Fantasy: I Can Modify The Progress Of My Cultivation

Chapter 88: The Strongest Man On Earth——Zhao Xingyun! 【Seek Further Reading】

Chu Mu really suspected that he was dazzled.

Or something went wrong with the system.


Why did the information he checked show that the name of the kid in front of him was actually Zhao Xingyun? Is it bullying that he doesn't read enough or is it ~ bullying that he can't read?

Zhao Xingyun!

This is a name that no one in the New Era does not know!

He represents the most powerful talent in the entire new era, and also represents the human being - the most powerful force!

Is it the same name?

Although it is normal for a name to be used by different people, there are indeed many parents who adore Zhao Xingyun and will give their children the same name as their idol.

Even if their surname is not actually can't stop them from being close to their idols and hoping for their children to become dragons. Chu Mu has seen similar news before. Name Murong, Dugu, Nangong is a case.

There is one thing to say.

Duplication of names is quite common.  ……

If Chu Mu hadn't continued to look down and didn't see that terrifying talent that is unique in the world, he might have been able to tell himself that it was just a duplicate name.

But the problem is that he has eyes, he saw it, he saw that in Zhao Xingyun's information display, there was a bright display of talent and supernatural powers.


Supernatural powers!

Thousands of miles a day!

If it is said that the names may be repeated, but the talent is at most similar, and there are no two people with the same talent in the whole world.

Not to mention finding someone with the same innate supernatural powers... supernatural powers, earth-level talents, that is basically a power that only Wu Zong can have.

And a thousand miles a day.

It is the most exaggerated type of supernatural power. If there is a second person who can control it, it must have caused a sensation in the whole world.

Excluding this possibility...... The problem came all at once.

A world-renowned name coupled with a talent that no one knows about.

It is impossible for Chu Mu to convince himself that he has the same name.


He also couldn't believe that Zhao Xingyun would be a child...... What? The world of high martial arts can still play rejuvenation? Isn't this an international joke?

"Is he the Zhao Xingyun I know? Or is he the product of the secret cloning experiment of the academy?" Several speculations arose in Chu Mu's mind.

There is one thing to say.

Rejuvenation is such an incredible thing!


Chu Mu stroked his earlobe.

Started communicating with the intelligent tauren... He has little knowledge, but Curry must have more knowledge. He wants to know if there is anything on earth that can rejuvenate people.

"What do you want me to do? I'm busy!"

Curry's voice sounded, right next to Chu Mu's ear.

This was a sound that only Chu Mu could hear, and "Zhao Xingyun" not far away didn't notice it.

"Do you want some fruit?"

In order to communicate with Curry, Chu Mu planned to go back to the house. When he arranged for the salute, he had already let Curry check that there was no problem.

"Your specialty fruit in Longhua City?"

The little boy did not refuse, but showed great interest.

"You know I'm from Longhua City?"

Chu Mu directly raised his eyebrows and asked back, even though his heart was already overwhelmed, in retrospect Mu's surface was still as stable as an old dog.

People can't see his mind.

"Not all of you who arranged accommodation today are students from Longhua City, but you delayed your enrollment due to an accident...and I also know who you are."

The little boy didn't mean to hide it, and said to Chu Mu directly: "Are you a newly promoted Tianjiao, your information is already on the college's ranking list, not just me, all students of the Martial Arts Academy, just pay attention to the ranking Everyone knows that there is another genius in the academy."

The leaderboard he mentioned, Chu Mu, also knew about it. He had learned about it from Zhinao Nuwa in the academy.

Therefore, no further inquiries were made.

He nodded, then turned and walked into the house. The fruit must be taken. When he came, Chu Mu also prepared some specialties of Longhua City in advance.

It's not just for myself to eat, or that sentence, people are so sophisticated, I originally planned to allocate a dormitory to get closer to my roommates.

Who would have imagined that they would actually live in a small courtyard.

