Fantasy: I Can Modify The Progress Of My Cultivation

Chapter 79 Achieve The Golden Body Of Dragon And Elephant! 【Seek Further Reading】

The first strong man is missing!

was killed?

Or stuck somewhere?

Chu Mu is very clear about Zhao Xingyun's popularity in the entire league, and it is even more exaggerated than the superstar with the strongest global influence in the old era~.

It can be said.

Zhao Xingyun is even the spiritual pillar of many warriors.

It is everyone's belief that life will get better and better, and that the major base cities will no longer suffer from the fall of the enemy...

Today such a figure appears to be missing.


Chu Mu didn't dare to think at all, what kind of uproar would be caused if the news spread to the outside world, I'm afraid people in every base city would be panicked!

In fact.

Chu Mu also felt a little flustered... Who could handle the disappearance of a strong man like Zhao Xingyun? He is already the number one person in the Eastern Alliance!

Could it be that the king beast really succeeded in breaking through... Although Chu Mu wanted to believe in Lei Hong, he also knew that no one in this world could guarantee that he would not be wrong.


Lei Hong is a very trustworthy strong man, but even such a strong man is not omniscient, and he will definitely make mistakes in judgment.

Didn’t Lei Hong anticipate such things as the airship encountering an accident in advance? The dean’s words are not necessarily the completely correct truth!

Chu Mu is not anyone's believer, nor does he have that kind of idol worship. He respects the strong, but he also knows that the strong are just people.

Immortals and immortal beings in the starry sky may accidentally encounter accidents. How can anyone really control the future and changes in the world?

just in case!

What if there is a king beast breakthrough!


Chu Mu didn't dare to think too much about this matter, he could only pray that Lei Hong didn't make a mistake in his judgment, and that Zhao Xingyun's disappearance was hidden.


Even though his background is against the sky.

If a cosmic beast above the King Beast really appeared, the human beings all over the world would probably be in awe, and he, a high-level warrior, would naturally be included in it.

After learning about the starry universe and the levels in the universe through Curry, Chu Mu is very clear about how terrifying a universe-level life is.

It may not be worth mentioning in the starry sky, but on the earth, it is a proper and irresistible overlord, a nightmare that can directly destroy all mankind.

"I have to take the time to ask Curry to see what's going on with the beasts on Earth...whether they have barriers that cannot be broken through like humans.

Chu Mu thought to himself.

And at the same time.

The other end of the communication terminal.

"This matter, after the dean comes back, he will explain it to everyone in detail. Don't panic, those king beasts have not really broken through the realm."

The white-haired old man Zhao Huai was still trying to appease a group of logistics kings.

"Those ones?!"

"That's what you said, right!"

"Sure enough! The accidents in other places are also in such terrible situations! No wonder! No wonder almost all the Wu Zongs from the academy ran out!"

He obviously doesn't have much talent for it.

Also missed some words.

It made the already unstable atmosphere in the conference room even more chaotic... Chu Mu even saw that a King Wu seemed to be writing a suicide note.

This group of teachers...are they really King Wu?

Among the ranks of warriors, one in a million high-end human combat power... Chu Mu only feels that he has gained knowledge, but he has not gained much knowledge yet.

"Student... We hang up here first... After you come back, remember to hand over the terminal to our Academic Affairs Office..." Zhao Huai, the white-haired old man, looked at Chu in a complicated manner. Take a look.

Sighing heavily, after instructing Chu Mu to return the King Wu terminal, he chose to hang up the phone, making it impossible for Chu Mu to continue to increase his knowledge.

What kind of suicide note did King Wu write?

This may become an unsolved mystery that Chu Mu will not be able to get an answer for a lifetime.

Fortunately, he has no interest in it.

I just want to see if the Martial Kings will fight... Hey, I have caused this kind of trouble before entering school. Chu Mu is still a little bit worried about her school journey.

The teachers won't write him in the small books because of this... Well, the teachers of the Martial Arts Academy are role models, so they shouldn't be so narrow-minded.

Chu Mu forcibly comforted himself, and put down the terminal from Li Wuque. He wanted to rest for a while, but his mind was full of shocking secrets he had accidentally heard before.

