Fantasy: I Can View The Script Of Life

Chapter 28 Meeting Lin Tian Again, A Second Chance


Looking at the stall owner with a smile on his face.

A black line appeared on Chu Yang's forehead.

Quickly waved his hands.

He opened his mouth and responded: "No need, you should keep those magic weapon fragments for yourself, I don't need them right now."


Seeing that Chu Yang refused so simply, the stall owner's face froze slightly, and he didn't know how to proceed for a while.

Take advantage of this gap.

Chu Yang looked at the identity of the stall owner in front of him.

"Name; Pan Jun:"

"Identity: Inner Disciple of Red Fire Peak"

"Boundary; Void Return Realm Level 2:"

"Fate; little achievements (cyan)"

『Life script: The inner disciple of Qingyun Holy Land, after returning to the family, he becomes the head of the family and spends the rest of his life in peace. 』

"Recent life turning point: None"

Seeing that there was not much wool to squeeze, Chu Yang was about to turn around and leave here. While it was still early, he went to collect some materials first.


at this time.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him.

Chu Yang turned his head subconsciously, and immediately found that Yang Zhan was walking towards him, and at this time he was staring at the scrap iron pieces. Showing a very interested look.

He glanced at Chu Yang indifferently.

He walked towards Pan Jun's booth with strides.

As soon as I saw a customer coming to the door.

Pan Jun showed his iconic smile again, and repeated what he had just boasted to Chu Yang.

Yang Zhan: "I can buy these things from you, but tell me where you developed them."

Pan Jun: "This..."

Hearing Yang Zhan's request, Pan Jun showed hesitation on his face at this moment, as if hesitating to speak.

Yang Zhan: "I can add two more spirit stones, if you still don't want to, then pretend I didn't say that."

The voice fell.

Yang Zhan was about to turn around and leave.

Pan Jun: "Hey - don't go, don't go, deal!"

that's it.

Yang Zhan spent ten middle-grade spirit stones to buy this pile of broken iron pieces, and then left together with Pan Jun, apparently to exchange information.

Chu Yang watched the whole scene, and his face showed a puzzled look at this time. He also looked at Yang Zhan's information just now, and found that there were no chances recently.

Buy that iron piece now.

This is a complete loss-making business.

Meow meow--

While Chu Yang was meditating, Ziyexue on his shoulder blew twice beside his ear, and the kitten's paw kept gesticulating.

Um? ? ?

He looked in the direction of her paw.

Chu Yang cast his eyes on a booth next to him. The owner of the stall was an old man. At this time, there were some strange iron blocks on his booth.

And in front of the old man's booth.

Chu Yang unexpectedly found Lin Tian's figure, which made him react instantly. The reason why Zi Yexue reminded himself was that there must be good things on the stall.

After all, Lin Tian was the son of luck before, even if he is downgraded now, luck is still there, this booth can attract his attention, there must be something good in it.

Can be some observation down.

Chu Yang discovered that Lin Tian's recent life turning point has not changed at this time.

This made him look suspicious.

He asked in his heart: "System, what's going on here, there must be something good here now, and Lin Tian can also get some opportunities from it, but why hasn't the information changed?"

"I see!"

After muttering to myself for a while.

Chu Yang walked towards the booth.

at this time.

Lin Tian squatted in front of the booth and looked carefully, with a faint purple light flashing in his pupils, and his eyes kept scanning the iron blocks.

And the stall owner's attitude is also very strange.

At this time, he didn't try his best to yell his products like other stall owners, but closed his eyes slightly, as if he was sleeping.

Tread Tread——

After a while.

Chu Yang came up to Lin Tian, ​​looking at this strange pile of iron curiously.

After hearing the movement.

Lin Tian turned his head and looked over.

At this moment, the purple light in his eyes has been suppressed.

After seeing the figure of Chu Yang.

Lin Tian's expression froze for a moment.

His gaze focused on the white cat on his shoulder.

After a pause of about two seconds, Lin Tian slowly withdrew his gaze, without saying hello, and looked at the iron blocks again.

Lin Tian just came to the market today, the inexplicable attraction appeared again, and he followed the guide to this stall.

But Chu Yang looked at it for a while with the pupil technique, but Chu Yang didn't see anything unusual, which made him a little confused.

