Mo Yu changed his body and carried seventy-two changes of magical powers.

This magical power is the foundation of Yang Jian's life in mythology.

Ever-changing and unpredictable, it can cope with almost any situation.

In mythology, there is no weak person who can change seventy-two times.

The most famous people, such as Yuan Hong, Bull Demon King, and Sun Wukong, all of them are big demons who can turn the world upside down.

Yang Jian is naturally no exception.

With a change, his body changed suddenly, and in the eyes of Yueji and Zhou Xiao, endless light bloomed.

I saw Mo Yu's arms spread, turning into golden feathers, a cry, the sound shook the sky, and the entire mausoleum was the cry of this divine bird.

Tsukihime's gaze froze: "This is?".


appeared in front of her eyes was a golden crow, its golden feathers shining brightly, and its endless light blooming, like a small sun.

No, this mythical bird is the sun itself.

Tsukihime had this thought inexplicably in her heart, and looked at the other party's legs, which was different from ordinary birds, and this golden crow actually had three legs.

Three-legged golden crow!

The light bloomed, and a flame enveloped the golden crow's body, like a great sun rising in the bronze hall.

Under the light source, the darkness that came from the madness was blocked, and there was a faint tendency to dissipate.

In myths and legends, the three-legged golden crow is the embodiment of the sun, and the legendary Houyi shoots the sun, which is the golden crow that shoots down.

And Mo Yu passed seventy-two changes, perfectly transformed into a golden crow, and then activated the golden crow's natal supernatural power to block the attacking darkness.

This is the

power of the seventy-two changes, this is not a simple change in appearance, that kind of change technique is available to countless immortals, at best, it is only a trick.

And the seventy-two changes directly change the life form, and what changes is what it is, and there is no difference from the original.

In the battle of the gods, Yang Jian shined with this magical power, and even many characters in the twelve golden immortals were overshadowed by him.

Everything happened very quickly, from Mo Yu turning into a golden crow, to the light shining on the hall, it was only two snaps of a finger.

The darkness was surging, the curtains were layered, and under the light of the golden crow could not advance an inch, but it did not subside.

The darkness is so weird that I don't know what it is, and it's a bad thing.

Yueji's reaction was quick, and she turned to face the green light on the coffin: "Xiao'er, you are here." "

Leaving these words, she turned white and rushed towards the coffin, and with a flick of her bare hand, a white flame wrapped around her arm.

Everything was unexpectedly simple, and Tsukihime was even prepared for sudden changes, but nothing unusual happened until she came to the green light.

She was puzzled in her heart, but she didn't hesitate to move, slashed with one hand, and the candle flame was extinguished in an instant, and the green lantern was knocked to the ground together.

Bang ......

With a soft sound, the blue light rate became two halves.

At the same time, the darkness around him swelled, quickly receding like a receding tide.

In mid-air, Mo Yu retracted the changes, and returned to Yang Jian's appearance and fell to the ground, and the light disappeared.

Tsukihime also retreated, and they looked around, because the strong light subsided, the surroundings instantly became dim, and the transition between the two states made it difficult to see the surrounding situation clearly for a short time.

Zhou Xiao suddenly said: "There is something in the retreating darkness." "

Mo Yu's eyes froze, and the three-pointed two-edged knife was instantly started, and no attack came.

After two seconds, he and Tsukihime could also see the situation around them clearly, and then they saw that the receding darkness had left behind a lot of white bones, lying all over the hall.

Some of the bones were intact, others were in tatters.

Tsukihime realized, "It's those people who came to this palace in the past, no wonder we didn't see any traces left by them, they were swallowed by the darkness!".

"Hmm. Mo Yu felt something, and his gaze moved somewhere: "Who?"

In the darkness, where the white bones were stacked, there was a figure standing, laughing with Mo Yu's question.

"Hehe, hahaha, I didn't expect that I was saved by you, it's amazing, you can deal with that weird darkness!".

He spoke, and Yueji and Zhou Xiao saw his appearance clearly at the same time.

"Du Jiuquan?" Mo Yu's brows furrowed, and he didn't call out the name.

Yang Jian had never seen Du Jiuquan, although he had heard Yueji mention it, but if he recognized it at a glance, it would inevitably make people feel strange.

Fortunately, there was no need for Mo Yu to speak, Zhou Xiao immediately glared angrily: "Du Jiuquan, are you still alive?"

Du Jiuquan quietly stepped back and said, "I was going to die, but thanks to you, I picked up a life." "

Tsukihime said: "I see, it was indeed you who came into this palace before, but you were swallowed up by the darkness just now, no wonder we couldn't find your traces." "

She then sneered: "But it doesn't matter, you just died a little later, this palace has nowhere to escape, just gave me the opportunity to detain your soul." "

Du Jiuquan had retreated to the front of the coffin, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Under normal circumstances, this is true, but it's hard to say now." "

His gaze swept over Mo Yu and the others, and he stopped on Mo Yu for a moment, frowning and said, "Who are you, the little ghost who followed you before?"

Mo Yu said indifferently: "People who are dying don't need to know so much. "

Du Jiuquan nodded: "Indeed, it is indeed superfluous to question the three of you who are about to die, but it is appropriate to sacrifice you as a sacrifice." "

His hands suddenly closed, his hands pinched the formula, and his mouth was full of words.

Under his feet, a series of curved lights lit up, converging together to form a complex formation.

"He drew the formation next to the coffin before?" Tsukihime exclaimed slightly, "What does he want to do?"

The corners of Du Jiuquan's mouth hooked up a sneer: "What are you doing, of course it's for your funeral, it seems that you still don't know who is buried in this coffin." "

Zhou Xiao was surprised: "Isn't it the Shenxiao Immortal buried in this coffin?"

Du Jiuquan laughed: "It used to be, but now it may not be." "

The magic trick in his hand kept changing, and the treasures on the nine array eyes in the formation continued to light up, converging into blood and constantly converging into the coffin.

Du Jiuquan seemed to feel that the victory was in his hands, and said with a smile: "In the past, this place was naturally buried with the fallen face of the Shenxiao Immortals, but our Huangquan Sect got the suicide note of the Heavenly Punishment Supreme, according to the above, it should be the Heavenly Punishment Supreme who is lying in it now." "

He pressed towards the ground with one hand, and the power of the formation converged into a pillar of light, which poured into the coffin with a bang.

"Revive, invincible supreme from 10,000 years ago!".

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