"Curry, is there any substance that can rejuvenate the earth?" Chu Mu immediately asked Curry as soon as he entered the room, and he was still holding his ears for the conversation.

The other party was still lying on the fence in the yard outside. Who knew how far away the ears could hear the sound clearly. To be on the safe side, this kind of conversation was the safest way.

The reason why you want to come in.

It was to avoid being seen by the little boy with his weird behavior of pinching his earlobe all the time.

"Tsk tsk, I admit that your earth is a bit strange, but that kind of thing... is a treasure in the universe, and it involves the power of higher time rules.

"Life that has not become an eternal level, this kind of substance is very precious to the world lord, and it is not something that any planet can conceive."

Curry directly denied Chu Mu's inference.


Chu Mu was still a little skeptical.

Mainly little boys outside.

The name and talent are the same as the number one powerhouse on Earth.

It is unlikely.

And he couldn't completely connect the little boy with Zhao Xingyun, the number one powerhouse on Earth.

In fact.

The reason why Chu Mu was so surprised and uncertain, and did not directly confirm that the child was the Zhao Xingyun he knew, was because there were some contradictions between the two.

Not to mention his age and appearance, he knew that Zhao Xingyun was an adult, not a child, and this could be explained by rejuvenation.

What makes Chu Mu feel contradictory is that the name and the name of the innate ability match, but the level of the innate ability does not match.

Even though they are all known as [A Thousand Miles in a Day], the innate supernatural power, but Zhao Xingyun's rapid progress should be the supernatural power of [Earth-Level Superb].

That little boy outside had supernatural powers only at the earth level, and it was precisely because of this that Chu Mu was so confused and uncertain.

and also.

Even if there is something that can rejuvenate, Zhao Xingyun is only in his thirties this year, far from the stage where he needs to be rejuvenated.

Why do you want to turn yourself into a little boy...and become a high-level martial artist? Well, there is an incomprehensible (Wu Zong reincarnation) display on the back of the cultivation base.

It was also the display of [Wu Zong's reincarnation] that made Chu Mu think that the little boy was Zhao Xingyun... Otherwise, Chu Mu would seriously suspect that the little boy was a new clone. How should I put it, the current Chu Mu is just not sure, and wants to ask Curry for verification.

"You should have scanned the little boy outside, do you think he is the rejuvenated Zhao Xingyun?" Chu Mu simply wanted Curry to make a judgment.

"how could I know!"

Curry's tone was full of contempt, "I haven't seen Zhao Xingyun before, so how can I tell if he is, why don't you go and get some of his genetic information?"

The so-called genetic information is nothing more than hair and blood. These things seem to be easy to collect, but the prohibition of grazing can't go out to do such strange behaviors.

"What's the use of you!"

Chu Mu could only use the aggressive method.

The smart tauren has a bullish temper, and he was immediately hooked.

"Let me tell you! Rejuvenation is impossible! If you say it is long-lived matter that can prolong life, there may be some low-grade long-lived matter on the earth. That kind of thing is useless to the world lord, and it involves time. Baby, the whole galaxy couldn't conceive!"

Curry said with confidence that he was jumping directly.

"Is that so..."

Chu Mu frowned, with a distressed expression on his face... If what Curry said was true, it was obvious that the most powerful people on Earth would never have a chance to rejuvenate.

"It's impossible to rejuvenate...but if you want to change from an adult to a child...the earth...there is still something that can be done.


Curry hesitantly said something as if he had thought of something.

"What kind of word games are you playing with me here... Isn't that still rejuvenating?" Chu Mu was speechless, and just rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't make sense with an uneducated guy like you!"

Curry was pissed off again.

"I have a perfect score in the culture class, and you tell me that I have no culture?"

Chu Mu retorted directly.

"Your little knowledge on Earth is nothing in the universe... Rejuvenation and changing from an adult to a child are two completely different concepts."

