Fantasy: I Was Chosen As A Saint In Women's Clothing

Chapter 79 Help Feng Yu'er To Become Perfect (Subscription Required)

What did Feng Yuer go through when she broke through the Houtian Realm?

By the way, my mother said that Feng Yuer's physique is different from ours, and she doesn't seem to be human.

Is it because of this?

Damn it, can't be compared to her.

"So what, whoever looks at this first!"

Shen Yilian held her head high and said: "Look, my picture is not much bigger than you don't know.

"Hmph, how can you compare to me?"

Chu Xianyue and Wu Yuehan who were in the house heard the competition between the two, and there was a blush on their faces.

These two ghost girls are doing something strange.

Although Chu Xianyue and Wu Yuehan were a little angry in their hearts, they still subconsciously glanced at each other's chest intentionally or unintentionally.

well, almost...


After Shen Yilian sacrificed her ultimate move, Feng Yu'er was suddenly dumbfounded.

Damn it, why did my legs look better after I broke through to Houtian Realm, but it didn't rise at all.

This Shen Yilian is really lucky, just added here.

"Hmph, what's up, there's nothing to say!"

Shen Yilian was very proud.

"Hmph, so what, it's not as good as that little demon girl."

"And our Qinghe's rank is higher than yours!" Feng Yu'er pulled Xiao Qinghe by her side and challenged.

"Hmph, our Linlin's is also wider than hers!"

Not to be outdone, Shen Yilian dragged Ye Linlin to openly grab Ye Linlin in public....

"Senior sister, what are you doing!"

Ye Linlin quickly patted Shen Yilian's hand away, a burst of embarrassment and anger, Xiao Qinghe and Feng Yu'er were still watching, and there were also many junior sisters and younger brothers watching the excitement.

When those male disciples saw this scene, their eyes were burning, and they all showed longing looks.

"Hmph, so what, but our Qinghe can cook, and she is number one on the Qingyan list, can you do it?"

Feng Yu'er revealed Xiao Qinghe's secret of getting the first place in the Qingyan List, Tian Fen was very proud.

It turned out to be because of this.

What do those people think, if they can cook, they can be ranked first?

Not to be outdone, Shen Yilian said: "Hmph, I can do it too, I can learn!"

"Then wait until you learn..."

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, Chu Xianyue and Wu Yuehan walked out.

Shen Yilian and Feng Yuer froze for a moment, why is Chu Xianyue here?

Thinking of the content of the quarrel just now, everything was heard, both of them blushed and lowered their heads.

Chu Xianyue's beautiful figure flickered, and when she came into the air, a light flashed between her fingers, and a fairy ship appeared immediately under her feet.

Chu Xianyue glanced at the two of them, and said with emotion and anger, "You two, hurry up and follow me!"

The two of them immediately jumped to Chu Xianyue's side like two well-behaved cats.

The three masters and apprentices carried the fairy ship and disappeared under countless yearning and fiery eyes.

In Wu Yuehan's room.

"Hmph, isn't it just cooking, what's so great about it!" Shen Yilian was quite unwilling, and Xiao Qinghe actually got the first place because of this.

To cook a dish, don’t you just need your hands?

"You man, are you a cooking material?"

Wu Yuehan poked Shen Yilian's brow lightly, and said helplessly: "You follow Yu'er all day long and strive for strength, when will you be more stable."

"If you were half as gentle and sensible as Qinghe, you would have been number one on the Qingyan List!"

"You still cook, are you the material?"


"I haven't even started yet, why are you pouring cold water on me?" Shen Yilian grabbed Wu Yuehan's jade arm and acted coquettishly.

She didn't have the strength she had just now, in front of outsiders and Wu Yuehan, Shen Yilian was completely two people.

Wu Yuehan said softly: "I gave birth to you for my mother and raised you for more than 20 years, but I still don't know you? How often do things like washing and cooking not give up halfway?"

"It's different this time, hmph, I will definitely surpass Xiao Qinghe in all aspects!"

"By the way, mother, how do you think about what I told you last time? It's time to find a home for yourself... lest you... be alone... …

"Hey, you kid, what are you talking about? Don't mention it any more!"

Thinking of this, Wu Yuehan's gentle (bccc) face showed a touch of shame and anger, her daughter has been planning to find her a home.

Shen Yilian giggled and said: "Okay, okay, if you don't look for it, you won't look for it. In the future, your son-in-law and I will raise you, and I will definitely find a son-in-law who will not dislike you and live with us..."

dislike me?

Wu Yuehan shook her head, alas, this daughter of mine sometimes... 010006512 Feilu 142513221]

Fairy Peak.

"Hmph, Damn it's Shen Yilian, isn't she just wider than me, what's the big deal!"

Here, Feng Yu'er was just as aggrieved as Shen Yilian.

Feng Yu'er glanced at Xiao Qinghe, who was in Pingchuan, and asked tentatively: "By the way, Qinghe, do you know how to make @微广广!"

She thought, it's impossible for a beautiful girl like Xiao Qinghe not to have cared about her figure, and maybe she also knows some secret techniques.

Xiao Qinghe froze for a moment when he heard this, how?


Xiao Qinghe's eyes suddenly lit up, there is a way, and he can squeeze the wool.

Xiao Qinghe immediately made a look of embarrassment.

Seeing Xiao Qinghe like this, Feng Yuer knew that she had a solution, she immediately pulled Xiao Qinghe and asked: "Do you know, tell me quickly, no matter what I open!"

Xiao Qinghe immediately whispered in Feng Yu'er's ear, telling her own method: manual development.

"What, can this work too?"

Feng Yu'er couldn't believe it, she was too shy to touch that place even when washing, and she needed someone to help her.

Xiao Qinghe nodded: "I found this by accident in an ancient book in my hometown. Many people in our area use this method!"

Seeing Xiao Qinghe's confident expression, Feng Yu'er chose to believe.

Brother Xiao Qinghe and brother Xiao Qing are mysterious and unpredictable, she broke through to the Houtian Realm only by relying on Brother Xiao Qing, you know, Master has no way to do it.

But who to look for?

Brother Xiao Qing?

If he asks him to help him with this, he will definitely think that he is an undisciplined girl, which is not good.

But if she was asked to find someone else, it would definitely be impossible.

She would never let anyone other than Brother Xiao Qing touch her in the slightest.

After much deliberation, Feng Yu'er could only focus on Xiao Qinghe.

I don't know if looking for Xiao Qinghe has any effect?

Feng Yu'er took Xiao Qinghe's hand and said with a smile, "Qinghe? How about you help me?"

"Me? I'm afraid it's not good!" Xiao Qinghe deliberately pretended to be unwilling.

"I'll be helping my senior sister, and I'll buy you a beautiful little dress in a few days."

Feng Yu'er pulled her hand over and placed it on the heart.

Feng Yu'er encouraged: "Don't let go, come...",

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