaceship becomes much lower... Well, I really don't want to find a reason for myself to own this spaceship.

I swear in the name of Brother Octopus whose ashes are all gone!.

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