What did Zhao Xingyun encounter?

is he still alive

Chu Mu couldn't control his wild thoughts, there was no way, who made this matter too big, and he also knew the significance of Zhao Xingyun to human beings.

Not just a pillar of belief.

Zhao Xingyun is indeed the biggest contributor to the fact that the various base cities have not continued to fall in recent years.

Rumor has it that this number one powerhouse belongs to the existence that can torture and kill Wang Zeng.

on the earth.

Routine accident.

Even if you encounter dozens of king beasts, you can't keep such a strong man... Unless...... the more you think about it, the more you dare not think about it, Chu Mu can only find something to distract him. Attention, he is just a high-level warrior, even if the worst happens, he can't do anything now.

"Practice! Become stronger!"

Because of Zhao Xingyun's disappearance, Chu Mu felt a sense of crisis again. He looked at his panel, and he had accumulated a lot of experience points on it.

Senior fighters can accumulate three points of experience per minute, faster than before, not just one and a half points.

He was able to raise a martial skill to a subtle level again... Looking at his list of not too many martial arts, Chu Mu didn't choose one of them to improve.

He saw that these martial skills of his were still in a quantity that he could not show, and the quality was not high.

Therefore, he thought of the prefecture-level martial arts that Lei Hong had promised him.

I really want to practice such powerful martial arts quickly... Chu Mu's mood at this moment is similar to that of a gamer who bought PS online and is still waiting for the platform to ship

He also knew that he would definitely not be able to get that cheat book now, nor would he be able to practice.

Don't say that Lei Hong didn't give him his contact information.

Even if Lei Hong gave him the cheats now, he could only stare blankly and be unable to practice.

For high-level martial arts, the conditions required for cultivation are extremely harsh.

Not only do they have requirements for resources, but some even have requirements for the environment. Grazing is prohibited, but now they have neither cultivation resources nor a suitable environment.

"Earth-level martial arts can't be practiced, but I can still practice another one..." Chu Mu suddenly thought that he still had a martial skill that he hadn't practiced yet.

"Dragon Elephant Golden Body"!

This is the result of Chu Mu winning the first place in Longhua City. A certain teacher from the Martial Arts Academy gave Chu Mu the choice of reward, which belongs to a method of external exercise.

It is not a routine practice under normal circumstances, but a way of tempering the body, which can enhance the warrior's defense and the power that the body can erupt.

Although it seems to be nothing more than a cheat book of the Huang level, it can be regarded as a good martial skill after all. The body forging method of the Huang level is equivalent to an ordinary Xuan level martial skill.

very precious.

If you want to buy it with contribution value.

That is a figure that ordinary families cannot afford.

However, because this is a reward from the Martial Arts Academy, it comes from a certain teacher of the Martial Arts Academy, so Chu Mu can directly obtain the content for cultivation without spending any contribution.

In the past, because this method of exercising the body needed some medicinal materials to temper the body, there was a lack of medicinal materials, and Jin Mu did not practice after getting it.


Things are completely different now.

Chu Mu has collected a lot of medicinal materials in the wild, especially focusing on taking care of those medicinal materials she needs.

Therefore, he has already assembled the medicinal materials for this "Dragon Elephant Golden Body".

You can start practicing right away, you just need to find a place to practice - of course, it is impossible to temper the body on the bed in the room.

"The bathtub seems like a good choice."

Chu Mu found the room bathroom, which has a huge bathtub.

He didn't get too entangled, and immediately decided to try to practice here.

Preparations did not take too long.

Such things as medicated baths.

No special preparation is required.

Put all the medicinal materials needed in it, and then pour a can of catalyst, a jar can be used for body quenching medicine bath, and it will be quickly formed in the bathtub.

The catalyst comes from the shopping area of ​​the airship—this is an airship that is more advanced than the previous airship, and there are not only various beasts selling meat on it.

In front of a vending machine, Chu Mu not only bought the catalyst, but even saw some high-level enhancers placed inside.

The dragon's blood that he used to use was also among them. Unfortunately, Chu Mu doesn't have so many points yet, so he can only buy a can of catalyst and go back to the room.

"One hundred points! The points given by the academy are not enough to spend, as expected, they are only used to maintain the amount of daily food. Chu Mu is very sad about his points.


