Chapter 612 Completely numb!

A large group of strong human races.

Standing on the ruins of Overlord City, he was completely numb.

This overlord city has always been their ultimate goal.

Imagine that one day, I can kill here, kill tens of thousands of alien races, and return in triumph.

Become a great hero in human history.


Now they saw that the previous fantasy was realized by others first.

When they were still fearful, someone not only attacked here, but also completely captured it.

Even an entire city was destroyed.

The corpses of countless foreign experts are buried under this overlord city.

Become a meat grinder!

"This won't be a trap set by a foreign race to lure us into the hinterland, right?"

After a long silence, the original poster of Danlou whispered.

After all, he still didn't believe that all of this was actually what Ye Chen did.

"Do you think that the alien race will use a city of men and horses, plus the lives of more than a hundred emperor realm powerhouses, as bait?"

Meng Chen sneered and asked.

Hearing that, everyone stopped talking.

No matter how cruel the foreign race is, it is impossible to do such a thing.

This is more than a hundred emperor realm powerhouses, enough to make a foreign race hurt.

"Then what are we waiting for, set off right away and set off for Wanzhang Mountain!"

Luo Lan waved his hand and shouted boldly.

Many strong human races around, screamed in response.

Obviously, Ye Chen won the first battle, which greatly boosted everyone's morale.

If all of this is true, then it naturally means that Ye Chen with the Fire Spirit Sect now has really hit the Wanzhang Mountain.


Meng Chen and Ming Yuexiang nodded, and immediately rushed toward the front.

They originally wanted to fix it here before going further.

But the situation at this time made them give up rest and continue to advance directly.

Because of the blessings of the three great sacred realms, the Allied Forces of Human Race landed on the outskirts of Wanzhang Mountain in just over a day.

Looking at the endless, towering mountains.

Many strong human races couldn't help but take a sigh of relief.

This kind of natural danger, straddling them in front of them, really makes people feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

Before the battle started, self-confidence had fallen by half.

How can this jump over the past?

"It deserves to be the lifeblood of an alien imperial court!"

Looking at Wanzhang Mountain, Meng Chen couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Pavilion Lord, are we really going to fight over?"

Beside him, a senior Divine Armament pavilion asked in a hoarse voice.

"Wanzhang Mountain claims to be guarded by millions of foreign elites, plus a large defensive array laid down by the foreign demon gods himself. Even if there are tens of thousands of heroes and powerful saints, you can never cross over here!"

Whispers one after another, continue to spread from the crowd.

Everyone's face, the previous excitement and impetus, has disappeared.

More or less, with a bit of loss and fear.

Just when Meng Chen and others didn't know how to boost their morale, a figure of Daoist clan actually flew from Wanzhang Mountain.

"Look, who is that?"

"How come the human race approached us from the direction of Wanzhang Mountain?"

Everyone heard the sound and saw that the celebrity quickly approached them.

Let them get on alert quickly.

I saw the celebrity young man wearing a fire-red Sect robe.

Seeing such a large number of powerful people here, my face is not red and heartbeat, and there is no feeling of tension and awe at all.

Looking at them, their faces were indifferent, as if they were looking at a group of ordinary people.

"Dare to ask, Mingyue Shang Palace Master, can you be here?"

The man spoke indifferently, neither overbearing nor overbearing.

Mingyuexiang was startled, and immediately walked out of the crowd and said, "I am."

When the man saw it, he immediately showed a smile and said: "The subordinates pay respect to Palace Master Ming, and the young one is ordered by Sect Leader to come to meet Palace Master Ming. Please come with me."

After speaking, he made a please gesture, and then led the way and flew towards Wanzhang Mountain.



Everyone looked at each other.

This guy, why are you taking them to Wanzhang Mountain, don't you know, is the alien's lair in front of it?

Mingyuexiang also hesitated, but since the other party knew the name of own, it should be the person sent by Ye Chen that he could not be wrong, so he gritted his teeth and followed.

As soon as the disciple of the Fire Spirit Sect saw that only Mingyuexiang followed.

Can't help but urged: "Everyone, what are you still doing there, follow me into the mountain!"

Among the crowd, Dan Lou Elder winked at everyone.

Immediately, a group of strong human race forces surrounded the young disciple.

The young disciple was taken aback for a moment, but there was no panic on his face.

Immediately he looked at the Dan Lou Elder and sneered: "What do you mean?"

"What's the meaning?"

Then Dan Lou Elder snorted coldly and said, "Let's say, who are you, did the alien sent you to lure us?"

"Who am I?"

The young disciple laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said proudly: "I am the Universe Dragon, a disciple of the Silver Dragon Peak of the Fire Spirit Sect. On the order of Sect Leader, I will come to pick Ming Palace Master and everyone into the mountain. What do you mean?"

Dan Lou Elder asked again: "Enter the mountain? What mountain do you enter, don't you know that there is an ambush in this mountain?"

Universe Dragon smiled and said, "Do you mean ambushing, referring to the millions of elite troops of the alien race and the Saint-level defense formation?

If this is what you are worried about, then I can tell you responsibly.

These obstacles were completely cleaned up by my Sect Leader a few days ago! "

"What did you say?"

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly shocked.

Before everyone could speak, Universe Dragon said with a disdainful expression: "So, don't put your posture in front of daddy. What about your aura, millions of elites than the aliens, upgraded defense formation, and the eight major inspectors?"

"The eight major inspectors have also come before?"

When everyone heard the words, their heads were numb.

The shock in my heart is almost impossible to add.

What the hell is going on with these Fire Spirit Sect guys!

It doesn't matter if the Overlord City is destroyed, now even the elites of the foreign race in Wanzhang Mountain have been killed?

How was this battle fought?

They realized only now, why a little Fire Spirit sect disciple was not afraid of them in front of the big humanoids.

The iron-blooded body that came out of that terrifying battle has already put life and death out of the picture, how could it be afraid of their encirclement?

Dan Lou's host waved his hand and made everyone retreat.

Then stepped forward and said: "Please also this young hero, take us to see you Sect Leader."

Universe Dragon nodded slightly, and said, "This is just the truth."

Only then led the way and flew towards Ye Chen's residence.

When everyone followed the Universe Dragon to the other side of Wanzhang Mountain, they were shocked again.

On the Wanzhang Mountain, there was a huge depression, and the whole mountain was cut off by the waist, and a big gap appeared.

Seeing this scene, even Luo Lan and other three holy realm powerhouses were not calm.

Luo Lanfeng stared openly: "Where is Sacred, who can destroy this mountain like this?"

At this time, I only listened to the Universe dragon leading the way, and said lightly: "Oh, that, it's the trace left by our Sect Leader who practiced the exercises the day before yesterday."

When Luo Lan heard the words, the whole body was shocked.

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