Fantasy: I, The Salted Fish Will Become Stronger

Chapter 342 The Three Swords Of The Mad Wave Who Fall In Love With Reading

Inside the Library.

The picture projected by the photo stone is reflected on the ceiling.

In the picture, I saw a man wearing a golden crown, dressed in a fine attire, and exuding superciliousness in his gestures, holding a cold and sharp sword in his hand.

The man didn't speak, but slowly raised the big knife in his hand and swung it in front of him.

It was an unrivaled knife.

It was also an extremely arrogant knife.

When the knife fell, the world changed in an instant.

As if being cut by this knife, a hole could be cut out of the sky.

Even if it's just a picture.

But the three swords of the mad wave saw the knife in front of them, and their hearts still trembled involuntarily.

He almost closed his eyes in fright.

After the man withdrew the knife, he glanced in the direction of the three swords of Kuang Lang.

Although Kuanglang Three Swords knew that the other party was not looking at him, his vest instantly became cold with just such a glance, and he froze in place, unable to utter a word.

The picture in the photo stone quickly disappeared.

But it took a long time before Kuanglang Three Swords came back to his senses.

"The Great Emperor of Crazy Saber really deserves his reputation. Compared with him, I can only be regarded as a wave, and I can't even get a little bit closer to Kuangzi."

He finally understood why Master could know all things.

Sitting in such a library with books from all worlds every day.

As Master's Talent, knowing everything is only a matter of time.


After the three swords of Kuanglang let out a sigh of relief, he put the picture stone back to its original position.

After calming down his own aura, he cast a cleansing spell casually.

After making himself more decent, he slowly went downstairs.

As soon as the three swords of Kuang Lang appeared, they attracted the attention of countless people.

Long Xingyi didn't expect that senior brother would only stay in the Library for three hours.

"Eldest brother, have you gained something?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the Three Swords of the Kuang Lang with some expectation, after all, the big guys had never seen his full strength.

Kuanglang Three Swords nodded: "That's right, I have a little insight, why don't we discuss it, and I will suppress the Cultivation Base in the same Realm as you."


Long Xingyi also knew that cultivating hard by himself was like building a car behind closed doors, not to mention that senior brother's insight was much higher than he didn't know.

It is also a good thing to be able to get advice from a big brother.

"Then let's go outside."

Under the gaze of everyone, the two walked towards the outside of the Library.

The two stood in front of the open space, Kuanglang said with three swords: "Junior brother, swords have no eyes, how about we use branches to learn from each other?"

"Right on my mind."

Long Xingyi also knew that everyone in Yuzhu Garden practiced with wooden swords.

Kuanglang Three Swords gave a familiar handyman disciple in the crowd a look.

The handyman disciple immediately understood, and handed over two branches in a short while.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being a little jealous of this kid.

How can you be favored by a senior brother with a mere handyman disciple?

The two ignored the gazes of the people around them, and after taking the branch, they closed their eyes together and stood there quietly.

Many people are familiar with this scene. It was also like this when senior brother Long fought with the children of the Long family.

Isn't it just to learn from the brothers in the same sect?

Is it necessary to be so serious?

Also, why does the big brother have to close his eyes? Could it be that this is the method of warfare taught to them by the pavilion master?

Long Xingyi closed his eyes to let himself forget the opponent in front of him, while Kuanglang Three Swords closed his eyes to keep recalling the knife he saw just now.

The biggest function of the photo stone is to record other people's battles so that you can learn from them.

Time ticks, ticks, minutes and seconds.

Neither of them moved.

Seeing that the sky was about to darken, many cultivators became impatient.

If they hadn't been invited to watch this discussion, they would have urged the two to do it.


A gust of wind blows.

It messed up Long Xingyi's hair, and at the same time his heart, his hands.

The branch in his hand suddenly fell forward.


A Sword Qi flashed across impressively.

The Three Swords of the Mad Wave just gently raised the branches in his hand.


A Sword Qi with incomparable arrogance instantly enveloped the surroundings.

What a terrible sword!

After such a thought flashed through everyone's minds, there was a muffled sound in the air.


Accompanied by this muffled sound, Long Xingyi retreated dozens of steps before stopping his footsteps.

There was also a trace of blood spilling from the tiger's mouth holding the branch.

Kuanglang Three Swords slowly opened his eyes, bowed and said, "Junior brother, I offended you."

Long Xingyi returned the courtesy and said: "Senior brother, you are being polite. Why do you want to offend me when you talk about it, but senior brother's swordsmanship seems to have improved to a higher level."

Kuanglang Three Swords shook his head: "It's just a little insight that doesn't count as a higher level. If the younger brother doesn't mind, we will have to learn from each other often in the future."

Long Xingyi smiled and said, "It's exactly what I want."

The people around are already dumbfounded, these two people are really too strong.

No wonder he can become the Pavilion Master's disciple, especially that Senior Brother Kuang Lang may have the true strength.

Kuanglang Three Swords immediately asked: "By the way, can I take the books in the library of Brother Long back to read?"

Long Xingyi didn't expect Senior Brother Kuang Lang to fall in love with reading books, which seems to be a bit inconsistent with his name.

"Brother, you can't take it back, you need merit, but you can watch it in the library, but the library will be closed at night."

"It's okay, I can just rest in the Library."

Kuanglang Three Swords said indifferently.

When the surrounding disciples heard this, they didn't know how to evaluate this senior brother Kuanglang.

Do you really love reading that much?

Kuanglang Three Swords fulfilled his promise in front of everyone, and after fighting Long Xingyi, he returned to the Library to continue reading.

He didn't come out until the library gate was closed.

Looking at the closed door, Long Xingyi thought: I have to continue to work hard, otherwise I will be left behind by Senior Brother and Junior Brother Ye.

After he returned to his small courtyard, he took Zixuan to practice sword practice with him.

Zixuan felt that Long Xingyi was a little weird, but she didn't ask any more questions, and just quietly accompanied him to practice.

Qin Hao has taken in two new disciples, which is not a big deal in Supreme Sword Sect.

But it still attracted the attention of some families.

Especially the Ye family, they really want to know what kind of avenue Ye Wuying has learned from Qin Hao.

When it was arranged for him to go to Shushan to practice, the Ye family had a word in advance, and once Ye Wuying learned the Dao, he would share it with the Ye family.

It's just that after several days of Ye Wuying's apprenticeship, he didn't return.

Therefore, the Ye family sent disciples to Shushan to look for Ye Wuying.

The inner disciple randomly found a fellow student in Shushan and asked, "Excuse me, where does Brother Ye Wuying live?"

The fellow said: "Senior Brother Ye Wuying is not at his place, but at Luoyue Cliff."

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