Thinking that Lei Hong had promised him that the contribution of the crystallization of life would bring him at least nine-figure points in the future, he also felt at peace at once.

Nine-digit points.

Wu Zong is so jealous.

Think about what you can get in the future... What is the 100 points spent now? Well, strictly speaking, it is the 160 points spent now.

He also spent 60 points to buy a new personal terminal.

Perhaps for martial artists of the Martial Arts Academy, personal terminals are consumables that are in great demand, and there are many vending machines on the airship for sale.

Even on the far left side of the vending machine selling snacks, there is a brand new personal terminal placed... It is conceivable how much the warriors of the academy consume the personal terminal.

The personal terminals consumed by a warrior for a year, connected together, can circle the earth?

Cough cough, this may be a bit exaggerated, but it may be normal to consume hundreds of thousands a year.

"Use qi to attract the spirit, absorb vitality, stimulate the power of medicine, temper the body, open the secrets in the body, and then you can get the blessing of the power of the dragon and elephant in every gesture."

"The first floor trains the body, the second floor trains the viscera, the third floor can generate the universe, the fourth floor can surpass the heavens, and the fifth floor can make dragons and elephants!"

Chu Mu absorbs the energy contained in the medicine bath in the bathtub according to the narration in the method of cultivation, while silently reciting the general outline of the method of body cultivation.

one person.

It is composed of one billion and eighty million particles.

If its potential is awakened, every tiny particle can bloom with infinite power, and if all of them are awakened, it can indeed reach an incredible level.

It is said that it is comparable to the dragon and elephant, and it is not bad. Of course, some of the words described in this body training method must have a taste of putting gold on my face.

after all.

The universe is generated in the body.

That is the ability of the world lord and even immortality.

A book of yellow rank martial arts.

How could it be possible for a martial artist to achieve such a level? It is estimated that it is to find some mysteries in the body, and then it is compared to being able to generate the universe within.


The creator of exercises.

Bragging has a hand... Chu Mu was soaking in the bathtub, and he could think about it at first, but as the deep red liquid soaked into his body.


excruciating pain!

Chu Mu's skin turned red almost instantly, and puffs of white smoke seeped out from the skin, and then many white smoke could be seen curling up.


Chu Mu's teeth chattered continuously.

The crimson liquid that seeped into his body seemed to have turned into magma at this moment, pouring down the inside of his body.

Wherever you go.

They all felt unbearable burning pain.

Even in the mysterious space, he already has great resistance to pain.

But the process of body forging.

It's still a bit unbearable.

His arms hugged his body tightly, and gradually collapsed to the ground, curled up in pain, resisting and enduring the severe pain coming from his body. The suppressed inhalation sound seemed a little hoarse, and he was afraid that if he shouted too loudly, he would move the students living next door over.

after all.

He didn't know if the sound insulation effect of the spaceship was good or not—this kind of inhuman torture, which even made Chu Mu feel terrible, lasted for about ten minutes.

As the medicated bath color starts to fade.

It just gradually faded away.

With the last trace of burning pain dissipating from the body.

Chu Mu's trembling body had just calmed down slowly. He took a few breaths heavily, and he didn't dare to rest.

The medicinal power has now entered the cells of the body.

He needs to absorb his vitality quickly.

Practice according to the method.


A white air current surrounds Chu Mu.

After these white air currents circled around Chu Mu for a few times, they slowly entered Chu Mu's body and were absorbed by Chu Mu.

It seems to be a very smooth training process.


But at this moment!

Chu Mu, who was cultivating, opened his eyes suddenly, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood!

His absorption of vitality is also temporarily suspended!

Chu Mu paused temporarily.

"This exercise is really not simple."

Chu Mu knew that although he vomited blood, it was only a slight injury, which was caused by him being too anxious to process and absorbing vitality too quickly.

In fact, nothing went wrong in the practice!

When he cultivated the dragon elephant golden body.

Those white air-like vitality entered his body, and they were fused with the medicinal power to reshape the body cells for Chu Mu. The cells in the whole body were destroyed by the white air and then regenerated new cells.

In this way, the cells in the whole body become more pure and powerful under the cycle of life and death.

But when destroying the old cells, Chu Mu is also very painful, like a knife cutting his body continuously [Shi Shen's speed will also cause a serious burden to his body.

