Fantasy: I, The Salted Fish Will Become Stronger

Chapter 407 Is The Disciple Of Jiuyou Sacred Land Out Of His Mind?

It's three quarters.

The restaurant is open as normal.

Shangguan Feiyu came to the restaurant at the same time as yesterday.

As soon as she entered the door, she heard a discussion.

"Look, the cultivator of Jiuyou Sacred Land is here again."

"Looking at this disciple's temperament, this attire is obviously not an ordinary disciple."

"Do you think she came to stand up for those fools in Jiuyou Sacred Land?"


Shangguan Feiyu subconsciously looked for the voice when she heard the discussion of the crowd.

I saw a female cultivator with the imprint of the Nine Nethers on her forehead, sitting alone in a corner drinking alcohol.

It's just that her posture is a bit indecent.

She is obviously a great beauty, but with one foot on the chair and one hand on her waist, she has no lady image at all.

If I am like her, I am afraid that I will be nagged by my grandma.

But the rest of the restaurant was full of people.

Only this seat is left unoccupied.

It must be that those cultivators are afraid that the conflict between the two parties will be affected later.

Shangguan Feiyu is not afraid of these things, she herself came out of the forbidden area, and she has never seen any big wind and waves.

Even if they fight, he also has protective treasures, which can help him retreat completely.

So she put the two ghost stones on the counter, poured a jug of wine, took a delicate wine glass and sat opposite the beautiful sister.

Jiuyou Holy Maiden naturally heard those people's discussions.

It's just that she didn't expect that under such circumstances, someone would dare to sit with her.

Inadvertently looked at the beautiful and moving girl in front of him with admiration.

Apart from drinking, Jiuyou Holy Maiden likes sex the most.

Whether it's a beautiful girl or a beautiful boy, she likes to watch it.

Of course, it's just a simple liking, and there is no special tendency.

It is precisely because of her high vision that so far no male cultivator has been able to fall into her eyes.

As a result, her father kept urging her to get married.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to come out this time, Murong Yanran secretly said in her heart: If you don't play enough, you will never go back, so as not to listen to bastards chanting scriptures.

Shangguan Feiyu was a little unaware of the elder sister's eyes, she asked subconsciously.

"Is there something unclean on my face, sister?"

"No no."

While talking, Murong Yanran wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth with her hand.

"I'm just curious who is so bold as to sit on my side, but you don't have to worry, there will be a fight later, sister, I will protect you."

Shangguan Feiyu looked at the other party's nonchalant appearance, and suddenly felt a feeling of wanting to run away.

Murong Yanran looked carefree, held the wine glass in her hand and said: "Meeting is fate, we sisters always go together."

"it is good."

Shangguan Feiyu was taken aback by Murong Yanran's sudden bewildering behavior, but she still subconsciously clinked her wine glass with her.

Anyway, there are rules in the restaurant, you can't use force.

She was not worried that this young lady who behaved strangely would do something wrong to her.

After the restaurant is full.

Nalanqin walked carefully to the shopkeeper, and said in a low voice:

"Master, the cultivator from Jiuyou Sacred Land is here."

Kuanglang Three Swords smiled and said: "It's okay, as long as she doesn't make trouble, we don't need to pay attention to her."

After a while, Qin Hao's voice came from upstairs.

"Today, I will continue to tell you the story of Emperor Ba."

As soon as these words came out, the guests in the restaurant suddenly became excited.

"It's the sheep again, good job!"

"I like to listen to Li Qiye pretend."


Shangguan Feiyu and Murong Yanran turned their eyes to the second floor when they heard the discussion.

"What a handsome young gentleman."

When Murong Yanran saw that Mr. Qin, her eyes lit up.

She raised the wine glass in her hand and said: "Little Sister, for such a handsome little man, let's have a drink."

? ? ?

Shangguan Feiyu was confused by her familiar movements.

This beautiful sister is pretty, but she doesn't seem to be very smart.

She subconsciously set her eyes on the other side.

Looking at the ready to come out in front of the other party, an indecent word popped up in his mind.

After half an hour.

Qin Hao changed the topic.

"Today's storytelling ends here."

The faces of the guests present showed unsatisfactory expressions.

Qin Hao didn't care about everyone's expressions, and sat quietly by the side, drinking some wine and eating fennel beans.

His eyes subconsciously swept across the first floor.