Curry probably also knew that if he didn't explain, Chu Mu could fight with him for a whole day, and he said a series of crackling words without waiting for Chu Mu to interject.

"Rejuvenation involves the advanced rules of time, which can reverse the time of a living body, which will cause the life span of the living body to be restored.

"Basically, only some gods in the universe, or the most powerful people at the level of the eternal true god can do it, so I said that there is no such thing in your galaxy."

"And changing from an adult to a child only involves the rules of life, not the rules of time, and the lifespan of this living body will not be changed by ten points.

"Such an effect can be achieved by many substances in the universe, and on the earth, there is indeed a substance that can turn an adult into a child. This is not the reversal of time, but the nirvana of life , did you understand what I said so carefully?"

Curry said all the popular science in one breath.

Chu Mu was completely confused about the rules of time and life, but he probably understood what Curry meant.


He couldn't understand Curry's attitude.


"I didn't understand, say it again.

Chu Mu shook his head without blushing.

It was Curry's turn to be speechless.


no way.

It can only repeat what he said before, and it is more detailed and detailed, and Chu Mu understands many aspects more clearly.

But well.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit to understand, you say it again." I still have to torture this intelligent tauren who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

"I feel like you're playing with me!"

Curry is also a little quick-witted, and immediately realized that something was wrong.

"You are a cow, I am a human...Even if gender is ignored, we are human and cattle in different ways...What are you thinking." Chu Mu had a very frightened expression.

Curry is tired.

It wants to be destroyed.

"I was wrong, my tone shouldn't be so aggressive, please forgive my recklessness." Of course, Curry knew what Chu Mu was up to, and decided to raise the white flag to surrender after sighing.

"That's right."

Chu Mu nodded in satisfaction.

"What was that substance you were talking about just now?"

He is also very interested in things that can transform people from adults to children. That Zhao Xingyun outside, right?

Is that the substance used?


Still explain the situation where there is a problem with Tongtian's endowed supernatural powers and other ranks.

"Divine blood."

Curry spit out two words lightly.

"Divine blood?"

Chu Mu was a little surprised for a moment.

"Yes, immortal powerhouses at the eternal level can be called cosmic gods, and their blood can be called divine blood."

Curry explained a sentence very consciously.

It knows Chu Mu's lack of knowledge about the universe.

"You mean... Zetu's blood..." All Chu Mu could think of was the Immortal in his ring, that Zetu who fell due to unknown reasons, "Zetu Figure's

The corpse must have been in the spaceship all the time. If so, Zhao Xingyun would definitely not be able to get it. "

Indeed it is.

If Zhao Xingyun had been to that lake.

How could Curry choose him as the master of the spaceship.

how to see.

As the most powerful person on earth, Zhao Xingyun is not qualified to inherit the spaceship, right? His various conditions are much better than forbidden animal husbandry.

"Of course that Zhao Xingyun of yours can't get Zetu's body...... But, I never said that there is only one god who transported the goods with us, right?"

Curry's voice became a little sneering, but, probably thinking of being tricked by Chu Mu before, he immediately corrected his attitude.

"Is there another one?"

Chu Mu was even more surprised and bewildered.

"There is a demigod... His blood is even more effective than Zetu's blood... Even if it has been lost for tens of thousands of years, it will still contain the ultimate life rules."

"Not to mention that He has only fallen for less than two hundred years... The blood of that demigod is enough for the little kid outside to complete Nirvana and gain a second life.

Curry's voice was a little low.

"Why is the blood of the demigod more powerful than the real immortality?"

Chu Mu was curious about this.

"Because of his father, Niubi."

Curry responded directly.

"Who is his father?"

Chu Mu continued to ask.

"Don't say it, don't say it."

Curry, however, made a detour.

"Kill the Riddler!"

Chu Mu glared at his wrist viciously. The tauren Curry in the terminal looked so underwhelmed. The most annoying thing in the world is this half-spoken way.

"Know what you say! Know what you say!"