Previous vomiting of blood.

It is the result of being too anxious.

"take it easy."

Chu Mu closed his eyes again and began to practice.

this time.

He played steadily.

Therefore, there were no more accidents—it is really difficult to practice external exercises and body exercises, and it is also very difficult for people like Chu Mu who have a full pain tolerance.


It worked.

Open your eyes again.

Chu Mu who completed the first stage of training.

Immediately felt the change in myself.

After reaching the first level of physical training, the body will be greatly strengthened. With a body like the current one, it may be difficult for a warrior to pierce his skin with an ordinary sword!


Even if he was shot by some not-so-powerful firearms, it would only break the superficial skin trauma, which is much stronger than before when the muscles were stuck with pistol bullets!

The method of external power!

Really strong!

Perhaps the body of some martial artists is not as powerful as Chu Mu's now!

After moving his muscles and bones casually, he could hear the sound of firecrackers. Chu Mu looked in the mirror and was very satisfied with his more streamlined body shape.

Name: Chu Mu

Realm: Advanced Warrior【51.32%】

Qualification: Tier 4 Lower [0.01%]

Will: eighth-level intermediate [90.7%]

Cultivation method: black iron body training method [practice progress: 1499+/18000], genetic vitality method [practice progress: 897+/5000] dragon elephant golden body [practice progress: body training 13+/18000]

Martial arts: basic fighting skills [practice progress: proficiency 246+2000].

Basic knife technique [practice progress: Dacheng 7411+/100,000]

Basic agility [practice progress: nuanced 711+/30000]

Snow Eagle Sword Technique [Practice Progress: Proficient 337+/2000]

Phantom body technique [practice progress: nuanced 386+/30000]

Ling Tong【Practice Progress: Mastery 297+/2000】

Breath Concentration [Cultivation Progress: Mastery 17+/2000]

Natural Ability 1: Unbreakable [Yellow-level mid-grade 0+/70000]: It can improve the body's defense within a certain period of time, but it will reduce the body's flexibility and agility.

Natural Ability 2: Four Elephant Limits [Mysterious Grade 0+/12 million]: Ascend to the supreme throne of the Four Elephants, possessing extreme control over Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind, as well as superb resistance to them.

Domain: Blade Intent [Practice Progress: Elementary 1+/100,000]

Currently have experience points: 2971

[The system is extracting experience, and it has been detected that the current strength of the host is at the advanced warrior stage, and 3 experience points can be obtained every minute. 】

After training.

Of course it is to see the effect.

On the personal panel, this martial skill is not displayed in the column of martial skills, but in the column of exercises. This situation is a little bit unexpected for Jin Mu.


After thinking about it for a while, there is nothing wrong with it. The Dragon Elephant Golden Body is indeed a kind of skill, and it is indeed suitable, after all, it is different from ordinary martial arts.

The effect of practice is actually more like the effect of a kind of exercise.

It's not like martial arts, which are activated only when needed.

"The level of warriors has also been pushed up a bit... I don't know how many kilograms of strength I have now." Chu Mu felt the incomparable power in his body.

he knows.

I have become stronger again... Ordinary warriors can't practice "Dragon Elephant Golden Body" skills as fast as him, because he has a strong ability to resist pain.


The cultivation just now will be pushed forward in one go, and the body tempering, which should have been completed in several stages for more than ten days, will be completed in one go.

Change it to an ordinary warrior.

If you do it like Chu Mu.

It is estimated that people would have to die from the pain directly...... It is definitely a real pain, think about it, in the wilderness, Chu Mu is a person who doesn't care about pain at all.

But even with such an anti-pain physique, he was still panting continuously due to the torture... If it were other warriors, it would definitely be impossible to complete the training all at once.

People with poorer pain resistance ability may fail in cultivation more than once and become unconscious, and the process of tempering the medicinal power may be in vain.

Although it seems that Chu Mu practiced in a few hours, he is just because he is special... It is not only his soul that is improved by the mysterious space.

Think about it, the martial arts cultivated in the mysterious space can be truly fed back to his body, the physical endurance trained in the mysterious space.

Of course it can.