Chu Yang didn't care about Lin Tian's indifferent attitude at this time, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he squatted down and picked up a piece of black iron casually.

Open your mouth and ask: "Boss, what's the price?"

"Everything on the booth, one hundred spirit stones, no bargaining, just pay and take away if you like it."

Chu Yang: "A piece of one hundred low-grade spirit stones is much more expensive than ordinary iron ore, but it is still within the acceptable range."

To know.

Ordinary dark iron.

The price is generally at the price of eighty low-grade spirit stones.


Chu Yang thought naturally.

This thing is one hundred low-grade spirit stones.


Hearing his muttering, the old man instantly opened his closed eyes and looked directly at Chu Yang.

Shen Sheng said: "Who told you that it is a low-grade spirit stone? I calculated this based on the total middle-grade spirit stones. These goods are one hundred middle-grade spirit stones!"

The voice fell.

The old man closed his eyes again.

Hearing this, Chu Yang instantly showed a shocked expression, and at the same time he also understood why Lin Tian stayed here for so long.

There were dozens of iron blocks in front of the booth, and they all looked similar in shape. Lin Tian definitely didn't know the target now, and he didn't have enough spirit stones.

Think about it.

Chu Yang was also in trouble.

With his current wealth, he can only buy one piece, and he is still not sure if there is really a chance

, If you buy a piece of scrap iron and go back, you will cry to death.

See Chu Yang's tangled expression.

A look of disdain appeared on Lin Tian's face.


Just when Chu Yang was struggling.

He felt something scratching his neck.

Immediately turned around and looked over.

look back.

The little white cat looked at him straightly, pointed his little paw at one of the iron blocks, and began to gesture in a decent manner.

See this scene.

Chu Yang asked in a low voice: "You mean, let me buy that iron block?"

Upon hearing this.

Zi Yexue quickly nodded her little head.

【Hmph—you're so stupid, this empress has made it so obvious, why are you still hesitating here, if someone else buys the item later, you won't have a place to cry. 】

Zi Yexue has already seen it.

Among these pieces of iron is a piece of Tianxing iron.

This thing is level 4 iron ore.

Although its grade is not particularly high, its hardness is definitely comparable to that of grade 5 iron ore. For Chu Yang now, it is definitely a rare treasure.

"Iron ore grades are divided into grades one to nine, and it is rumored that there are god irons above grade nine. 』

"Weapon levels are divided into: Ordinary Weapons, Profound Weapons, Magic Weapons, Spirit Weapons, King Weapons, Psychic Weapons, Dao Weapons, Holy Weapons, and Emperor Weapons. Each level is divided into upper, middle and lower grades. 』

And if you have four iron.

At the very least, a low-grade spirit tool can be created. Biqu library

To know.

In Qingyun Holy Land, the weapons currently used by many spirit-transforming warriors are only spiritual weapons.

In the territory of returning to the void.

If you can get a medium-grade magic weapon.

All very remarkable.


The price of grade 4 iron ore is not low either.

Besides, this is Tianxing Iron, which is comparable to the fifth-grade iron. Zi Yexue conservatively estimates that if this thing is auctioned, it will cost at least 50,000 middle-grade spirit stones.

It can be seen from this.

How much is the value of this four-grade iron in front of you.

Seeing Zi Yexue's constant gestures, Chu Yang couldn't care less about the difficulty, and directly grabbed the iron block, planning to buy it first.


As soon as Chu Yang grasped the iron block with his palm, he found that the other end was also grabbed by someone.

And that palm is the owner.

It was Lin Tian at the side.

Chu Yang looked up at Lin Tian.

He said in a deep voice, "What do you mean by that? I was the first to see this piece of iron ore. Do you want to snatch it from me?"

Lin Tian smiled lightly.

He said softly: "What did you see first? If you really say it, I came here first, and we also grabbed this piece of iron at the same time. How can you say I snatched it?"

Looking at Lin Tian's current appearance.

Chu Yang also understood at this time.

The iron ore in front of me.

Absolutely hidden mystery.

at the same time.

Chu Yang subconsciously glanced at the white cat on his shoulder, with joy in his eyes.

He really didn't expect it.

Zi Yexue actually has a treasure hunting function.

It was she who made herself choose this piece of black iron just now.


ps——Four more, please give me a good review! !

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