Curry was jumping around in the terminal angrily by Chu Mu.

As for why we use the word a-a.

Needless to say of course.

"Can't even describe it?"

Chu Mu thought of the power of the Eternal God that Curry said before. Although Curry didn't say it, it obviously revealed some information. That's what fell on earth

The demigod is the true second generation of gods, and Dad is the level of the eternal true god.


How capable is the earth.

Can be attached to the fall of this kind of person.

The son has fallen here... Daddy won't come looking for trouble!

Not to mention the earth, I am afraid it is the entire galaxy, such an existence will be erased casually?

A feeling of uneasiness emerged in Chu Mu's heart. He wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask more. After all, he didn't have the slightest understanding of the scope of [Words must be known].

just in case.

Originally, the other party hadn't realized that his son was gone. After all, the Eternal God might not have thought much about where his son was for hundreds of years. Can

If he said something here and was perceived by the other party, it would really be a serious tragedy.

"In short, although I didn't see that guy fall with my own eyes, I'm sure that he also fell on the earth. It shouldn't be difficult for you people on earth to find his body."

Curry seemed certain of that.

It had met each other in the data world before, and even suspected that the other party was in contact with humans on Earth.

Even if not.

Since humans on Earth can find cargo ships and disassemble them using cargo ship technology, it should not be difficult to find that person's body.

"In other words, it is indeed possible for Zhao Xingyun to change from an adult to a child?"

Chu Mu nodded half understanding.

"Yes, a drop of divine blood can make him nirvana." Curry did not add another sentence, that is, the premise is that the divine blood no longer has the will of "god".

It can't help but think in the heart...

Chu Mu didn't ask about the meaning of the second life, as Curry explained very clearly before, the second life does not mean the second life.

There will be no change in life expectancy.


Is it possible to transform from an adult to a child?

But what is this picture?

A man in his thirties... What is he trying to figure out? Chu Mu was puzzled, and his intuition told him that it might have something to do with the state of [Wu Zong's reincarnation].

"Is it equivalent to reincarnation in the game? Can you be reborn with your own talent?" Chu Mu suddenly felt that he had grasped the point.


He recalled what he had seen about Zhao Xingyun's talent, Zhao Xingyun at the martial artist stage, what he showed was not the [doubling the result with half the effort] Zhao Xingyun had in the early stage.

It was not until Zhao Xingyun stepped into Wu Zong's realm and achieved the rapid progress achieved when Wu Zong was promoted... Thinking of this, Chu Mu's pupils shrank suddenly.

this moment.

He felt that he might have guessed Zhao Xingyun's purpose - as we all know, when a martial artist steps from King Wu to Wu Zong, his innate ability will be promoted.

And if Zhao Xingyun re-cultivates in Nirvana, if he can do it again... What kind of terrible talent will he become if he is promoted again in a thousand miles?

Heaven-level talent and supernatural powers!

All of a sudden.

Chu Mu just thinks that all the clues are connected together... One thing to say, if you are in the perspective of God, you may think that this is something that is easy to understand.

But it is really not a simple matter to put yourself in the experience of this encounter. In the case of insufficient information, it is really not a simple matter to figure it out.

"It's just that I don't know why his innate ability has dropped from the best at the earth level to the lowest at the earth level." Chu Mu thought of the earth-level magic power possessed by the reward.

Immortal fairy.

The innate supernatural power of the mid-level earth-level possessed a total of three supernatural powers, while Zhao Xingyun's supernatural power only possessed two supernatural powers.

Although it cannot be said that the number of supernatural powers has a certain relationship with the grade, Chu Mu feels that the reason why he has fallen to the low-grade level of the prefecture level is the reason why he has made rapid progress.

It is very likely that it is because of the loss of 1~3 supernatural powers... Regarding this point, Chu Mu has no way to verify it, it is just a speculation in his heart.

