Fantasy: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 246 The Prestige Of Dragon Clan Treasure Art


at this time.

The monitor lizard kept swallowing its tongue, and slowly crawled out of the cave, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot.

After walking out of the cave.

The monitor lizard didn't pay attention to Chu Yang any more, its eyes were always on Yaya, and it moved its limbs.


The monitor lizard started to move.

The body of tens of feet is running fast.

There were constant roars on the ground, and Da Jin watched the other party rushing over, although he was terrified to death.

But still did not choose to escape.

after all.

Now his little master didn't speak.


Not long after the monitor lizard ran out, a figure stopped in front of it, swung its fist and smashed towards its head.

I saw someone shoot myself.

The monitor lizard was furious immediately, and waved its claws to meet it, and the tyrannical breath swept the audience.



After a duel.

The giant lizard took several steps back, and didn't take advantage of this confrontation.

Chu Yang looked at the retreating monitor lizard.

There was a look of thought between his brows,

Logically speaking.

After the monster breaks through to the Saint Realm, its spiritual intelligence will be greatly improved, and it is almost the same as that of ordinary humans.

Some are even more cunning than humans.

But the giant lizard in front of him has not changed in any way, and still maintains the purest animal nature.

There is only the color of killing in the eyes.


After stabilizing your figure.

The giant lizard charged towards Chu Yang again.

while running.

The monitor lizard opened its bloody mouth wide, and a more intense stench came out, and Chu Yang couldn't help frowning.

have to say.

It's a pain to fight this thing.


Chu Yang simply blocked his sense of smell, scales appeared all over his body, and a tyrannical aura burst out instantly.

After feeling the changes in Chu Yang.

The giant lizard's footsteps paused for a while, but soon picked up its speed again, rushing madly towards it.

It has only one thought right now.

That is to solve the guy who is in the way in front of him, and then devour that little girl.

"hold head high!"

A dragon chant came from Chu Yang's mouth, and there was a look of expectation in his eyes.

It is rare to encounter a beast of this strength.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to try the things recorded in the "Secret of the True Dragon"

, What is the power?

Chu Yang: "Dragon Claw!"

The voice fell.

The origin of Chu Yang's dragon clan was violent in an instant, and the blood in his body flowed quickly.

There are constant roars around.

Not only that.

True Qi also quickly gathered towards the arm, and a surging force gushed out instantly. Biqu library

"hold head high!"

A dragon chant sounded.

Under the continuous gathering of true energy, a huge dragon claw appeared directly in front of Chu Yang, and it clawed towards the monitor lizard.


Looking at the oncoming dragon claw, the monitor lizard's body was quickly wrapped in a light yellow body, and the whole body began to mutate.

"Puff puff puff ~"

In the blink of an eye.

A layer of scales appeared on the monitor lizard's body, and its size became much larger again.


The giant lizard didn't make any defenses, and continued to charge towards Chu Yang, its eyes full of bloodlust.




The next scene.

But Chu Yang showed a look of surprise.

His Heavenly Dragon Claw directly broke through the scales on the monitor lizard, leaving a huge gash in its waist.


Being hit hard by Chu Yang, the monitor lizard wailed in pain, but the bloodthirst in its eyes became even stronger.

"Ha tui!"

After stabilizing the figure.

The monitor lizard spit out a mouthful of mucus at Chu Yang, which was different from the saliva it dripped. The mucus was green in color, and the gas it emitted caused the surrounding trees to wither immediately.

See this scene.

Chu Yang immediately circulated his true energy.

He waved his arm and patted the liquid.


What Chu Yang didn't expect was that.

This liquid actually ignored the true energy, and flew towards him head-on, looking at the rising heat.

Chu Yang only felt a wave of nausea in his heart.


Without any hesitation.

Chu Yang moved quickly, hugged Yaya and quickly hid to the left.



Not long after Chu Yang's figure disappeared.

The liquid fell on the ground, and there was a sizzling sound instantly, and the surrounding trees quickly withered.

And this range is still expanding.

And where the liquid is.

Then there was a huge pothole.

In the blink of an eye.

Surprisingly, a large open space appeared around, and the trees within a radius of twenty feet were all dead.

find a place to put ya ya


Chu Yang rushed directly towards the monitor lizard, he planned to fight this guy quickly, fighting this guy was too intimidating.

Chu Yang: "Kowloon breaks the sky!"

"Ho ho ho ho!"

Chu Yang's voice fell.

Nine green dragons quickly condensed behind him, and then quickly rushed towards the monitor lizard, wrestling with it.

"Puff puff puff!"

Under the attack of the nine green dragons, the monitor lizard had more and more scars, and its aura began to decline.


When the nine green dragons disappeared.

The monitor lizard was dripping with blood, and green blood was constantly flowing out from its body, but its eyes were still extremely fierce.


Chu Yang took out the black spear, then circulated the true energy in his body at a high speed, and directly fished towards the monitor lizard.


The long spear easily broke through the monitor lizard's defense and directly pierced through its head.

"Ho Ho~"

After struggling for a while.

The giant lizard completely lost its movement. At this time, Yaya also came riding towards this side on the big gold, her eyes were full of surprise.


Come to the giant lizard.

Chu Yang wrapped his arms with zhenqi, and directly inserted into the opponent's head.

When he retracted his palm again.

A huge beast core appeared in the palm of his hand.

This beast core is covered in blood red. Although it contains a lot of energy, it gives people a very violent feeling.

Chu Yang understands.

This is the mutation caused by the monitor lizard absorbing evil spirit all the year round.

If other people get this beast core, they can only use it as a decoration, not daring to absorb the internal power.

But Chu Yang is different.

He has "Quen Yuan Jue", he can directly filter out those messy powers, and he doesn't have to worry about other problems at all.

After collecting the animal nucleus.

Chu Yang turned his attention to Yaya who was beside him.

He said softly: "Do you want to enter the Xuankong Ring first, or go into the cave with me to have a look?"


After hesitating for a while.

Yaya responded crisply: "Let's go with Papa!"

Get a response from Yaya.

Chu Yang signaled Xiao Hei to lead the way, and then walked towards the monitor lizard's cave.

As for the monitor lizard's body.

Chu Yang didn't have any idea at all, its scales were all broken, and its only value was the blood in its body.

But this concentration of blood.

It has no effect on Chu Yang.

Not worth wasting time.


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