Fantasy: I, The Salted Fish Will Become Stronger

Chapter 129 The Physical Education Teacher Should Not Be Sick

Qin Family Manor.

In Beigong Linglong's bedroom, candles were flickering.

Beigong Linglong was standing by the window in a nightgown, staring at the bright moon in the sky, quietly absent-minded.

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.


The thunder fell towards the mountain village.

In the next second, a powerful Wen Dao breath rushed into the sky.

"This is……"

Beigong Linglong came back to her senses and looked at the familiar aura: "That kid, Arong, succeeded in conceiving a baby."

"Holy Maiden is right. Wen Dao's practice is unique, and he is very happy with Heavenly Dao. Even if it is a breakthrough, it will not produce much Heavenly Tribulation. Although the thunder is loud, it is not powerful. Instead, it is a celebration of a Wendao Nascent Soul was born."

Grandma said with emotion, Heavenly Tribulation is a hurdle for cultivator.

However, the Wendao cultivator is indeed an exception, and it would be a lie to say that I don't envy it.

Outside Dashan Village, those evil spirits who are eager to try.

Seeing this breath of Nascent Soul realm, everyone was frightened.

"Not good, there is Wen Dao Power in this big mountain village!"

"Crap, the wind is tight!!!"


When the group of monsters retreated, a pair of eyes stared at Dashan Village with thoughtful expressions.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night.

But Qin Hao didn't know all this, he was sleeping soundly in his room until dawn.


early morning.

The first ray of sunshine shines in the mountain village.

Kong Derong slowly opened his eyes, feeling his already stable Realm, the corners of his mouth slightly raised to reveal a hearty smile.

"One year old, the old man finally conceived a baby."


Zen Master Fahai congratulated and said, "Congratulations, Brother Kong."

"Senior is serious."

Kong Derong quickly stood up and returned the salute.

Fa Hai said with a smile: "Brother Kong is breaking through today, and the start of the school today is a double blessing. Let's stop complimenting each other here and go to the school first."

Kong Derong patted Own on the head: "I almost forgot about this when I got excited, thank you senior for reminding me."

The two left the hut together and walked towards the school.


at the same time.

The front of the school was already overcrowded.

Almost everyone in the village came outside the school, both adults and children showed excitement on their faces.

Their Dashan Village finally has a school, and their children can study like the children of those rich families.

The adults who brought their children kept telling them to own them, and listened carefully to what the old fairy said.

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "The Immortal Confucius and the Buddha are here!"

Hearing this loud shout, the crowded crowd immediately retreated like a tide and stood in two rows, leaving a spacious road.

"Old Immortal, Buddha, you are here!"


The villagers greeted them warmly.

"You folks are very polite, just call me Kong Jiaoxi from now on."

Kong Derong did not put on an air of superiority, and spoke to the villagers in an approachable manner.

"Old Immortals are old Immortals, completely different from those dignitaries."

The villagers were all moved with emotion. The immortals and dignitaries they met on weekdays looked down upon them.

He is still an old fairy who has gone out of his hometown and is approachable.

Kong Derong personally opened the door of the school, turned his head and said to the villagers: "Everyone, be quiet."

The originally noisy crowd fell silent in an instant, looking at him in unison.

"All the folks who send their own children to me, I will definitely try my best to teach them knowledge and live up to the expectations of every folk."

"Okay, everyone, leave all the children who are going to class, and go to your own business."

Kong Derong didn't give a long speech like before when he started school.

One is that there is no need for this, and the other is that the folks don’t understand it, so it’s not true at all.

"Confucius is right, let's trust the child to him."

After the village chief took the lead to say something, all the villagers left one after another.

Kong Derong started a day of teaching, but he didn't teach the "Three Character Classic" at the beginning, but started from literacy and hyphenation.

Today's class didn't end until noon.

The children in Dashan Village have poor foundations, but Kong Derong was very patient and did not lose his temper.

Zen Master Fahai also cooperated with him in teaching.

Looking at the children studying hard, the two of them suddenly had a small sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

"Senior, the class is over, I want to visit Mr.

Kong Derong suggested.

Fa Hai nodded: "That's exactly what I mean. Let's also ask Mr. How to educate the children. After all, it is impossible for every child in Dashan Village to be like those big families who have been studying for ten or eight years."

After finishing speaking, the two walked together and came to the outside of the Qin family compound.

"The two Young Masters are here, the master has already told me to wait here."

The concierge said with a smile.

Kong Derong is still not used to the title Young Master, after all he is a bad old man who has lived for hundreds of years.

But seeing Fa Hai smiling, he could only let himself get used to it slowly.

The two walked through the front yard and soon came to the lobby, where Qin Hao had been waiting for the two of them.

"You guys are here, sit down."

"Mr. Xie."

After saluting, the two sat next to Qin Hao, one on the left and one on the right.

"How was the first day of teaching?"

Qin Hao chatted with the two of them as if they were chatting about family matters.

"Although the children in Dashan Village have no foundation, they are eager to learn and have not encountered any difficulties. It is the content of the class. I discussed it with senior Fahai."

Kong Derong spoke truthfully.

Qin Hao picked up a piece of paper from the table and handed it to Kong Derong:

"This is some of my experience, sir, take a look."

After passing it around, the two said in unison: "Mr. is really thoughtful, and this curriculum is also extremely novel."

In particular, Kong Derong's admiration for Qin Hao increased a bit. The schedule not only included the lessons to be given to the students, but also set aside time for breaks between classes.

He has been teaching for many years, but he has never thought of going so deep.

The only doubt is that there is a strange class in this course.

"Sir, the old man knows the arithmetic class, but I don't know what this physical education class is?"

Qin Hao explained with a smile: "Physical education is a course for physical fitness. Although children in Dashan Village may not have spiritual roots, they can learn some martial arts to strengthen their physical fitness."

There are only Kong Derong and Fa Hai teaching in the school, so I believe there will be no reason why the physical education teacher is sick.

"I see."

Kong Derong showed a look of sudden realization.

Qin Hao encouraged: "Do well, sir, I believe that you two will be able to educate the villagers of Dashan Village."

The two stood up together, and respectfully said: "We will definitely live up to Mr.'s entrustment, and we will not forget our original intention."

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