As for whether the child outside was the first person in the East... Chu Mu felt that if he asked another question, he should be able to judge that it was almost inseparable.

"Will there be any sequelae after using the divine blood to nirvana?"

Chu Mu asked Curry again.

"Of course there will be a price... The level of life will return to its original form, that is to say, it will not only become a child, but also lose its own power."

"However... the root power will be preserved. Curry's answer once again verified Chu Mu's idea of ​​Wu Zong's so-called reincarnation as "reincarnation".

"Is there a loss of root power?"

Chu Mu continued to ask questions.

"I don't know about this, there is no relevant record in my data Curry... In fact, it is not easy to get a drop of divine blood in the universe, and

If it is not for the curse that cannot be cured, basically no one will choose Nirvana. "

Curry answered honestly, "I only have a general understanding of Nirvana's information in my database, and I have to link to the Galaxy Federation's network to know the specifics.

It's a pity you can't connect.

Chu Mu silently regretted it in his heart. How should I put it, although he could not get a complete answer, the identity of the little boy outside is not suspicious.

. It is not a new type of cloning, a black technology creation that can even clone the soul.

"So it's really him..." Although Chu Mu had figured out a lot of things, when he thought about it, he still felt a little unbelievable.

Seeing that he had stayed in the house for a long time, he picked up two fruits brought from Longhua City, and went in and out of the house again to the yard.

The number one person in the East... At this moment, he was still lying on the wall. He seemed to be looking at the clouds in the sky, but he looked back after Chu Mu came out.

"Hey, you've been in there for a long time."

Zhao Xingyun still doesn't know that his identity has been exposed, he still has the attitude of an arrogant little kid, it's really hard to connect him with the peerless Xeon.


The character of Zhao Xingyun shown on TV is not like this.

Isn't Gao Leng the route you should take? Why did you become so active all of a sudden?

It should be said no matter what era it is in.

As long as it is an idol.

Will you make yourself a personality that doesn't suit you?

"Damn shit."

Chu Mu replied succinctly, his acting skills have always been top-notch, and when he tells a lie, he can't even blush or breathe.

It's true, and it's justifiable.

He casually threw one of the fruits in his hand to Zhao Xingyun, and Chu Mu gnawed on one himself. Although he knew that the boy in front of him was the first person ever, to be honest, he

I didn't feel too much of a burden... After all, that was just the first person ever.

Zhao Xingyun is now... a mere martial artist, tsk tsk tsk. Chu Mu, who is only at the level of an advanced warrior, feels that the cultivation of a warrior is not worthy of his psychological pressure.

"You washed your hands!"

Zhao Xingyun caught the fruit very easily, but he didn't dare to do it directly like Chu Mu did. He seemed very worried about whether the fruit in his hand was hygienic.

"I wash my hands when I pee, okay?"

Chu Mu rolled his eyes directly, and gnawed on his own fruit several times in a row.

"Huh? You need to wash your hands when you pee?"

Zhao Xingyun was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Chu Mu was eating delicious food, he hesitated for a while, and then began to chew, the sweet taste filled his mouth.

"Golden really is delicious from Longhua City.

Zhao Xingyun was full of praise and gnawed a few more mouthfuls in a row, his cheeks were almost full. Unexpectedly, the number one Wu Zong was still a foodie.

Chu Mu just felt that he seemed to have learned a lot, which he couldn't see from the TV and news, and was enough to sell things to Zhao Xingyun's fans for money.


It might be more valuable to be able to add a few more photos by the way—it’s just a pity that Chu Mu didn’t dare to take pictures” and he also knew that the academy couldn’t let the photos spread.

after all.

If Chu Mu's guess is correct, then presumably what Zhao Xingyun is doing now is definitely an attempt to overturn the cultivation pattern of the entire world.

Kind of unheard of before.

such an experiment.

How could the academy let the clues leak out?

Even if this is not an experiment or a cultivation attempt, just because Zhao Xingyun lost the cultivation base of the first Wu Zong, it is absolutely

It is not a secret that can be revealed.