This is something that will not be displayed on the system panel. The mystery of this evolutionary system is far from being fully discovered by Chu Mu.

It is not like the system in those old-age novels, but more like an extremely extraordinary treasure.

There will be no new version or system upgrades. How should I put it, the more you use the capabilities of the system, the more forbidden grazing will be able to discover something.

0 looking for flowers‥

In fact, the power of the system is not completely unreasonable, unconservative, and the rules of the universe created out of thin air collapse, it is more like the embodiment of some kind of rules itself.

Chu Mu has guesses about his own system, but if he wants to confirm whether his guess is correct, he has to wait until he becomes stronger in the future.

It’s definitely not Wu Zong, it’s clear at the universe level. The system still has many functions that Chu Mu has not discovered, or some functions that he cannot use at his current level. Chu Mu hopes that one day he can fully understand this system , he knew that this time may be far away.


"The future is promising."

Chu Mu used a sentence that those strong human beings like to comment on the younger generation most, but the meaning is slightly different. At least, the future he said must be longer and vaster.

"The matter of the universe and the system is not something that can be studied now. I still have to complete the small goal of becoming Wu Zong first. I will test my strength."

Mu made a fuss in the bathroom, and then planned to test it on the airship's testing machine. He thought that he might have reached the limit of a high-level fighter.

Even if it didn't shouldn't be far away, Chu Mu left her room and went to the training room where the airship was used for exercise.

In general.

The training room of this airship is similar to the one that crashed before. The equipment is very advanced equipment, and there are not too many tricks added.

The equipment for low-level and intermediate-level students to exercise, of course, there will not be too many tricks, and strong people like Wu Wang no longer need to use these equipment for exercise.

How about exercising, as long as the effect is good, what tricks do you need?

It's like testing fist strength.

Then surely only the punching test machine is needed.

Chu Mu didn't talk nonsense before and after he came to the boxing strength testing machine. He stood in front of the boxing target, directly exerted force on his feet, and turned his body slightly at the waist and hips.

The whole person burst out with great strength.

This force ran through it step by step, and then it was transmitted to the arm.

I see.

Chu Mu's fist seemed to be a bullet fired from a gun, with an afterimage, and after the sound of "Peng", his fist had already hit the target.


Clear numbers are displayed on the punch test machine.

"What the hell!"

A staff member in charge of equipment maintenance next to him had been staring at Chu Mu's situation after seeing Chu Mu come in.

He wanted to see what kind of strength this well-known boy possessed, and what he relied on to survive alone in the wilderness for so long.

"At least it should have a strength of 5000kg."

He guessed so in his mind.

You don't know.

5000kg has long been a thing of the past.

Followed by Chu Mu with several punches.




The data displayed by the fist strength testing machine made the staff dumbfounded. His eyes, which were not big at first, stared directly like the special effect of big eyes.


"This is a freshman who has not yet entered school?!"

I rubbed my eyes and found that I didn't

Misunderstood, the staff directly took a deep breath, he can be regarded as a well-informed person working in the Martial Arts Academy.


But eight years of service.

Picked up eight freshmen.

Such a monster student.

He really has never seen one... There are actually some students who have become advanced warriors before entering school, but it is absolutely unheard of for students who can reach this level of extreme strength.

To know.

A small breakthrough in the martial artist stage will not increase one's own strength much. Strength must be accumulated through exercise, which is definitely not a simple matter.

As a senior martial artist who is nearly forty years old, this staff member understands this better than anyone else. Therefore, looking at Chu Mu's still immature face, the staff member just watched silently.

He took a look at the rag in his hand—well, he knew why he only deserved to hold a rag.

people and people.

The gap is too big.

*The punching force of more than 9,000 kilograms is somewhat beyond my expectation. "

Chu Mu was actually surprised. He could feel the amazing strength in his body, but he didn't expect to gain so much weight compared to before.

This has reached the limit of a high-level warrior.

compared to before.

He has increased his strength by at least 3,000 kg, of which only a little bit is the effect of breaking through the realm and inflating his physique to himself.

At most, it weighs more than a hundred kilograms, and the big head probably has to be the cultivation of the golden body of the dragon and elephant... This technique is not the one that focuses on defense.