The cultivator of Jiuyou Sacred Land.

But he glanced away, because the person who came was drinking non-stop.

That bleary-eyed look didn't look like he was here to find fault.

After an hour, no one yelled out that "Xiao Er serves wine".

Two hours passed.

Gan Zhenduo immediately yelled: "Close!"

Only then did the cultivators come to their senses.

They subconsciously looked in the direction of Jiuyou Sacred Land cultivator.

Could it be a fake Jiuyou Sacred Land cultivator?

Even now is drinking.

Could it be that she doesn't even want the Face of Sacred Land.

at this time.

Murong Yanran suddenly said, "It's a pity."

As soon as the words fell, everyone present showed expressions of watching a play.

Their eyes kept sweeping back and forth between the shopkeeper and the Jiuyou Sacred Land cultivator.

Inadvertently, there was a faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

Although Shangguan Feiyu was not afraid of things, what happened to the sudden smell of gunpowder?

Murong Yanran saw that the audience was completely silent, everyone stood in place like wooden stakes and stretched in place.

"Ah... such a good wine can only be drunk for two hours."

As she spoke, she stood up slowly, and said to the little beauty in front of her, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

Shangguan Feiyu had a look on his face: (′⊙ω⊙`).

Subconsciously said something.

"I'll be back tomorrow."


Murong Yanran said excitedly: "Then let's meet at this wine table tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, she walked slowly towards the counter with the jug in her hand.

"Shopkeeper, can you take this wine out?"

Kuanglang Three Swords said indifferently: "No drinks from this restaurant are allowed to take away."

"All right."

Murong Yanran had a helpless expression on her face, and then walked out the door.

After her back disappeared, the cultivators present came back to their senses.

Everyone had incredible expressions on their faces.

Seeing the disappointment in the eyes of these people, Gan Zhenduo said angrily:

"It's closed, it's closed, what are you still doing here?"

When everyone heard this, they quickly said: "Okay, okay."

Shangguan Feiyu and the others had almost left, when they suddenly raised their heads and said to Qin Hao who was eating fennel beans on the second floor.

"Mr. Qin, I will come tomorrow until our agreement ends."

When Qin Hao heard this, he almost choked on the fennel beans.

He looked at the beautiful girl suspiciously.

He is so good-looking, but why is his brain so messed up?

He watched the other party go away, took a sip of wine and swallowed the fennel beans, and said lightly: "You just want to be happy."

Hearing this, Shangguan Feiyu suddenly turned her head and gave Qin Hao a supercilious look.

"An inexplicable woman."

After the guests leave.

Everyone except Qin Hao started to get busy.

Everyone is doing their own job.

After everyone finishes work.

Night fell.

Gan Zhenduo sat next to Qin Hao and asked, "Master, do you think the cultivator from Jiuyou Sacred Land today is out of his mind?"

Qin Hao asked curiously, "Why did you say that?"

Gan Zhenduo said: "According to our previous rules, aren't they all beaten up to grow old?"

"Why did she patronize drinking as soon as she came in?"

Qin Hao said flatly: "It doesn't matter what she is here for, the enemy will not move, and I will not move."

After hearing what he said, everyone no longer bothered about the matter of Jiuyou Sacred Land cultivator.

Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

Nalanqin still got up early and began to practice.

Shi Xuan sat beside him chopping firewood, watching Nalan Qin's sword point piercing through sheets of paper.

After Nalan Qin finished his training, he couldn't help asking: "Nalan Little Sister, your way of training is too unique, isn't it?"

Nalanqin smiled and said, "Thank you brother Shi Xuan for your concern. This is the cultivation method taught by Mr. One day, I will be able to write my own story on this piece of paper with Sword intent."

When Shi Xuan heard that this cultivation method was taught by Mr. Qin, he immediately shut his mouth.

Mr. Qin is not something he can talk about.

But, when can I pass Mr. Qin's test?

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the restaurant to open again.

As soon as Nalanqin opened the door, she saw a familiar face.

The cultivator of Jiuyou Sacred Land!

Murong Yanran looked at the little girl in front of her with a smile and said, "Good afternoon, Little Sister!"


After Na Lanqin saluted the other party, he stood aside and started his own work.

Murong Yanran walked to the counter, put on two Spirit Stones, and then walked towards the seat where she was sitting yesterday with a jar of wine in her arms...

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