"I don't know if it's a coincidence that he lives next to me."

Chu Mu seems to be eating fruit, but in fact, he has been thinking about it for a long time. Zhao Xingyun's residence, so coincidentally, is next door to him.

This is obviously not a reasonable situation - after all, Zhao Xingyun is Wu Zong, even if "Reincarnation" is rebuilt now, he should live in his former place.


Perhaps in order not to reveal his true identity, the current Zhao Xingyun is pretending to be a student. The possibility of this situation is not impossible.

after all.

The number one powerhouse loses the strength that supports half the sky of the Eastern Alliance, which will definitely cause a lot of trouble, and both the West and the beasts will definitely take action.

In order to stabilize the situation.

Re-forged an identity to enter the academy full recovery.

It is also very possible.

Chu Mu couldn't figure out what kind of situation it was.

In terms of probability.

The possibility of the latter should be higher. After all, even if he is a genius praised by Lei Hong, there is no reason to attract Zhao Xingyun's interest and attention. unless aliens

The matter of the spacecraft was exposed, but in that case, it must not be Zhao Xingyun who came.

0 for flowers...

"Since you invited me to eat fruit, let me tell you some news... Your teacher probably won't be back in the academy for a while.

Zhao Xingyun has been lying on the wall. If it were an ordinary child, those arms would definitely be useless, but he can lie on the wall with one hand very comfortably.

"I'm not in a hurry to see the teacher. I'll go to the college for a while and wait for her to come back." Of course Chu Mu knew that Jiang Li was dealing with the incident in the wilderness.

"Your teacher didn't come back, where did you go to class?"

Zhao Xingyun's expression was very surprised.

"Eh...the college's class..."

Chu Mu hesitated to answer.

He felt that his answer should be no problem.

"Whether you really don't know or not, the situation in the inner court is different from that in the outer court. Our inner court implements a one-to-one teaching model."

"It's similar to the previous master-apprentice model. A teacher will only lead his own apprentices. There are no public classes. If you want to learn something, you can only find your own teacher.

Zhao Xingyun patiently explained the situation in the inner courtyard to Chu Mu.

There is one thing to say.

This was indeed beyond Chu Mu's expectations... He never thought that he would have the opportunity to enter the inner court, so his understanding of the Martial Arts Academy was limited to the outer court.

"The old master-student model?"

Chu Mu frowned slightly, and asked for confirmation with a little surprise.


Zhao Xingyun happily gnawed on the golden mango, "In fact, you can understand the theoretical knowledge by reading the book. Generally, those who enter the inner court basically have at least the cultivation level of a martial artist, and they have already mastered the theoretical knowledge.

Confucian classics, what is lacking is that there are masters to guide and teach, so the inner courtyard adopts the model of master leading apprentices. "

Makes sense.

It's like the fruit of the old days... and other Xueba, they all take one-on-one tutoring classes, so that the grades of Xueba will be improved.

"You mean, Jiang Li... Teacher... until I come back, I can only be a salted fish?" Chu Mu blinked, and his tone was very strange.

"Your teacher is as unreliable as ever. Hasn't she contacted you to arrange for you what kind of study you should do during this time?"

Ordinary children would not dare to arrange Jiang Li like this.

Zhao Xingyun's words.

And the tone of his voice once again verified his true identity.


Chu Mu is a little embarrassed, maybe he's too busy..."

He made an excuse for his teacher, and I have to say that he regrets it now, as if the teacher he followed was a bit irresponsible.

Now that he has been accepted.

Why don't you ignore him?

"Hahahaha, you are so unlucky, let me tell you, you are not the first student Jiang Li...Wu Wang forgot, what is the name of the one she accepted before, by the way,

Chu Yue was also forgotten by her in the college for more than half a year, and she almost drove that girl out of school in a fit of anger.

