Fantasy: I, The Salted Fish Will Become Stronger

Chapter 395 This Design Reaches Our Knowledge Blind Spot

In the yard.

A twelve or thirteen-year-old girl stood in the courtyard with a full face of grievance, and there was a writing brush hidden behind her.

In front of her, a stern middle-aged man with a stern face, still stepped on a broken inkstone.

Seeing this scene, Nalanqin instantly remembered, isn't this the time when he was forced to practice swords by his father when he was a child?

At that time, Nalanqin didn't like to dance with swords, but wanted to be a quiet and beautiful girl.

Writing poems and painting every day, life can be said to be carefree.

I don't know when, her father started to let her practice sword.

And she is not allowed to waste all her time on reading and writing.

There is only half an hour of rest every day, and she will take out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to write and draw, and record her own mood by the way.

But as she practiced for longer and longer, she gradually became famous and became a genius girl of the Nalan family.

Later, he was favored by Youyun Sword Sect.

After arriving at the Youyun Sword Sect, she had completely forgotten that she practiced sword at the beginning just to make her father happy, allowing herself to play alone for half an hour.

It turns out that what I like most in my heart is not practicing swords, but reading, being a quiet and beautiful girl.

Seeing this, Nalanqin found that his surroundings suddenly became pitch black.

After a while, a light pulled her back from the darkness.

She looked for the light and saw that she was lying on the lawn and fell asleep.

Thinking that there were two male cultivators beside her, Na Lanqin couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Fortunately, the two seniors are closing their eyes and resting their minds, so they probably didn't see my ugly appearance.

Nalanqin could only comfort herself in this way in her heart.

"you're awake."

Gan Zhenduo slowly opened his eyes.


Nalanqin looked at the second brother carefully, thinking: he should not have opened his eyes just now, right?

"What do you see deep down inside?"

Gan Zhenduo asked calmly.

"I saw that the purpose of learning swords at first was to read and write more."

After Nalanqin finished speaking, she immediately lowered her head.

Am I too unpromising? Others practice swords to become stronger, but I just want to play for a while.

Gan Zhenduo seemed to have seen through her mind, and said with a smile: "Little girl, don't think too much, I learned swords back then to pretend."

? ? ?

Nalan Qin looked at the second brother in a daze, she couldn't understand what those two words meant for a moment.

Seeing her expression, Gan Zhenduo immediately explained: "It means to appear holy in front of others."

"Practicing swords for the sake of reading, it's hard to touch my blind spot of knowledge. After all, I only like spending money, and I don't like reading books!"

He turned his head to look at Kuang Lang Sanjian who was still reciting Buddhist scriptures and said: "Brother Kuang Lang, why don't you let this little girl give you advice?"

Kuanglang Three Swords stopped reciting scriptures, slowly opened his eyes and said: "Although I have read a lot, I am not good at literature and Taoism. Let Master teach her."

Gan Zhenduo looked at the little girl and said, "You are so lucky that you can get advice from your master."

"Is it Mr. Qin?"

Nalan Qin asked curiously.

Gan Zhenduo: "That's right, it's Shigong, let's go, let's go back first."

The Nalanqin people were a little dizzy, why did they call Mr. Qin Shigong and the other Shizun, but they called each other Shibro?

Before she could figure it out, Kuanglang Three Swords swung Nalanqin back to the entrance of the restaurant.


As soon as he opened the door, he saw Shi Xuan walking into the lobby with a pile of firewood.

"Junior has met the two seniors."

Gan Zhenduo: "Why did you bring firewood in?"

Shi Xuan asked: "Senior, didn't you say it's getting cold, do you need to burn firewood for warmth?"

Gan Zhenduo said angrily: "The firewood is for burning charcoal, otherwise the house will be full of smoke, who will come to drink?"

Shi Xuan: "..."

His majestic young master of the Shi family really hadn't considered this issue.

And I have never been exposed to what these lower Riba people do.

"Junior is going to burn charcoal in the yard now."

Gan Zhenduo waved his hand angrily: "Go, go, remember to put all the charcoal in a jar."


After Shi Xuan left, Gan Zhenduo turned his attention to the little girl again.

"You wipe the table and clean up first, the master hasn't gotten up yet."

Nalanqin was obviously taken aback when he heard this, but still responded: "Okay."

Why did the cultivator sleep for so long?

Isn't it enough to meditate for a few hours?

But thinking of being able to get Mr. Qin's advice at night, she was still very happy in her heart.


The day passed quickly.

all day.

Nalanqin was a little out of control, all he could think about was Mr. Qin's advice to Own at night.

Even broke a few wine glasses.

Was reprimanded by the younger brother.

At last the night came.

Nalan Qin obediently went up to the second floor, sat timidly at a corner of the table, and looked up at Mr. Qin from time to time.

"How is your instruction today?"

Qin Hao asked a routine question.

Gan Zhenduo stood up and said, "Master, this little girl still needs your help, otherwise Senior Brother Kuanglang and I won't be able to teach her."

Qin Hao said with a smile: "One of you is a little Great Master, and the other is famous all over the world. It's funny that you can't even teach a little girl."

His tone was very flat, but these words set off a storm in Nalan Qin's ears.

The little Great Master is famous all over the world.

What is the real identity of the second brother and the shopkeeper?

I haven't heard any rumors about these two before.

And this restaurant obviously popped up out of nowhere.

Kuanglang Three Swordsman said: "Master, it's not that we can't do it, but this little girl, the purpose of practicing swords is to study."

Qin Hao took a sip of wine and said, "Little girl, do you like drinking?"

Nalan Qin shook his head: "Mr. Qin, girls should not drink too much."

Qin Hao said: "That's a pity, otherwise I would have thought you had the potential to become Qinglian Sword Immortal."

Qinglian Sword Immortal!

Everyone who heard these four words showed curiosity on their faces.

The cultivator in the world can be called the sword fairy, and all of them are the existence of the famous Nine Heavens.

But these four words, they have never heard of it.

Gan Zhenduo asked curiously: "Master, is there anything different about this Qinglian Sword Immortal?"

Qin Hao said with a smile: "This Qinglian Sword Immortal is also known as the Poetry Immortal. He is a master of both poetry and swordsmanship. He is also good at drinking. He can write poems that will last forever when he drinks."

"I didn't expect that there are such strange people in the world. I really want to see the way of this poet fairy."

Kuanglang Three Swords couldn't help muttering.

Qin Hao did not continue this question, but set his sights on Nalan Qin.

"Little girl, do you want to have both books and swords?"

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