Fantasy: I Don’t Want To Practice!

Chapter 26 You May Not Know How Great Your Father Is! [New Book, Please Support!]

Because practicing... is very tiring!!!

After saying that, Ye Feng raised his mouth and laughed shamelessly like a tractor.

Ye Mingyun was petrified instantly.

Are you kidding me!


The words were so touching that they made me cry.

After all this time, you told me that it was because you were tired!

Sure enough, you pursue what ordinary people can't imagine! I really didn't expect it!

Ye Mingyun had a mother-fuck in his heart, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Looking at his son's lewd smile, he wanted to hit him with his Wuzong mentality!

"Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

Ye Mingyun took a deep breath, put one hand on Ye Feng's shoulder, and said earnestly.

"Feng'er, your father doesn't want to hit you, I hope you respect yourself!"

Ye Feng: "..."

Too cruel, if you don't practice, you will be beaten. This family is all rude people. Ye Feng finally knows why Ye Xian'er is so cruel.

It turns out to be hereditary.

"Anyway, you should start practicing from tomorrow. You are the only hope of our Ye family. Believe me, this is for your own good. When your martial arts reach a certain level, you will also have a foothold on this continent. At that time, you will be grateful to me!"

Ye Mingyun patted his shoulder, as if he was doing it for his own good.

Ye Feng instantly had a constipated expression.

Damn it! Thank you for nothing!

I am so awesome because I don't practice. Who knows what kind of crazy things the shameless system will do if I practice?

This dad is pushing himself into the fire pit!

But he is my father. I can't beat him up, right?

Ye Feng could only sigh helplessly.

"Old Ye, to tell you the truth, even if your son doesn't practice, he can still gain a foothold on the continent. You don't have to worry about this."

"Hahaha... Feng'er, you are still too naive after all."

Ye Mingyun seemed to see through Ye Feng's thoughts and laughed.

The vice principal had told Ye Mingyun about Ye Feng's special physique before.

He felt that Ye Feng was probably relying on the advantage of his Innate body, and he was proud of being able to kill one or two Martial Masters.

Little did he know that on this continent, there were so many strong people, what was a Martial Master? It was just the lowest level existence!

Above the Martial Master, there were countless strong people, such as him! A great martial master!

He had to use his body to let his son see the difference in realm, so that the other party could practice wholeheartedly.

"How about this, you punch me with all your strength, if you can hurt me, I will agree that you don't practice, if not, then you will practice obediently for five hours every day starting tomorrow, how about that?"


Ye Feng was shocked, what kind of nerves did his father have, even if he wanted to die, this was not the way to die.

Punch with all his strength? If he used a serious punch, the other party would probably call him daddy.

"What? Are you scared? Hahaha... Don't be afraid, I won't do anything, come on, fight as you like! You may not know how great your father is!" Ye Mingyun was still confident. Although the Martial Dao he practiced was not a defensive one, the realm gap between the two was too big, so he was not worried at all. "Really?" "Absolutely true! Today I will let you see the power of a martial arts master!" After saying that, Ye Mingyun's momentum burst out, and an invisible aura instantly filled the entire training room. The people who were practicing outside felt this aura and trembled. Ye Mingyun stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm demeanor of a master. Ye Feng raised his eyebrows. It's really awesome! Then let's try it? This is a rare opportunity to persuade his father. Thinking of this, Ye Feng held his breath, brewing all his strength, concentrating on a punch, and finally punched Ye Mingyun's lower abdomen! Seeing Ye Feng punch, Ye Mingyun laughed on the spot. This kid, this punch has no power at all, it's so weak, how can it hurt anyone?

It seems that I need to teach him more in the future, so as not to...

Bang! ! !

A muffled sound spread, and Ye Feng punched Ye Mingyun in the lower abdomen.


Ye Mingyun's eyes bulged out two centimeters!

The smile on the corner of his mouth froze instantly, and the whole person was silent.

The hand hidden behind his body trembled slightly, and a drop of sweat slid down his forehead...

"Damn? It's really okay!!!"

Ye Feng was shocked. This was the first time he failed since he gained 2000 strength, not to mention that he added another 2000 strength this morning.

A full four thousand kilograms of force hit Ye Mingyun, but Ye Mingyun was not hurt at all.

His father is really awesome!

In an instant, his admiration for his father was like a surging river.


Ye Mingyun nodded slightly, pretending to be indifferent, and squeezed out a word from the corner of his mouth.

"Your punch is quite powerful, but it's a little lacking in form. I'll teach you how to punch another day."

After saying that, Ye Mingyun turned around and left.

Ye Feng stood there, confused.

Eh? Just left like that? Didn't you say you would persuade him to practice?

Ye Mingyun walked out of the practice room, and every step he took was difficult. He felt like he was going to faint at any time. He was sweating and his stomach was aching.

"Fuck! What medicine did this kid take? Why is he so strong?"

He lay in the corner, gasping for breath, his face as pale as paper.

This wave of pretense is a bit costly. I should have stopped pretending earlier.

"Uh, master, are you okay?"

The friends who were practicing were startled by Ye Mingyun's appearance and ran over to show concern.

Ye Mingyun fell to the ground, groaning weakly.

"Hurry... help me see a doctor, I'm dying!"


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