Fantasy: I, The Salted Fish Will Become Stronger

Chapter 302 Long Xingyi's Troubles

On the mountain of books, there was silence.

Silver Sword Peak made a lot of noise, but still failed to attract the attention of the Library cultivator.

As if this place is a paradise, without any shock, it can make the cultivator here feel a little bit of turmoil.

In front of the open space outside the Library.

A young man is practicing sword hard, the moonlight shines on his young face.

You can still see a few drops of sweat hanging on his forehead.


Long Xingyi exhaled heavily, these days, as long as he couldn't wait for Qin Hao at noon, he would practice until the early morning.

Whenever he was about to give up, Qin Hao's words would echo in his mind.

No matter what you do, you must pay attention and stay focused.

But he has been very attentive and focused, but after so long, he has not been able to get started with the dragon-slaying sword technique that the disciples of the Long family specialize in.

Not far from his side, a young girl in a purple dress looked at Long Xingyi distressedly.

Seeing Long Xingyi cultivating so hard, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

It was Zi Xuan who told Long Xingyi about Qin Hao's becoming the Pavilion Master of the Library.

It was she who was hinting to Long Xingyi that this was Long Xingyi's last chance and he must not give up.

Zixuan walked slowly to Long Xingyi, took out a handkerchief, and wiped the sweat from Long Xingyi's forehead:

"Junior brother, you have been practicing for several hours, why don't you take a rest first?"

Long Xingyi looked at the senior sister in front of him who cared so much for him, and the boredom and unhappiness in his heart were instantly swept away.

He shook his head slowly and said: "Senior Sister, I'm not tired yet, I want to get started with the Dragon Sword Technique before the pavilion master returns."

When he said this, his eyes were extremely firm.

"Well, I believe you."

Zixuan bit her lip, hesitated to speak and nodded.

If we say that in this world, the person who knows Long Xingyi best is her Zi Xuan.

Ever since Zixuan was rescued by Long Xingyi's mother, she had been watching Long Xingyi grow up. The two of them were childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts.

Long Xingyi's talent is mediocre in the family, no matter what Cultivation Technique he is learning, he is always in the same kind of little transparency in the family.

If it weren't for the name of a direct descendant of the Long family, he would never have been able to come into contact with such a profound Sword Technique as Zhanlong Sword Technique in his life.

But Long Xingyi has one advantage, that is, he works very hard, can endure hardships, and has amazing perseverance.

She firmly believed that Long Xingyi would one day stand out.

When Long Xingyi heard Zixuan's words, he felt his whole body recover in an instant, and continued to swing the sword in his hand.

After this practice, it was dawn.

But he still has no clue.

Looking at the sword in his hand, he felt a little discouraged, but he didn't dare to show it in front of Zixuan.

"Senior sister, you have worked hard all night, go back and rest."

Zixuan nodded: "Well, you have to take care of yourself too. In a few days it will be the Inner Sect assessment of our lineage. I'm afraid I don't have time to come and see you."

Long Xingyi couldn't help feeling a little lonely when he heard the words "Inner Sect assessment".

Once upon a time, he and Senior Sister Zixuan made an agreement to become the Inner Sect together from the Outer Sect, and then become a personal heir.

Senior Sister Zixuan has become an inner disciple by virtue of her own strength, but he can only rely on the shadow of his family to barely rank among the ranks of the Inner Sect.

Now Senior Sister Zixuan has the strength to compete for the top ten in Inner Sect.

And he didn't even have the chance to participate in the Inner Sect assessment.

However, in front of the person he admired, Long Xingyi did not show the slightest bit of disappointment, the corners of his mouth slightly raised and he said:

"Senior Sister Zixuan, come on, I know you will do it."

Zixuan smiled slightly: "Well, I will definitely take this part of my junior brother and work hard together."

"Senior sister, I'll take you down the mountain."

"it is good."

The young couple walked down the mountain facing the rising sun.

After Long Xingyi bid farewell to Zixuan, he returned to the mountain without resting, and was still cultivating crazily.

Inner Sect assessed these four words, which deeply hurt his heart.

The door of the Library also opened slowly.

Handymen, Outer Sect, and inner discipline arrived one after another.

Seeing Long Xingyi who was cultivating, they passed by expressionlessly.