Instead, it focuses on the improvement of strength, and it has increased by 3,000 kilograms just at the beginning. It is reasonable for that narcissistic martial arts master to dare to mention the power of dragon and elephant.

It may be practiced to the extreme.

It is indeed capable of possessing the power comparable to a giant beast of the same level.

Said to be the power of the dragon elephant.

It can barely be regarded as a little edge.

"For other cultivators, if they want to cultivate to the extreme, it may take decades of hard work, but for me, all I need is experience."

Chu Mu clenched his fists tightly.

Feel the vigorous power in it.

Run vitality.

On his body, one can clearly see that there is a stream of air when he moves, like a river, making a sound like rolling waves.

When exerting strength, the muscles of the whole body are like iron, emitting a luster like suet white jade under the light, which seems to have been strengthened a lot.

Although it is not mainly to improve the defense power, but it is the method of body training after all, and the defense power will of course be greatly improved. Now Chu Mu has a perfect figure.


very hard.

That's the point.

circle it.

Not much to say about other effects, just talking about the word "hardness", it is worth Chu Mu's share of experience points in the future to improve the realm of this exercise.

Not to mention that there is such a strong power increase... Add it, add it, Chu Mu seemed to hear the roar of the "Dragon Elephant Golden Body" lying on the personal panel.

Of course, this is just Chu Mu's own imagination, but he is indeed very excited about the key investment in this exercise. Chu Mu remembered that he still has a natural ability, a strong body,

There is definitely Gart for that natural ability too.

It's so difficult.

I want to focus on this skill, but I also want to smash the sword technique, the body technique... and the future earth-level martial arts, all of which I want to spend experience points to smash.

"Three points of experience points per minute is indeed a lot more than before, but as my martial skills increase, I always feel that the experience points are even more insufficient than before."

Chu Mu watched as he gained three experience points per minute, which was 4320 points a day, not a lot, but it was definitely not enough for him to squander.

"I don't know if becoming a martial artist... will experience a qualitative change."

Chu Mu's eyes flickered continuously, and the improvement of martial skills came to the back.

More than 4,000 experience points a day is just a drop in the bucket. He is eager to get more experience points, and the only way is to become stronger.

At the martial artist stage, you can definitely get more experience points.

He doesn't just want to improve martial skills, he also wants to be able to upgrade a few waves in terms of talent.

Although the performance of [Four Elephants Limit] is very good, but compared with those [Thousands of Miles] and [Unworldly Fairy], it really can't keep up.

Chu Mu also wants to have a natural ability that can be called supernatural power.


The 12 million experience value needs, according to his current experience value accumulation speed, it will take at least ten years, so basically Chu Mu can't ask for this extravagantly for the time being.

Set a small goal within a small goal.

Hurry up to be a martial artist is the top priority [I'm not sure that I will give you ten points and ten experience points in ten minutes.

Think so.

Every minute of staying in the martial artist stage is a waste and loss of Chiguoguo! When the motivation comes, the motivation for cultivation will be full in an instant.

Chu Mu started a crazy training mode in the trainer.

The staff who maintain the instrument.

Also turned on...crazy dumbfounded mode...a speed that he can't see clearly, a knife law that he can't even understand?

This is a warrior?

This is a warrior?

Depend on!

Look the perception so strong!

Hexagon Almighty Warrior!

"Chu Mu! The teacher informed us that it's time to assemble for class division!"

It was about the time when Chu Mu was exercising, and after being watched by an uncle with a strange expression, he returned to his room and changed his clothes.


There was a knock on the door outside, and Lin Feng's slightly excited words.

Obviously, even recommended students have to go through this step of class division.

This was somewhat beyond Chu Mu's expectation. He originally thought that recommended students like Lin Feng and Zhang Linke had already been divided into classes.

did not expect.

Is it the difference between getting the admission letter in advance? Of course, there must be other benefits, but the situation of recommended students is not as special as Chu Mu thought.

"Coming! Immediately!"

Chu Mu changed her clothes.

It is also full of expectations.

Classification... This is something that determines the future. Although Zhinao Nuwa said that it is not a virtual battle, but it should not be a simple test.

He is very curious.

What class will you be assigned to?

Martial arts master?

Relying on one's true understanding...I'm afraid it's impossible, B. .

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