Fantasy: I Ye Langtian, Start Eating Runes

019: Blood Spirit Puppet; Killing The Great Yanzong Sect Leader [Seeking For Flowers And Evaluation

"Sect Leader!"

Seeing this situation, the elders at the top of the Great Yanzong hurriedly said.

Just when he was about to go up to rescue, he was stopped by Yun Pojun, Wei Xiaoying and others!

This time, these people can't take care of themselves!

"Ye Langtian, you want to kill Ben Sect Leader!"

"It's not that easy!"

Dong Lie stood up again and grinned at Ye Langtian.

Then, with a flick of his fingers, a few talismans flew out of his sleeves after a while.

In the light and flint, this Dong Lie almost added hundreds of thousands of pure Yuandan to each talisman.

In this way, Dong Lie has these high-level talismans to help him, and he is confident that he can repel Ye Langtian!

"Oh, do you want to rely on these advanced talismans to deal with me?"

Seeing this, Ye Langtian sneered.

After speaking, his figure came to those high-level talismans like a ghost!

Before these high-level talismans turned on the battle mode, they were violently smashed by him with one punch!

After a few breaths, those talismans were beaten and their limbs flew out!

The sight looks horrible!


"how can that be?!"

Dong Lie was shocked, and suddenly he couldn't believe it.

These high-level talismans have a Cultivation Base that is comparable to the good fortune realm!

Unexpectedly, Ye Langtian punched him!

"In the face of absolute strength, this talisman can't save you!"

"Dong Sect Leader, you should hand over that treasure!"

"I can leave you a whole body!"

Ye Langtian approached step by step, walking towards Dong Lie with an indifferent tone.

You must know that the rune is not only a wonder of heaven and earth, but there are too many things behind it!

It is not something that he, the leader of the first-class forces of the Dayong Dynasty, can entertain!

"You really came for that thing!"

Hearing this, Dong Lie's face was shocked, and he stared at Ye Langtian!

Then he suddenly asked:

"Can you tell me this dying man, what that treasure is?"

While speaking, Dong Lie secretly offered his last trump card!

A blood spirit puppet comparable to the Nirvana realm!

There are many ways to refine talismans.

But to talk about the cruelest among them, there is nothing more than the blood spirit puppet!

This blood spirit puppet is made by living people, and the process is quite ferocious!

This also led to the great resentment of the refined blood spirit puppets, and a careless one could devour the master!

So, for this killer!

Dong Lie wouldn't take it out unless he had to!

But right now, he has the worry of his life, and if he doesn't take it out, I'm afraid he will fall here today!

Here, Ye Langtian saw the coldness in Dong Lie's eyes, how could he not know what he was thinking!

He knew that this Great Yanzong secretly refined a blood spirit puppet!

Therefore, Ye Langtian's heart fluttered, his palm was empty, and he captured the Xuanjun Peak!

"No nonsense, kill you, and the treasure will naturally come to me!"

After speaking, Ye Langtian urged that Xuan Junfeng with all his strength to shoot at Dong Lie!

Aware of the sudden oppression above his head, Dong Lie's expression changed greatly, and he was so frightened that he lost his mind!

Before he could activate the blood spirit puppet, Xuan Junfeng roared down!

He was directly shaken to death on the spot, and his internal organs were torn apart!

Dong Lie didn't know until he died that Ye Langtian would be so ruthless that he could sense the crisis in advance!


"Sect Leader is dead!"

at the same time.

When the high-level officials of the Great Yanzong saw Dong Lie in such a miserable state, they all screamed!

No more confrontational hearts!

Now, even the backbone of Dong Lie is dead.

Everyone is leaderless, and Ye Langtian, the god of killing, is here. If we continue to fight, it will undoubtedly be a dead end!

Therefore, almost at The next moment, many strong people of the Great Yanzong chose to surrender one after another, kneeling down and begging for mercy!

Seeing this, Ye Langtian's face was calm, he glanced at Yun Pojun and Wei Xiaoying, and commanded in a deep voice:

"The next thing is up to you!"

"Kill some people who deserve to be killed, don't show mercy!"

"In addition, no one can enter the city without my order, and those who violate the order will be executed!"

Hearing this, the two quickly agreed:

"Yes, Young Master Ye!"

After saying that, Ye Langtian jumped into the depths of Dayan City with Dong Lie's broken body at once!

Seeing this scene, Yun Pojun and Wei Xiaoying secretly glanced at each other.

The two of them knew that the last time the Great Yanzong took a great treasure from the Great Yan Ancient Monument!

Now that he is dead, Ye Langtian must go to scavenge the treasure!

At the same time, the two of them are also clear in their hearts that some things cannot be inquired, and they can only be obediently rotten in their stomachs!

Fortunately, now that Dong Lie is dead, the collapse of the Great Yanzong is inevitable!

The two of them still have a lot to do!


Here, Ye Langtian carried Dong Lie who had just died, and in a few breaths, he came to a hall in the headquarters of the Great Yanzong!

"I don't know, is the Devouring Talisman on Dong Lie?"

After letting go of Dong Lie, Ye Langtian swept away his spiritual thoughts, but found nothing!

"It seems that we can only search for his memory!"

Ye Langtian shook his head helplessly, and then separated a trace of spiritual sense, invaded the latter's sea of ​​consciousness, and prepared to investigate.

After a few breaths, Ye Langtian suddenly looked happy and smiled.

"This old guy, really cautious, actually hid the Devouring Talisman in a cave in the depths of the Xuanyin Mountains."

"However, the less people who know about the Devouring Rune, the better."

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Langtian summoned the ring on Dong Lie's finger, and turned around and swept away into the depths of the Xuanyin Mountains.

As for why he took the receiving ring, because the blood spirit puppet is in this receiving ring!


[Everyday ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ticket, ask for monthly ticket]

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