Zhao Xingyun's tone was full of gloating.


Chu Mu doesn't care about his tone, what he cares more about is that his senior sister was forgotten by the teacher for half a year... Shouldn't I have to experience this horse riding?

Can I dismiss my teacher?

I don't want a white and beautiful long-legged teacher anymore!

Chu Mu just felt a bit of a headache... She should have thought that Jiang Li's character shown in the virtual projection could be a performance of a good teacher.

"Don't panic, don't rush..."

Zhao Xingyun probably also guessed Chu Mu's current mood, "This time you will definitely not be forgotten for the first half year, I think it will be three months at most."

That's a long time, right?

Three months!

How long will it be wasted... Although it is fine to train hard with the system by yourself, Chu Mu is still counting on relying on the teacher's guidance to break through and enter the martial artist stage sooner.

"Do you have my teacher's contact information..." Chu Mu wanted to remind his teacher, don't forget that there is still a student waiting for him in the academy.

"I'm just a child, how can I have King Wu's communication method?" Zhao Xingyun shrugged, expressing that he was helpless.

He was very sincere.


Chu Mu wanted to roll his eyes.

I trust you bastard!

Honestly, he said he was a kid.

Don't be ashamed!

Is this the most powerful person in the East? Is this virtue?

"Is this the bad luck I've had for eight lifetimes..." Seeing that Zhao Xingyun didn't give him his contact information, Chu Mu could only sigh while covering his forehead with a mournful face.

"You can go get some cultivation potions and practice on your own. You are a genius, so you should be able to learn by yourself." Zhao Xingyun raised his fist and made a gesture of encouragement to Chu Mu.

The tone seemed very sincere... If there was no expression that looked like he was holding back a smile, Chu Mu would have believed it, and he wanted to beat up the bear now.

"It's a pity that I can't beat..."

Chu Mu weighed his own strength and was very unwilling. He gave Zhao Xingyun a sneaky look.

"I feel like you want to fight me!"

The perception of this "bear kid" is really sharp.

Zhao Xingyun yelled excitedly, his eyes flickered, and he was planning to jump over the wall. He had long wanted to find a chance to try the level of this junior Tianjiao


For Chu Mu.

Zhao Xingyun also paid attention to it before.

It should be.

At the beginning, he just looked around casually, and then found that among the freshmen in Longhua City this time, there was actually a student who was as handsome as him.

This made Zhao Xingyun very interested... Afterwards, this student took off in the exam, appeared as a celestial master, and was taken into the inner courtyard by the girl he hated the most.

That's a venomous tongue who dares to criticize Zhao Xingyun, who has no talent and ability. Since he was a child, he has disliked his niece who is not much younger than him.

Yes, Zhao Xingyun and Jiang Li are related, and Jiang Li's mother is Zhao Xingyun's sister.

This is news that almost no one in the outside world knows.

Zhao Xingyun hardly interacted with Jiang Li, so naturally no one would connect the two of them.

He hated his niece.


There is one thing to say.

Zhao Xingyun is also very clear.

Jiang Li does have the qualifications to have eyes above the top... Zhao Xingyun still vaguely remembers that it was a moonlit night, when his nine-year-old niece beat him to death when he was seventeen.

"That's it? That's it? Is this a high-level martial artist?" The girl, who was just a little warrior, asked her uncle who was almost half taller than her, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

With a mocking "cut", from that day on, Zhao Xingyun knew that he could not love this niece at all.

Where did you hit your uncle when you disagreed?

Is this a greeting?

Didn't you just say "a mere martial artist, not half as good as me"... Uncle is pretending to compare with you, why did you beat him up without saying a word!

Pretend to be treated like this, if it really makes you unhappy in the future, will you have to go to the barbershop thirty times in the first month!?

This is why Zhao Xingyun has always disliked his little niece.


He was able to have his current status because of the torment that night.

