"The young Confucian of Zhengqi Academy——Meng Jiwen."

"It is rumored that his way of learning is unparalleled in the entire Zhengqi Academy, and Zhengqi Academy has already trained him as the next dean."

"I don't know what kind of remarks he will bring to the big guys today."

The cultivators present began to discuss upon seeing Meng Jiwen.

The cultivator of the nine major forces saw that Meng Jiwen didn't show the slightest contempt on his face, but looked at him with great interest.

Beigong Linglong nodded slightly towards him: "I heard that Mr. Meng is unparalleled in literature and morality, today I will listen to Mr. Dao with all ears."

Meng Jiwen said modestly with a refined face: "Xiaosheng has only achieved something in his mind and learning, and he can't be regarded as unparalleled in literature and morals."

After saying that, he bowed slightly to the cultivators present and said:

"I have been practicing literature and Taoism for more than eighty years, and I have been studying mind studies for a year. I have gained some experience these days: Only by studying things and extending knowledge can I prove the Tao.

Knowing good and knowing evil is liangzhi, doing good and eliminating evil is investigating things.

Conscience is the essence of the heart, no good and no evil is the heart of selfless material desires, and only selfless desires in the heart can prove the way of the world. "

The cultivators present, except for some monster cultivators, are mostly people who have read books.

Meng Jiwen's words were quickly understood.

Standing beside Qin Hao, Kuanglang Three Swords said in a low voice: "Master, what Mr. Meng and you said about breaking the illusory and revealing the original mind are similar to each other."

Qin Hao took a sip of tea and nodded slightly: "There are indeed some similarities, but this Mr. Meng's way is only suitable for those who have no desires and desires."

"It does not conform to the cultivation of ordinary people like us."

Kuanglang Three Swords had a thoughtful look on his face when he heard the words.

Some cultivators on the top of Mount Hua are also whispering about Meng Jiwen's views in private.

Some people gave him a thumbs up, as if listening to what you said was better than reading for ten years.

But others dismissed it.

"You nerds from Zhengqi Academy just like to talk about big principles. Although your way of learning from the heart is wonderful, but in my eyes, it is just a small Daoer?"

A disdainful voice sounded from the top of Mount Hua.

Let everyone present hear clearly.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound in unison, only to see the Golden-winged Great Peng taking a sip of wine arrogantly.

Meng Jiwen didn't mean to be angry, but asked instead: "I don't know what your Highness Dapeng thinks?"

Golden-winged Great Peng stood up and said arrogantly: "Your so-called way of learning from the heart is to put people first and the heart as the way.

But all living beings are ignorant, regardless of people, demons, demons, ghosts, etc., all have the seven emotions and six desires.

Only a Saint can have no selfish desires in his heart, how many Saints can he be with in the Profound Sky Continent for ten thousand years?

The way that only a few people can cultivate, what is it if it is not a small way? "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of everyone who had previously dismissed Golden-winged Great Peng changed instantly.

Although this Golden-winged Great Peng was a bit mean-spirited, there was nothing wrong with his words.

Meng Jiwen cupped his hands and said: "His Royal Highness, Xiaosheng has been taught, what is the Dao in your opinion?"

His tone is very humble, and his manner is refined, which makes it hard to find any faults.

Seeing him like this, everyone couldn't help but respect him a little more.


Golden-winged Great Peng snorted coldly, in his opinion, this Human Cultivator is just putting on a show.

"In my opinion, the true avenue needs to comply with the destiny and be recognized by Heavenly Dao, and at the same time stimulate one's own blood to combine oneself with Heavenly Dao.

My monster race absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, feeds back to itself, and cultivates the law of heaven and earth, so as to mobilize the power of Heavenly Dao.

As soon as the law of heaven and earth comes out, the gods and demons retreat!

The Cultivation Technique that you and other human races cultivated also borrowed from the power of heaven, earth, sun, moon, mountains and rivers to fit Heavenly Dao. In my opinion, it is only a difference in form, and there is no distinction between good and bad.

As long as everyone can find their own path of cultivation, they can set foot on the road. "

After the words fell, the audience was silent.

No one expected that the Golden-winged Great Peng, who looks like a barbarian from top to bottom, could paint such a picture of the road.

After Meng Jiwen cupped hands towards the opponent, he retreated to his own position.

This move showed that he had lost in this debate.

No one blamed Meng Jiwen, after all, they couldn't find any angle to refute Golden-winged Great Peng's argument for a while.

Golden-winged Great Peng glanced at everyone present, and said arrogantly:

"Who else wants to stand up and discuss with me?"

Crazy, this guy is really crazy!

In Human Cultivator, many people feel that their faces are dull.

The cultivators of Dragon Palace and Qingqiu didn't express anything.

Strictly speaking, they are all members of the Yaozu.

Naturally, Golden-winged Great Peng will not be dismantled at this time.

Seeing the silence of the audience, Golden-winged Great Peng sneered: "When I was in Wanyao Mountain, I heard the children say how amazing this group of heroes is.

Seeing it today, it's nothing more than that. There are so many Human Cultivators, and it's a shame to let only one scholar come out. "

As soon as this map was shot, Human Cultivator couldn't hold back his face.

Not only the Rogue Cultivators, but even the cultivators of several major forces are a little bit uneasy.

It's just that these two guys raised their voices so high that they couldn't find a point of discussion for a while.

At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother Diao, you like to talk about Taoism, don't you, then I will have a good chat with you."

After the words fell, everyone turned their eyes to the direction where the voice came from.

On the Supreme Sword Sect's seat, a young man was waving a folding fan with a smile on his face.

The hope ignited in the hearts of many Human Cultivators was instantly extinguished.

How is it the cultivator of Supreme Sword Sect?

Golden-winged Great Peng originally wanted to humiliate the opponent, but when he saw the banner of Supreme Sword Sect, he changed his words again:

"You Supreme Sword Sect, don't bring out the theory that one sword breaks ten thousand ways."

There was no change in his tone, but there was nothing aggressive in his words.

Qin Hao didn't expect the Golden-winged Great Peng to suddenly become easy to talk to.

He said with a smile: "When I gave instructions to my disciples recently, I specially wrote a method of visualization."

"Please also appreciate it."

Golden-winged Great Peng said with some surprise: "You Supreme Sword Sect still has someone creating their own way to enter the Tao?"

Gan Zhenduo was not happy when he heard this, and he was not afraid in the presence of his master.

"His Royal Highness, don't look down on people. My master is best at instructing others to practice and helping them to realize the Tao. No matter what kind of person you are, he can point you to the right way."

Golden-winged Great Peng paused: "Well, then today I want to hear what makes this visualization method different?"

Qin Hao said lightly: "My method of visualization has two core points, one is to observe the prehistoric universe and all things in the world, and to understand the way of the Dao; I can walk out of the unique avenue that belongs to own!"

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