No one taunted or greeted him.

It's just that someone cast a puzzled look at him.

Everyone is someone who was forgotten by the Supreme Sword Sect.

Why are you still pretending to be working hard.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all messed up together?

As the sun rises slowly.

Gan Zhenduo and Zhao Zhixun also appeared in front of Library.

When they saw Long Xingyi who was cultivating, they looked at each other.

"Why are you working so hard all of a sudden, boy?"

Gan Zhenduo stepped forward and asked.

Long Xingyi stopped what he was doing, and saluted Gan Zhenduo.

"Meet the two senior brothers."

"I want to fight for the dream in my heart."

When Gan Zhenduo heard this, he patted him on the shoulder: "Yes, there is a future."

"But a lot of hard work requires finding the right direction."

What he is walking now is the Way of Return to Self.

It can also be regarded as another character of the Grandmaster, who can see the flaws in Long Xingyi's Sword Technique at a glance.

It's just that the two of them were just casual acquaintances, if Qin Hao hadn't casually called this kid a few words.

Gan Zhenduo would not even say this to him.

"Thank you, brother, for your advice."

Although Long Xingyi's talent was mediocre, he was not a fool, and he immediately understood what the other party meant.

But he didn't know how to work hard.

For a moment, Long Xingyi fell into deep thought.

He didn't deliberately ask Gan Zhenduo how he should work hard.

It is already a great gift for him that the senior brother is willing to give him some advice.

After Zhao Zhixun and Gan Zhenduo walked away.

Standing under the scorching sun, Long Xingyi fell into contemplation and confusion, how should he continue to practice the way of the sword?

This stop is one morning.


Qin Hao arrived at the Library leisurely riding a big white.

It's been a long time since he fished, so he decided to come to the Library to read a book and relax.

From afar, Qin Hao saw a familiar figure standing in front of the Library in a daze.

What's wrong with this kid?

Qin Hao patted Dabai's head, Dabai immediately understood, and walked slowly towards Long Xingyi.

"What's wrong with you boy?"


Long Xingyi was pulled back to reality in an instant, he saw Qin Hao looking at him with a smile, and quickly saluted:

"Meet the Pavilion Master."

"I'm thinking about how to continue my own sword path."

Hearing this, Qin Hao smiled and said, "I just happen to be free today, so tell me about your troubles."

Now he does things as he pleases, and when he is in a good mood, it doesn't matter if he gives pointers.

As for whether the other party can comprehend it, that's up to Long Xingyi's own business.

Hearing this, Long Xingyi had a look of joy on his face: "To tell the truth, Pavilion Master, I have been working hard to practice the Long Family's Dragon Slaying Sword Technique these days, but I haven't gotten started after three years of practice."

? ? ?

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, there really was someone in the Supreme Sword Sect who couldn't master a set for three years.

Is this set of Sword Technique difficult?

He suppressed the doubts in his heart, and said lightly: "You first perform it once and show me."


As Long Xingyi said, he began to dance with the sword in his hand, taking every move very seriously.

But from Qin Hao's point of view, there is a sense of disorganization and cultivation for the sake of cultivation.

He didn't interrupt Long Xingyi, but continued watching quietly.

Long Xingyi really practiced this set of Sword Technique hard.

Every move and every style has a good appearance, even perfect, but the only thing missing is that kind of dragon-slaying courage.

Leading to his Sword Technique, it has its shape but no power.

There are two reasons for this: one is that Long Xingyi does not have the belief and determination to slay dragons, and the other is that his understanding is average and he has not realized the key points of this Sword Technique.

After finishing one set, Long Xingyi carefully looked at Qin Hao.

"Also ask the master to give pointers."


Qin Hao waved the folding fan in his hand and said, "This set of Sword Technique is not suitable for you."

When Long Xingyi heard this, his face turned pale, and there was a bit of loneliness in his eyes.

"Pavilion Master, am I not suitable for sword practice as Senior Brother Qian said?"

Qin Hao said with a smile: "This actually is not, you actually have gold and sword dual Spiritual Roots, but you didn't choose the right way."

"And you don't have enough comprehension, but these are not big problems."

"Come on, I'll treat you to a cup of tea today, let's chat while drinking."

Long Xingyi couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said quickly: "Yes, Pavilion Master."

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