It was from that day that he started to work hard. He didn't want to be beaten by his niece for the second time, and he gradually became the strongest in the East today.

"About not wanting to be beaten by my niece, all I have to do is practice hard and become number one in the world".

Zhao Xingyun felt that his own experience should be enough to write an autobiographical novel, and ignoring the unbearable past, Zhao Xingyun also had to admit that in the field of martial arts

On the one hand, Jiang Li does have aptitude far beyond him, especially the supernatural power of the [Unworldly Fairy], which is even more unreasonable.

The beginning of the talent ability is the earth-level supernatural power......

If he hadn't discovered a new way forward, perhaps Jiang Li was the only one who had hope of breaking through the shackles of Wu Zong.

It is quite normal for such an arrogance, perhaps unparalleled in the world, to have his eyes higher than the top, even if he becomes the instructor of the Martial Arts Academy, in the past few years, even with the addition of

In front of Chu Mu, she only picked three students, and the first two are very interesting guys.

And the kid in front of him.

The talent ability is quite satisfactory, although it is also a very good talent, but it is not as interesting as the other two.

So what does he have to get into the eyes of his niece?

It is said.

Jiang Li is very optimistic about Chu Mu, who has not yet emerged, just after "chatting" with Chu Mu for a while, which is really abnormal for ten people whose eyes are above the top.


Why did Jiang Li like Chu Mu so early?

Picture him handsome?


Zhao Xingyun was taken aback by this guess.

He has no objection to his niece falling in love.

But if you talk about being with students... how should I put it, this is hard to describe, anyway, the new era is the same as the old era, and it is also very particular about ethics and morals.

Zhao Xingyun didn't want Jiang Li to go astray, to unlock strange hobbies that can only be seen in "Your link has been blocked, and the content you read is not safe".

Like it or not, but after all, it is his sister's child, Zhao Xingyun must take care of it, and he is also very interested in Chu Mu.

Ever since.

It was precisely because of this that Zhao Xingyun took the initiative to talk to Chu Mu.

In fact, Chu Mu was also weighed in to observe. Otherwise, this small courtyard would not be arranged for Chu Mu.


He lived on the opposite side first, and then put Chu Mu's dormitory next door, not the one next to Chu Mu that he moved in. The order is not the same.

how to say.

It is estimated that Chu Mu could not have imagined that he guessed right but not completely right.

"What are you doing!?"

Chu Mu was taken aback.

"Come and fight!"

Zhao Xingyun looks eager to try... The image of the number one Wu Zong is absolutely ruined in Chu Mu's heart, and he actually wants to bully him, a little warrior?


Talk about martial arts!

Although I really want to beat you up...but I don't want to be pinned to the ground and beaten by you at all. This is not how the strong man returns from "rebirth"!

I'm not the big villain who stole your girlfriend!


Could it be that this guy has a crush on Jiang Li, and then he feels uncomfortable seeing Jiang Li's new student is a man?


This plot is so familiar!

"What expression do you see on me?"

Zhao Xingyun found that Chu Mu's expression became very strange.

"Don't be like this... I won't fight with you... We are all civilized people and classmates, it's important to be able to make peace." Chu Mu strongly expressed that he didn't want to fight.

He really couldn't find an excuse, he couldn't just say "I'm afraid of being beaten to death by you", he probably didn't know Zhao Xingyun's identity.

"We are can we progress without fighting?"

Zhao Xingyun looked very suspicious.

He felt that there might be something wrong with this kid's head.

Talking to warriors that peace is the most important thing?


Are you sure it's not a joke?

The excuse Chu Mu made was really illogical, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he opened his mouth and wanted to "quibble" again.

Maybe it's God's help.



The successive explosions suddenly sounded from the high mountain behind them, directly interrupting the conversation between the two of them, which was almost impossible to continue.

Chu Mu looked back suddenly, and could see the flames soaring into the sky.

The entire mountaintop area was filled with flames, like a sea of ​​red fire pills.

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